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Close ties to
Christianity &
1. Believe that both
Abraham & Jesus
were prophets
2. Islam is the last
religion of the
Abrahamic tradition
3. Muhammad is the
last prophet in a long
line of prophets
Mecca (Arial View)
• Founder/Prophets/Important
– Muhammad
– Abraham
• Languages:
– Arabic
• Percent of followers
– 25%
– Second largest religion in the
• Where
– SW Asia
– Mecca, present-day
Saudi Arabia.
– Medina, Saudi
• When
– 613 A.D.
Muslims worship at the Kaaba
(sacred black stone) in Mecca
Islam Briefly
• Islam is the second most popular religion in the
world with over a billion followers.
• Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to
humanity by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him).
• Those who follow Islam are called Muslims.
• Muslims believe that there is only one God, called
Allah, who speaks Arabic.
• The Muslim calendar has 354 days
– based on the 12 crescent moon cycles.
• ISLAM is the name given to the religion
preached by the prophet Muhammad in the
600s A. D.
• The Islamic religion started in the area
known as Palestine in the year 600AD.
• It has about 850 million followers, most of
them in the region north and east of the
Mediterranean Sea.
• Allah, is the Islamic God.
• People who believe these ideas
are called Muslims.
• Important
1. Five Pillars of Islam
2. Monotheistic
3. God is called Allah
• Holy Book(s):
1. The Qur’an (Koran)
The Qur’an contains
both verses from the
Torah & the Bible.
2. Sharia
a tradition of rulings
that touch on
virtually all aspects
of life and society.
Muslims worshiping towards the
Kaaba in Mecca. Zoomed out.
– Moral Code is
derived from Five
1. Faith: There is only
one god- Allah.
2. Prayer: pray five
times a day.
(Towards Mecca)
3. Fasting: during
month of Ramadan.
4. Zakah: Giving
Alms to the poor.
5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to
Muslims gathering outside Mecca
during their Hajj
Islamic Philosophy
• Muslims learn that life on earth is a period of testing
and preparation for the life to come.
• Angels record good and bad deeds.
• People should behave themselves and help others,
trusting in Allah's justice and mercy for their reward.
• Basic Precepts
Submission to the will of God
o Lineage - Adam, Noah, Abraham,
Moses, Jesus, & Mohammed
(different lineage)
o Holy Book - Koran - built on Old
o Five (5) pillars of faith
Islam’s Holy Book
• The Muslim scripture is the Holy Qur'an. It is 'the
word of God'. Muslim beliefs and practices are
rooted in the Qur'an.
• Muslims treat the Qur'an with great respect because
they believe that the Qur'an is from Allah, and every
word and every letter is sacred.
• Muslims regard the Qur'an as the unaltered word of
• It is read from right to left and written in Arabic, the
language of heaven.
Islam’s Place of Worship
• The Muslim building for communal worship is called a Mosque. The word comes
from the Arabic for "place of prostration".
• Worshippers are called to prayer 5 times a day from minarets – towers on the
mosque corners.
• They contain only designs, no people or animals or furniture.
• Normal day of worship is Friday.
• Religious leaders are called imams.
Grand mosque in
Islam’s Place of Worship
• The Muslim building for communal
worship is called a Mosque.
– The word comes from the Arabic for
"place of prostration".
• Worshippers are called to prayer 5 times a
day from minarets – towers on the
mosque corners.
• They contain only designs, no people or
animals or furniture.
• Normal day of worship is Friday.
Jamia Mosque in Derby England
Islam’s Most Holy City
• While praying, they face the holy city of Mecca (in
Saudi-Arabia) and sometimes kneel with faces to
the ground.
• All Muslims are required to make a pilgrimage (trip
to a sacred place) to Mecca at least once in their
Five Pillars Belief System/Law Code
• Shahadah: declaration of faith
"I bear witness that there is no god, but God; I bear witness that
Muhammad is the prophet of God." By reciting this, one enters
Islamic faith.
