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Chapter 3 – Computer System Structure
Computer-System Structure
Device Controller Interface
Error code
busy done
0 idle
1 finished
0 working
1 (undefined)
Data 0
Data 1
Data n-1
Computer System Operation
 Each device controller is in charge of a particular
device type (disk drive, video displays etc).
 I/O devices and the CPU can execute concurrently.
 Each device controller has a local buffer.
 CPU moves data from/to main memory to/from local
 I/O is from the device to local buffer of controller.
 Device controller informs CPU that it has finished its
operation by causing an interrupt.
I/O Devices
 How does the computer communicate with an I/O device?
 device controller has a set of registers: Command reg.,
Status reg., Data regs., Address regs, etc.
Status reg.: tells the computer the status of device: idle,
busy, non functional, etc.
A process can request an operation from device by
placing a command in device’s Command reg.
Data regs. Are used to exchange data
Address regs: used to indicate address of
Performing a Write Operation
while(deviceNo.busy || deviceNo.done) <waiting>;[0] = <value to write>
deviceNo.command = WRITE;
while(deviceNo.busy) <waiting>;
deviceNo.done = TRUE;
• Devices much slower than CPU
• CPU waits while device operates
• Would like to multiplex CPU to a different
process while I/O is in process
Ready Processes
Ready Processes
Ready Processes
CPU-I/O Overlap
I/O Operation
Uses CPU
External Interrupts
 Def 1. An external interrupt is a temporal suspension of a process
caused by an event external to that process and performed in such a
way that the process can be resumed.
 Def 2. An event external to the currently executing process that causes
a change in the normal flow of instruction execution; usually generated
by hardware devices external to the CPU
Why Interrupt?
 People like connecting devices
 A computer is much more than the CPU Keyboard,
mouse, screen, disk drives,
 Scanner, printer, sound card, camera, etc.
 These devices occasionally need CPU service
 But we can’t predict when
 External events typically occur on a macroscopic
 We want to keep the CPU busy between events
Need a way for CPU to find out devices need attention
Possible Solution: Polling
 CPU periodically checks each device to see if it needs
 Takes CPU time even when no requests pending
 can be efficient if events arrive rapidly
“Polling is like picking up your phone every few seconds
to see if you have a call. …”
Alternative: Interrupts
 Give each device a wire (interrupt line) that it can use to
signal the processor
 When interrupt signaled, processor executes a routine called an
interrupt handler to deal with the interrupt
 No overhead when no requests pending
“Polling is like picking up your phone every few seconds
to see if you have a call. Interrupts are like waiting for the
phone to ring.”
Hardware Interrupt Handling
Hardware Interrupt Handling
 CPU checks for interrupts after each instruction.
 If no interrupts, then fetch next instruction of current program.
 If an interrupt is pending, then suspend execution of the current
program. The processor sends an acknowledgement signal to the
device that issued the interrupt so that the device can remove its
interrupt signal.
 Interrupt architecture saves the address of the interrupted
instruction (and values of other registers).
 Interrupt transfers control to the interrupt service routine
(Interrupt Handler), generally through the interrupt vector, which
contains the addresses of all the service routines.
Interrupt Handler
 A program that determines nature of the interrupt and
performs whatever actions are needed
 Upon an interrupt, control is transferred to this program
 Generally part of the operating system
Instruction Cycle with Interrupts
Dealing with Multiple Interrupts
 Disable interrupt while processor is executing an interrupt (i.e.
process the interrupts sequentially).
 Interrupts remain pending until the processor enables
 After interrupt handler routine completes, the processor
checks for additional interrupts.
 Assign priorities to interrupts.
 Higher priority interrupts cause lower-priority interrupts to
 Causes a lower-priority interrupt handler to be interrupted.
 Example: when input arrives from communication line, it
needs to be absorbed quickly to make room for more input.
Dealing with Multiple Interrupts
 A trap is a software-generated interrupt caused by
an error, for example:
 arithmetic overflow/underflow
 division by zero
 execute illegal instruction
 reference outside user’s memory space
Dual-Mode Operation
 Sharing system resources requires that the operating
system ensures a level of protection to the users:
 an incorrect program can not cause other programs to execute
 that a user program cannot have access resource for it does not have
 some operations should not be performed by user programs
 Provide hardware support to differentiate between at least
two modes of operations.
 User mode
 Monitor mode (also kernel mode or system mode) – execution done
on behalf of operating system.
Dual-Mode Operation
 Mode bit was added to computer hardware (in Status
Register) to indicate the current mode:
monitor/system (0) or user (1).
 When an interrupt occurs, trap hardware switches to
monitor mode, at the correct service routine in the
monitor address space - safe!
 Must ensure that a user program could never gain
control of the computer in monitor mode and
privileged Instructions can be executed only in
monitor mode.
Going from User Mode to Supervisor Mode
 When a user program needs service from the OS (e.g.
open a file, read, write, allocate memory etc.), it makes
a system call: i.e. a call to one of the OS functions.
 OS functions must run in supervisor mode.
 User processes run in user mode.
 computer designers had to come up with some kind of
approach that would allow a user process to
miraculously change the CPU mode to supervisor and
branch to one of these OS functions simultaneously.
The trap instruction is just the ticket.
Trap Instruction
 A trap instruction is a machine-level instruction
Switches the CPU mode to supervisor
Looks up the address of the target function in a kernel-space
trap table
Branches to the entry point of the kernel-space function using
the address from the trap table
 The trick is that the instruction does all three of these
steps rather than just one or two. And trap is the only
instruction that sets the CPU mode bit to supervisor.
Trap Instruction
 The system call is translated into a trap instruction
 the trap instruction is a machine level instruction that is
part of the instruction set of the processor
 The trap instruction will do the following:
 change mode-bit to supervisor mode
 jump to a trap handler which will determine which OS
function is being requested etc.
Dual-Mode Operation (Cont.)
Processor must provide the following:
 A Mode-bit flag
 Instruction set: privileged instructions and nonprivileged instructions
 A trap instruction
A. Berrached:CMS:UHD
Dual-Mode Operation
set user mode
Trap instruction is
used to switch to
monitor mode
I/O Protection
 All I/O devices need to be protected from wrongdoing
by the users.
 Instruction to change the mode must be privileged
 All I/O instructions are privileged instructions. Thus
user cannot issue I/O instructions directly.
 Given the I/O instructions are privileged, how does the
user program perform I/O?
 Solution: System Calls (from user programs)
I/O Protection
 When a system call is made, a trap instruction is
 sets the mode to supervisor mode
 OS function verifies that parameters are correct and
legal, executes the request, sets mode to user mode, and
returns control to user program
Use of A System Call to Perform I/O
Memory Protection
 Must provide memory protection at least for the
interrupt vector and the interrupt service routines.
 In general, OS should be protected from user
programs and user programs from each other as well.
 In order to have memory protection, add two registers
that determine the range of legal addresses a program
may access:
 Base register – holds the smallest legal physical
memory address.
 Limit register – contains the size of the range
Example of Memory Protection
Memory Protection
CPU Protection
 A user program must be prevented from getting stuck
in an infinite loop and never returning control to the
OS. To accomplish this, a timer is used.
 A Timer interrupts computer after specified period to
ensure operating system maintains control.
 Timer is decremented every clock tick.
 When timer reaches the value 0, an interrupt occurs.
 Timer commonly used to implement time sharing.
 Load-timer is a privileged instruction.