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Theory of Plate
Continental Drift
• The geological theory by Alfred Wegner that
states that Earth’s continents were once
ONE large landmass “Pangea” and over time
the continents slowly moved apart.
• Evidence...
▫ Shape of the Earth’s continents
 They look like they fit together like pieces of a
Continental Drift
• This theory was NOT CORRECT!!
Plate Tectonics
• The geological theory by Tuzo Wilson that
states that pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are
in constant slow motion.
• Evidence
▫ The SAME FOSSILS on different continents
▫ Magnetic patterns found on the ocean floor at
along a mid-ocean ridge.
Plate Tectonics – Lithosphere
• Lithosphere
▫ Top layer of the Earth which contains the
• Asthenosphere
▫ Partially molten layer of Earth right below the
▫ There are convection currents in the
Asthenosphere that slowly move Earth’s
plates (the Lithosphere)
Lithosphere and Asthenosphere
Currents in the
Currents in the
Earth’s Plates – Boundary Map
3 Types of Boundaries
Transform Boundaries
• 2 plates slide past each
other, moving in
opposite directions
• Along these boundaries,
crust is neither created
or destroyed
• Earthquakes occur here
• Faults are created
Divergent Boundaries
• 2 plates slide apart or
• Forms rift valleys and
mid-ocean ridge
• Sea-floor spreading
occurs here
Divergent Boundaries
Sea-Floor Spreading
Rift valley
Convergent Boundaries
• 2 plates slide together or
• Results in a collision
▫ Denser crust will be on the
bottom (oceanic crust)
• Usually forms
mountains, volcanoes,
trenches, and a
subduction zone
Convergent Boundaries
Subduction Zone
The denser plate (oceanic) will go into the Earth
1. Which boundary is this?
2. Which boundary is this?
3. Which boundary is this?
4. Which boundary is this?
5. Which boundary is this?
6. Which boundary is this?
7. Which boundary is this?
8. Which boundary is this?
9. Which boundary is this?
Plate Tectonics
vs. Continental Drift
Plate Tectonics
Continental Drift