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Chapter 4 Skin & Body Membranes
SWBAT: Analyze how the skin contributes to homeostasis
SW: Analyze how the skin contributes to homeostasis
Key Topics:
- Layers of the Epidermis
- What is the homeostatic function of the epidermis?
- Dermis
- Additional Structures of Integumentary System (hair and hair follicles, cutaneous
glands [sweat glands/ sebaceous glands], nails)
Key Questions
• From what types of damage does skin protect the body? How?
• How does the skin help to regulate body temperature? (2 ways)
• What are the arrector pili? What do they do?
• What are the two types of cutaneous glands and what are their functions?
Integumentary System- Main functions:
1.Physical protection (5 layers)- Epidermis
2. Protection from UV rays- Melanin in Epidermis
3. Sense perception - dermis
4. Immune functions – dermis, sebaceous glands (sebum)
5. Temperature Regulation- dermis, sweat glands, hair
- 5 layers
-______________________ provides durable protective overcoat for the body which
protects it from _____________________ __________________ (Biological, chemical,
physical assualts), prevents water from getting in and water from getting out
- ___________produced by special cells: melanocytes found in the _______ _______.
-when the skin is exposed to sunlight ____________ are stimulated & produce more
melanin (tanning occurs)
-the _________ _________ cells eat the pigment & as it builds up within them
-eventually melanin forms a protective pigment over the superficial side that shields their
_______ from damaging effects of _________________.
Made up of two layers: _____________________ __________________ and
_____________________ _______________.
-Strong stretchy envelope that holds body together
-strong from collagen, stretchy from elastic fibers
-Papillary layer has finger-like projections called ________________
_________________ which indent the epidermis and provide it with ______________.
-Other dermal papillae hold _____________ and _____________ receptors.
Reticular Layer is the deepest skin layer
-Houses _______________ ________________, sweat and oil _________________.
-Also houses _________________ that phagocytize bacteria that have entered the dermis
-Temperature regulation
-When hot, blood vessels__________________. When cold, they
______________and blood bypasses these vessels.
- Increased blood flow results in __________________ release of heat.
Decreased blood flow results in ____________________ release of heat.
- When hot _______________ _______________, release sweat. Sweat
cools the body through the process of _________________________.
Sebaceous gland
-Sebum is an oil, lubricant that keeps skin ___________, keeps hair from becoming
-Sebum also contains chemicals that kill _________________ (prevents bacteria from
invading deeper)
Sweat glands
-2.5 million sweat glands per person
-Sweat- clear secretion that is _____________ plus salts, lactic acid, urea from eccrine
-Sweat reaches surface via ______________.
-Have nerve ends that cause them to secrete ____________ when external temperature or
body temperature is _____________.
-Hair is produced by ______________ ___________________ which is composed of
dividing epitheleal cells from stratum ___________________ (matrix).
- Nails are a scale like modification of the ________________.
- keratinized epidermal cells
- nail matrix made up of stratum _______________ which is repsonsible for
growth of nail.
Functions of Bone
- How do bones contribute to homeostasis?
1. _______________
2. ____________
3. _____________
4. _________- store fat & minerals
5. _____________- blood cells are formed within the marrow cavities of
certain bones
Types of Bone
1. _____________:
-Composed of small pieces of bone
-Lots of space
-thin, flattened
-usually curved
-made up of layers of spongy bone squished between 2 compact bones
Two Types of Marrow
-middle cavity of a long bone shaft stores yellow marrow,
AKA medullary cavity
-made of adipose fat tissue
2. ____________________
-in infants middle cavity forms blood cells & red marrow
-in adults red marrow is confined to the cavities in spongy none
- Found in flat bones (ribs, vertebrae, pelvic bones)
Hyaline Cartilage
Abundant cartilage fibers hidden by a rubbery matrix with glassy blue-white
Bone Growth and Formation
-bones use cartilage as “models” during bone formation (ossification)
-____________ happens in two steps:
1.Hyaline cartilage model is superficially covered with bone matrix by
2.Hyaline cartilage is broken down, leaving behind an empty, ____________
Ossification Cont’d
After birth, only two regions of cartilage remain: _____________ and
The Skeletal System
Chapter 7
SWBAT: Analyze the necessary parts needed for the axial skeleton
system to provide support for the whole body
SW analyze how each part of the axial skeleton system provides support
to the body.
