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Ciencias Marinas
ISSN: 0185-3880
[email protected]
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Spinelli, Mariela L; Gonçalves, Rodrigo J; Villafañe, Virginia E; Capitanio, Fabiana L
Diversity of copepods in Atlantic Patagonian coastal waters throughout an annual cycle
Ciencias Marinas, vol. 42, núm. 1, 2016, pp. 31-47
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Ensenada, México
Available in:
The aim of this study is to an alyze the annual zooplankton suc cession at a coastal station in Patagonia (Argentina), with spe cial
emphasis on copepods and their pot ential preys, using solar rad iation and temperature as envir onmental factors. The annual pla
nkton cycle exhibited autumn/winter and spri ng/summer phases. During the au tumn/winter phase, low temperature and radiation
were correlate d with higher diatom abundance and cope pod diversity. This period was characterized by a dominant classical
herbivorous food web in w hich the large copepod Calanoides carinatus dominated the community. On the contrary, during the
spring/su mmer period, with high radiation and temperature levels, flagellates were the dominant food availabl e for zooplankton
and correlated with smaller species of copepo ds such as the harpacticoid Euterpina acutifrons . Also, intensive reproduction of the
small copepods E. acutifrons and Paracalanus parvus occurred mainly in summer. On the other hand, high species diversity was
found in winter when the ultraviolet radi ation was low. The temporal pat tern of the copepods observed in our study was explained
by food availabili ty and environmental factors (tem perature and solar radiation), although other factors such as predator
abundance may also be important in mod ulating the community. Our result s show the importance of copep od abundance
dynamics and highlights their key role in the pelagic food web in northern Pa tagonian coastal waters.
Zooplankton, harpact icoid copepods, Argent inean Sea, phytopla nkton.
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