• Salah: prayer
Muslims are required to pray five times a day, washing themselves
before prayer and facing in the direction of Mecca while praying.
• Zakat: giving a fixed proportion to charity
Muslims are required to give away a percentage of their earnings to
those less fortunate, regardless of their religion. It is usually 2.5%.
• Saum: fasting during the month of Ramadan
Muslims fast for one lunar month each year, a period called
Ramadan. During this time, Muslims reflect on their behavior and
strive to purify their thoughts.
• Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca
If it is financially possible, Muslims are required to travel to Mecca
once in their lifetime.
5 Pillars of Islam
1. Shahada(witness) is the Muslim profession of
- "I witness that there is no god but Allah,
and that Muhammad is the prophet of
• Muslims say this when they wake up in the
morning and just before they go to sleep at
2. Salat(daily prayer) is a prayer ritual
performed 5 times a day by all Muslims over
the age of 10
Between first light and sunrise
After the sun has passed the middle of the
Between mid-afternoon and sunset
Between sunset and the last light of the day
Between darkness and dawn
3. Sawm(fasting) is abstaining each day during
• Sawm helps Muslims develop self-control, gain a
better understanding of God's gifts and greater
compassion towards the deprived.
• Ramadan is the holiest day for Islam. It marks when
Muhammad had the Qur-an revealed to him
• Sawm is usually described as fasting, but it actually
involves abstaining from all bodily pleasures
between dawn and sunset
• Not only is food forbidden, but also things like
smoking, chewing gum, negative thoughts and
sexual activity
Food Laws
• Very similar laws to the Jewish kosher foods
• No alcohol, pork, blood, no pork fat products,
scavenger animals
• Food must be prepared similarly to the Jews
– Slice to the jugular
– Drain blood
4. Zakat(almsgiving) is giving alms to the poor
• This is a compulsory gift of 2.5 % of one's
savings each year
• Giving in this way is intended to free
Muslims from the love of money
• It reminds them that everything they have
really belongs to God.
5. Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca that all
physically/financially able Muslims should
make at least once in their life
• Mecca is the most holy place for Muslims
• Takes place during days 8-13 of the 12th month
of the Islamic Lunar calendar
• They circle the Kaaba seven times on three
occasions, say prayers, drink from a holy
spring, walk to Mount Arafat to pray, feast,
cast stones at three pillars(to fight Satan’s
temptations), shave hair, run seven times
between some hills
Main Festivals
• Hijja:
The month of
pilgrimage during
which all Muslims,
at least once in their
life, should try to
make the pilgrimage
to Mecca and
worship at the
The Kaaba
Muslim Sects
• Sunni-the majority
• Shia-the minority
• The split rose from an early dispute over who should be the
leader of Islam after the death of Muhammad.
• The Sunnis argued that the successor should be appointed
by election and consensus, as tradition dictated. (Sunni
comes from the Arabic word Sunna , meaning “tradition.”)
• The Shia believed that Muhammad's successors should
come from his family, starting with Ali, his son-in-law.
These, the partisans of Ali, were named from the word Shia
, meaning “partisan” in Arabic.
• Important Cities:
– Mecca
– Medina
– Jerusalem
• Major Groups:
– Sunni
• largest denomination of Islam; means
the tradition of the prophet of Islam Muhammad
• Believe caliphs (priests) were to be
chosen by consensus
– Shi-ite
• Shi'a Muslims adhere to the teachings
of the Islamic prophet Muhammad
and his Ahlul Bayt (family).
• Believe caliphs should be descendants
from Muhammad’s son in law (Ali)
and wife (Fatima)
Dome of the Rock
in Jerusalem
Islam – Map!
Islam in 1500 C.E.
In 1500, located in Middle East,
Africa, and Southern Europe
Islam Today
Today, located in Middle East,
Africa, and Asia