Axial Skeleton
-Made up of ________, ________, _________
Appendicular Skeleton
The Skull
 Two Types of Bones
 _________
 _________
Cranial bones
 All individual bones are united by immovable junction lines called
 1. _____________- forms the forehead, roof of nasal cavity and orbits
 2. _____________- form superior and lateral walls
 3. _____________- lie inferior to parietal bones
 4. _____________- Most posterior bone of the cranium and forms floor and
back wall of skull
 Four sutures of the cranium
 Coronal suture: ______bone meets the ________ bone, runs in the
 Squamous suture: each __________ bone meets a ___________ bone
 Sagittal suture: right and left _____________ ___________meet superiorly
 Lambdoid suture: _________ bones meet the ___________ bone posteriorly
Jugular formanen
 A foramen is a type of ____________
 At junction of ____________ and _____________ bones
Facial Bones
 Maxillae-
AKA _____________
two ___________ fuse to form upper jaw
All facial bones except ________ join to maxilla.
Palatine Bones
 Posterior to palatine processes and form the posterior part of the
___________ or roof of mouth.
 AKA _____________
 Joins __________ on each side of the face to form only movable joints
in skull
Nasal bone- joins in a suture to form the _______ of the nose
 Forms ____________
Inferior Aspect of the Skull
Facial Bones
 2 ________ _________ in the upper portion of the face that protect the eyes
 Composed of 6 bones: _______________, ______________, ____________
________________, ________________, ________________
 Frontal Bone
 ______________- butterfly shaped bone, articulates with cranial bones and
provides ____________ to skull
 openings for optic nerves and cranial nerves (canals, foramens,
fissures are names for these openings)
 Ethmoid – anterior to sphenoid and forms roof of ___________
___________. ________ wall of socket
 Maxilla
 Zygomatic- AKA _____________ (lateral wall of socket)
 Lacrimal- size of fingernail, has groove that serves as passageway for
Torso/ trunk
 Composed of three parts: ________, _________, _________.
 Vertebrae is rigid. Fibrocartilage disk allow for flexibility
Spinal column forms a series of 26 bones
Numbers of vertebrae: ___ cervical, ____ thoracic, ___ lumbar, sacral (__
fused), coccyx (__ fused)
Vertebral Column
Extends from _____ to ____.
Homeostatic function:
1. Transmits _______ __ ________ to the lower _______.
2. Surrounds and protects the _______ _______.
3. Serves as attachment sites for ______ of the neck and back.
Curvatures of the Spine
 Homeostatic function: Curvatures increase _________ of the spine
 Prevent shock to head when we walk or run
 Makes body trunk flexible
 1. _________- Smallest and lightest
 2. _________- connect with ribs
 3.__________- largest and strongest, block-like bodies
 4._________ - forms posterior wall of pelvis
 5. _________- can move slightly during delivery, tailbone
Intervertebral Discs
Cushion-like pads between __________
Made from cartilage
Homeostatic function: Act as _________ ____________.
Compose about 25% of height of vertebral column
The Atlas (C1)
 Lacks a _______ and _________ process
Homeostatic function:
 Supports the _______: superior articular facets receive the occipital condyles
 Allows ________ and ______________ of neck (nodding the head ‘yes’)
The Axis
 Has a ______ and _______ process
 Acts as a ________ for rotation of the atlas and skull
 Participates in rotating the head from _______ __ ________ (“no”).
The Thoracic Cage
 Forms the framework of the chest
Components include:
 Thoracic vertebrae – posteriorly
 Ribs – laterally
 Sternum and costal cartilage – anteriorly
Homeostatic function:
 1. Protects ________ organs
2. Supports _________ girdle and upper limbs
3. Provides attachment sites for _________.
Three Parts:
1. ____________
2. ____________
3. ____________
 ___ pairs of ribs
 True ribs- upper ___ pairs
 False ribs- 8th-12th rib
 Why are false ribs called false ribs?
Appendicular Skeleton
Bones of the upper and lower limbs
 Pectoral girdle attaches ____________ ____________ to axial skeleton.
 Pelvic girdle attaches ______________ ______________ to axial skeleton.
