Download Physical Geology - Sect. 3 Dr. Lindsley

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High P and T at center of Solar nebula cause
hydrogen atoms to fuse together to form helium
Solid particles condense and collide to form
planetesimals which accrete into planets
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Solar system: outer jovian planets,
inner terrestrial planets,
Pluto the oddball
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Jovian planets:
• Low densities
• Overall mass is
• Thick
over small rocky
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Terrestrial planets:
• Relatively small
• Relatively high
• Mostly rock with
only a thin, or no,
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Basalt forms most of the surface area
of terrestrial planets
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Manicouagan Crater (Quebec) is evidence
of meteorite impact.
210 m.y. old
75-100 km across
Filled with
a ring lake
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Earth is unusual because it is rich in
water and its crust (outermost layer)
includes other rocks than basalt
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Active plate tectonics causes earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions, but also recycles
oxygen and other biochemical necessities
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Sand dunes,
Lindsley, 8/99
Zion National
Park, Utah
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