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Week 2
Rocks & Minerals
• Minerals make up rocks. Their properties depend
on their internal structure of atoms.
• Luster is their shine – it can be metallic or nonmetallic. Streak is the color of the powder that is
left behind when a mineral is scratched against a
plate. Hardness is tested by scratching glass; if
something is harder than glass, it can scratch it.
Diamond is the hardest mineral – it can scratch all
the others.
• Cleavage means they break in flat layers, Fracture
means they just look broken.
• Sedimentary Rocks: made of sediments deposited,
buried, and cemented together, usually in
horizontal layers, can contain fossils,
fragments/clasts of other rocks.
• Igneous Rocks: made from cooled molten material.
– Extrusive – lava, above ground, cools fast resulting in
small/no crystals (fine, glassy or vesicular)
– Intrusive – magma, underground, cools slow resulting in
large crystals (coarse to very coarse)
• Metamorphic Rocks: other rocks are re-crystallized
due to heat and pressure, banding, foliated
– Contact Metamorphism – an igneous rock intrusion
heats up surrounding rock and causes it to re-crystallize,
turning into metamorphic rock.
– Regional Metamorphism – tectonic plates converge,
creating a lot of heat and pressure which re-crystallizes
a large area of rock and turns it metamorphic.
• Rock Cycle: All three rock types can turn into one
another by melting, weathering, erosion, heat, and
Answer to Regents Review Questions
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