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Review – Test I
France, England, and the Church
• Phillip IV “The Fair”
– Estates-General
• Unam Sanctum
• Assault on the Pope
• The Avignon Papacy
– Avignon, France
– “The Babylonian
– 1309-1376
• Edward I “Longshanks”
– Wales & Scotland
– William Wallace
– Robert the Bruce
• Parliament – 1295
– House of Lords
– House of Commons
• Treaty of Paris
1259, 1303
Gascony & Aquitaine
Edward II of England
Isabella of France
The Hundred Years War
• Edward III of England
• Phillip VI of France
• Edwardian War
– 1337–1360
• Caroline War
– 1369–1389
• Lancastrian War
– 1415–1453
• Battle of Crecy - 1346
– English Longbow
• Battle of Poitiers - 1356
– Ransom French King
• Battle of Agincourt
– Henry V
• Turning Points:
– Battle of Orléans
• Joan of Arc
– Charles Crowned King
• End of the Hundred Years
War - 1453
• Legacy – Cannon
– Parliament Statue of 1341
– French National Identity
Famine and the Black Death
• Little Ice Age
– Circa 1300-1450
• The Great Famine
– 1315-1322
• The Black Death
– Bubonic Plague
– bacillus Yersinia pestis
• Origin
– China to Kaffa to Sicily
– Genoese trading
• Consequences
Higher standard of living
The Great Schism - Fall of
• Urban VI – Roman Pope
• Clement VII – Avignon
• Calls for Reform
– Lollards - John Wycliffe
– Hussites - Jan Huss
• Conciliarism
• Council of Pisa
– 1409-1410
• Council of Constance
– 1414-1417
– Martin V
– Jan Huss
• Ottoman Turks
– Expansion
• Tamerlane
– “Timur the lame”
• Sultan Mehmed II
• Fall of Constantinople
– May 1453
• Precursors
– Dante
• Divine Comedy
– Classicism
• Humanism
– Petrarch
• Father of Humanism
• Classical & Christian
• Renaissance Art
– Linear Perspective
– Chiaroscuro
• Giotto
– The Father of Renaissance Art
• Donatello
– First great Renaissance
• Leonardo da Vinci
– “Universal Competence”
– Mona Lisa & The Last Supper
• Raphael
– Madonnas
– School of Athens
• Michelangelo
– David
– Frescoes of Sistine Chapel
Northern Renaissance - Early Modern
• Christian-Northern
– Erasmus
• Most Prominent
• “Philosophy of Christ”
– Thomas More
• Utopia
• The Printing Press
– Johann Gutenberg
– Movable Type
• France
– Charles VII
– Standing Army
• England
– War of the Roses
• York (white rose)
• Lancaster (red rose
• Holy Roman Empire
– House of Hapsburg
• Frederick III
• Maximilian I
Early Modern Europe
• Russia
– Ivan III the Great
• Rebellion against Mongols
• Moscow - “The Third
– Ivan IV “Grozny”
• Ivan the Terrible
• Tsar (Czar)
– “Time of Troubles”
• Italian City States
– Republic of Venice
– Republic of Milan
– Republic of Florence
• Medici Family
• Ciompi Revolt
– The Papal States
– Naples/Sicily
– Controlled by Aragon
Iberian States, Africa, & Exploration
• Portugal
Treaty of Windsor - 1386
Prince Henry the Navigator
Bartholomew Diaz
Vasco de Gama
Pedro Álvares Cabral - Brazil
• West Africa
– Mali
– Songhay (Songhai)
• Sunni Ali
– Trade:
• Gold
• Salt
• Slaves
• Amerigo Vespucci
– Mundus Novus
• Castile + Aragon = Spain
Ferdinand & Isabella
“The Catholic Monarchs”
Navarre & Granada
Marital Alliances
Charles I of Spain
• Christopher Columbus
– San Salvador
• The Treaty of Tordesillas
– Spain, Portugal, and Church
Italy, The Church & the French
• Niccolo Machiavelli
– The Prince
– Ends justify the means
• The Borgias
– Pope Alexander VI
– Cesare Borgia
• Pope Julius II
– “Warrior Pope”
• Hapsburg-Valois Wars
• Concordant of Bologna
– Pope Leo X (Medici)
– Francis I of France
– French Government
controls French Clergy
Empire of Charles V
• Charles I of Spain = Charles
V, Holy Roman Emperor
• Conquistadores
– “God, Glory, & Gold”
• Hernán Cortés - 1519
– Aztecs
– New Spain (Mexico)
• Circumnavigation
– Ferdinand Magellan
– Juan Sebastián Elcano
• Francisco Pizzaro - 1531
– Inca
– Insurrections
– Disease
• Catholic Missionaries
– Bartolome de Las Casas
• Labor Servitude
• Encomienda
– Legal grant of the right to the
labor of a specific number of
Indians for a specific amount
of time.