Functions: upper and lower limbs differ in function
 But share the same structural plan
 Lower limbs = locomotion
 Upper limbs = more-mobile non-locomotor
Clavicles (‘Little Keys’) Structure
 Aka collarbones – slender and S-shaped
 Extend horizontally across the superior thorax
 Flattened __________ articulates with the scapula laterally
 Cone-shaped _________ attaches to the ____________ medially
 Scapulae do not join each other or axial skeleton
 Held in place by muscle
Clavicles- Function
 Provide attachment for muscles
 Function:
1. __________: holds the _______ and arms laterally from the thorax
 What happens when clavicle collapses?
 Fractured clavicle will cause…
2. Transmits __________ ____________ from the upper limbs to the axial skeleton
 Allows you to push a heavy object
Structures of the Scapula
AKA ____________ ____________
Called “wings”
Not directly attached to axial skeleton
 Held in place by muscles
Glenoid Cavity
 Receives ____________
Scapula – Lateral Aspect
 30 bones each upper limb – arm, forearm, and hand
Arm: region of the upper limb between the shoulder and elbow
 Humerus
 Only bone of the arm
 Longest and strongest bone of the upper limb
 Articulates with the ___________ at the shoulder
 Articulates with the ___________ and ____________ at the elbow
 Provides sites for muscle attachment
 Provides articulation sites for other bones
Antebrachium (Forearm)
 Formed from the ___________ and the ________.
 Articulate with the _____________ proximally
 Distal ends articulate with ______________ (wrist)
 Articulate with each other at proximal and distal __________ joints.
 ______________ membrane connects radius and ulna.
The radius is _________ and the ulna is _________.
Ulna (‘Elbow’)
 Structure: Main bone forming the elbow joint with the humerus
 Monkey wrench slightly longer then the radius
 Projections at proximal end - olecranon and coronoid processes
 Separated by the trochlear notch (a deep concavity)
Homeostatic Function: Hinge ______ allows forearm to bend on arm
Distal end separated from the carpals by fibrous cartilage
 Head of the ulna articulates with the _________
Plays little or no role in hand movement
Radius (‘Rod’)
 Structure: Thin at proximal end and wider at distal end
 Proximal head shaped like top of a thread spool
Superior surface articulates with the capitulum
Medially radius head articulates with the radial notch
 Radial tuberosity, site of attachment for the biceps
Homeostatic Function: Primary forearm bone contributing to the _______ _______
and thus wrist/ hand movement
 Distal radius articulates with ___________ bones
 When the _________ rotates, the hand moves
Skeleton of the Manus (Hand)
1. __________ – wrist (8)
2. __________ – palm I - V (5)
3. __________ – digits (14)
4. ___________form the true wrist
 Gliding movements occur between carpals
Pelvic Girdle
Paired ________ _________ or os coxae (os = bone; coxa = hip)
 Attaches _________ __________ to the spine
 Hip bones unite anteriorly with each other at _____________ _____________
 Articulate posteriorly with the sacrum
Bony pelvis: deep, basinlike structure
 Formed by 3 things:
Homeostatic Function:
1.Full weight of the _______ body passes through the girdle
2. Transfers forces from the lower limbs to move the entire body during
The Coxal Bones: ______, ________, and ________
 Bones fuse but separate names identify regions of the coxal bones
Why is male pelvis narrower than female pelvis?
The Lower Limbs
 Carries the entire weight of the erect body
Bones of lower limb are thicker and stronger than those of upper limb
Divided into 3 segments: the _______, _____, and _______.
Skeleton of the Thigh
 Femur: the single bone of the thigh
 Longest, heaviest, and strongest bone of the body
 ball-shaped head (fovea capitiis) articulates with the _______________.
Angle of convergence: shaft of femur angles medially
Patella: Largest _________Bone in the Body.
What does sesamoid mean?
Tibia (Shin Bone)
Homeostatic Function: Support ___________ ___ ___________ and
provide sites for muscles attachment
Medial malleolus (‘hammer’): articulates with the ________ of the ankle
 _________ bulge of ankle
Fibula: Smaller, lateral bone of the leg
 Homeostatic Function: Does not articulate with the ________, but helps stabilize
the ________ joint
Head – proximal end articulates with lateral condyle of the ________
 Forms the proximal tibiofibular joint
Lateral malleolus – articulates with the ________ of the ankle
Skeletal Foot
 Function:
 1. Supports ___________ ___________
 2. Serves as __________ that allows us to propel our bodies forward
when we walk
Skeletal Foot
1. ___________ (7)
2. ____________ (5)
3. ____________ (14)
Talus: ______________
Calcaneus: ___________________