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Chapter 7
Human Memory
Table of Contents
Figure 7.1 – Nickerson & Adams (1979) –
Which is the correct penny?
Table of Contents
Human Memory: Basic Questions
How does information get into memory?
How is information maintained in memory?
How is information pulled back out of memory?
Memory timeline
– Short term – recent?
– Long term – remote?
– Operational definitions
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Encoding: Getting Information Into
The role of attention
Focusing awareness
Selective attention = selection of input
– Filtering: early or late?
Multitasking – issues of driving performance and cell phone
use – study by Strayer and Johnson (2001)
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Encoding is effective when…
You pay attention. “Selective attention” If you don’t
pay attention, your sensory memory will hear blah,
blah. You have to pay attention to get info into your
working memory
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Figure 7.4 Divided attention and driving performance – Strayer & Johnson (2001)
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Levels of Processing: Craik and
Lockhart (1972)
Incoming information processed at different levels
Deeper processing = longer lasting memory codes
Encoding levels:
– Structural = shallow
– Phonemic = intermediate
– Semantic = deep
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Figure 7.6 – Retention at three levels of processing
– Craik & Tulving (1975)
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Enriching Encoding: Improving Memory
Elaboration = linking a stimulus to
other information at the time of
– Thinking of examples
Visual Imagery = creation of
visual images to represent words to
be remembered
– Easier for concrete objects
– Self-Referent Encoding
– Making information personally
Figure 7.7
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We remember what we are
interested in…
Can you remember my phone number?
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Storage: Maintaining Information in
Analogy: information storage in computers ~ information
storage in human memory
Information-processing theories – Atkinson & Shiffrin
– Subdivide memory into 3 different stores
• Sensory, Short-term, Long-term
xx 7.8
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Sensory Memory
Brief preservation of information in original sensory
Auditory/Visual – approximately ¼ second
– George Sperling (1960)
• Classic experiment on visual sensory store
• Partial report procedure
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xx 7.9
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Short Term Memory (STM)
Limited capacity – magical number 7 plus or minus
– Chunking – grouping familiar stimuli for storage as a single
Limited duration – about 20 seconds without
– Peterson and Peterson (1959)
– Rehearsal – the process of repetitively verbalizing or
thinking about the information
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Short-Term Memory as “Working
STM not limited to phonemic encoding
Loss of information not only due to decay
Baddeley (2001) – 4 components of working memory
– Phonological rehearsal loop
– Visuospatial sketchpad
– Executive control system
– Episodic buffer
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Long-Term Memory: Unlimited
Penfield’s neural stimulation
Permanent storage?
– Flashbulb memories
– Brown and Kulick
(1977) – study of
– Talarico & Rubin (2003)
– Recall through
Debate: are STM and LTM
really different?
– Phonemic vs. Semantic
– Decay vs. Interference
based forgetting
Figure 7.12
Table of Contents
How is Knowledge Represented and
Organized in Memory?
Clustering and Conceptual Hierarchies
Schemas and Scripts – Shank & Abelson (1977)
Semantic Networks – Collins & Loftus (1975)
Connectionist Networks and PDP Models – McClelland and
colleagues - pattern of activity – neuron based model
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Figure 7.14 A semantic network..
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Retrieval: Getting Information Out of
The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon – a failure in retrieval
– Retrieval cues – Brown & McNeil (1966) study – resolve
block 57% of the time with first letter of failed to retrieve
Recalling an event
– Context cues – Godden & Baddeley (1975) – contextdependent memory study with scuba divers
– Bartlett memory research – War of the Ghosts
Reconstructing memories – Loftus studies
– Loftus & Palmer (1974) – I: smashed (40.8); collided
(39.3); bumped (38.1); hit (34.0); contacted (31.8) II:
smashed (32%) hit (14%) control (12%) (broken glass?)
– Misinformation effect
Table of Contents
• Source monitoring, reality monitoring
• cryptomnesia
Seven Sins of Memory – Daniel L. Schacter
Transience – loss of
memory over time
Absent Mindedness –
breakdown of interface
between attention &
Blocking – thwarted
search for information
to retrieve
Bias – influence of
current knowledge and
belief on how we
remember our past
Misattribution –
assigning a memory to
the wrong source
Suggestibility –
memories implanted as
a result of leading
questions, comments or
suggestions when a
person is trying to
recall a past experience
Persistence – repeated
recall of disturbing
information or events
that one may want to
Table of Contents
Forgetting: When Memory Lapses
Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve
Retention – the proportion of material retained
– Recall
– Recognition
– Relearning
Hill of reminiscence – time frame of remembering
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xxx 7.17
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Why Do We Forget?
Decay theory
– Type of material
Figure 7.19
Figure 7.20
Figure 7.19
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Retrieval Failure
Encoding Specificity
Transfer-Appropriate Processing
Repression and the memory wards
Authenticity of repressed memories?
– Memory illusions
– Controversy
 False memories – Roediger & McDermott (1995) procedure
– Figure 7.22
 Loftus & Pickrell’s (1995) lost-in-the-mall studyTable of Contents
xxx 7.22
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The Physiology of Memory
– Alteration in synaptic transmission
• Hormones modulating neurotransmitter systems
• Protein synthesis
Neural circuitry
– Localized neural circuits
• Reusable pathways in the brain
• Long-term potentiation – changes in postsynaptic neuron
– Anterograde and Retrograde Amnesia
– case of H.M. – resection in 1953
– Clive Wearing
• Figure 7.23 - Cerebral cortex, Prefrontal Cortex,
• Dentate gyrus, Amygdala, Cerebellum
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xxx 7.23
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xxx 7.24
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Are There Multiple Memory Systems?
Figure 7.25
Implicit vs. Explicit
Declarative vs. Procedural
Semantic vs. Episodic
Prospective vs. Retrospective – Figure 7.26
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xxx 7.25
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Figure 7.26 – Retrospective versus prospective memory
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Eyewitness Accounts
Use of Eyewitness in court cases – Cutler & Penrod (1995),
Loftus (1993)
What did Jennifer See?
Post information distortion
Source confusion
Hindsight bias
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