• Repartimiento
– All adult male natives to
devote a certain number of
working days to Spanish
economic enterprises
Protestant Reformation
• German Reformation
– Martin Luther
• “Justification by Faith”
– John Tetzel
– Indulgences
– Luther's Ninety-Five Theses
• Diet of Worms
– Edict of Worms
• Diet of Speyer (1526 &
– Local Princes
– “Protestant”
• Swiss Reformation
– Ulrich Zwingli
• Literal scriptural support
– Anabaptists
• The Marburg Colloquy
– Landgrave Phillip of Hesse
– Luther and Zwingli
• Swiss Civil War
– Battle of Kappel
Protestant Reformation
• English Reformation
Henry VIII
Catherine of Aragon
Anne Boleyn
The Act of Supremacy
• Calvinism
– John Calvin
– Institutes of the Christian
– Calvin’s Beliefs
• Total Depravity
• The Elect
• Predestination
• The Society of Jesus
– Jesuits
– Ignatius of Loyola
– “Soldiers for Christ”
• Diet of Augsburg
– Peace of Augsburg
• Council of Trent
– Catholic CounterReformation
Era of Religious Wars
• England
– Edward VI of England
• Book of Common Prayer
– Jane Grey
• “The Nine Day Queen”
– Mary I “Bloody Mary”
• Catholicism
– Elizabeth I
• “Elizabethan Settlement”
• Act of Supremacy – 1559
• Protestantism &
• Hapsburgs
– Division
– Phillip – West
– Ferdinand – East
• Phillip II
Wealth & Taxes
Hapsburg Valois War
The Battle of Lepanto
• Holy League and the
Era of Religious Wars
• Netherlands Revolt (80
Year War)
– The Duke of Alba
– The Council of Troubles /
The Council of Blood
– William of Orange
– Union of Utrecht
• French Religious Wars
– Huguenots
– Conde, Coligny, and Guise
– The Saint Bartholomew’s
Day Massacre
• England at Sea
– Privateers
– Colonization Attempts
• Roanoke
• Mary, Queen of Scots
Flees to England
House arrest
• The “Invincible” Armada
– Duke of Medina-Sidonia
– Delays, English Attack, and
France & England
• War of the Three Henrys
• Henry of Navarre
– Succeeded Henry III (last
• The Edict of Nantes
– Gave Huguenots qualified
religious freedoms
• James I of England / James
VI of Scotland
– Divine Right of Kings
– Impositions
– Authorized Version of the
– The Gunpowder Plot
• Colonization
– England - Jamestown
• John Smith
• John Rolfe - Tobacco
– France
• Québec
– Samuel de Champlain
– “Father of New France”
• Fur Trapping
• La Salle - Louisiana
– New Netherlands
• Dutch West India Company
• New Amsterdam
English Civil War
• Charles I
– Religious conformity England and Scotland
– Great Migration
• The Short Parliament
– April-May 1640
– John Pym
• The Long Parliament
– Puritans
– Grand Remonstrance
• English Civil War
– Cavaliers
– Roundheads
– Turning points:
• Scottish Alliance
• Rise of Oliver Cromwell
– Charles I – execution
• The Commonwealth Puritan Republic
The Thirty Years War
• The Defenestration of Prague
– Prague, Bohemia
• The Bohemian Phase
– (1618-1625)
• The Huguenot Rebellions
– Louis XIII
– Cardinal Richelieu
– La Rochelle
• The Danish Intervention
– (1625-1629)
– Christian IV of Denmark
• The Swedish Intervention
– (1630-1635)
– Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
• Portuguese Restoration War
– 1640-1668
• The French Intervention
– 1635–1648
– France & Sweden vs. Spain and
• The Treaty of Westphalia
Fragmented Germany
Peace of Augsburg
Bavaria Elector
Swiss Confederacy and United
Provinces (Netherlands )
Philosophy & Science
• Thomas Hobbes
“State of Nature”
Social Contract
• John Locke
– Critic of Absolutism
– Two Treatises of Government
– Natural Law / Natural Rights
• Life, Liberty, Property
– Social Contract
• “Natural Philosophers”
• Ptolemaic / geocentric system
– Ptolemy of Alexandria
– Epicycles
• Copernicus
– Heliocentric Universe
– On the Revolutions of Heavenly
• Tycho Brahe
– Most accurate astronomical data
that had ever been acquired by
observation with the naked eye
• Johannes Kepler
– Elliptical, not circular orbits
– The New Astronomy
• Galileo
– Telescope
– Dialogue on two chief world
Philosophy & Science
• Sir Francis Bacon
– Father of the Scientific
Method of research
– Inductive Reasoning
– Novum Organum
– New Atlantis
• Rene Descartes
– Discourse on Method
– Deductive Reasoning
• The Royal Society
of London
• Margaret Cavendish
– Duchess of Newcastle
– Description of a New
World, Called the Blazing
• Sir Isaac Newton
– Early Work
• Optics
• Calculus
• Gravity
– Principia Mathmetica
• Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy