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Germ theory of disease fails Virus-AIDS hypothesis and HIV-AIDS hypothesis out of touch with South Africa – a new perspective Peter Duesberg RA conference, Oakland, Nov. 6-8 1 Historic evidence for Germ theory Seasonal epidemi cs have decimated mankind from its very beginnings (Stewart, 1968). Examples are the plague-, the flu-, the polio-, the cholera-, the pox- and the syphilis epidemic s. All th ese epidemics had the following in common: (1) They increase exponentially over several months and then decline exponentially, forming the classica l Тbell-shapedУcurves as originall described by W.Farr). [Slides: London plague 1665; Global FluХs1918; US Polio 1942.] (2) They spread randomly between the sexes. (3) Infected individuals develop these diseases only after short latent periods of several days, typically recover within weeks, and rarely die. [Slides: Measles] 2 Bell-shaped curve of first recorded plague epidemic, London 1665 The plague epidemic of London in 1665 was the first contagious epidemic that was statistically recorded. It is a perfect example of the exponential rise and subsequent fall over weeks, forming the classical bell-shaped curve typical of new infectious epidemics. 3 Classical bell-shaped Flu epidemic of 1918 in the US and Europe Short incubations, Self-limiting by immunity QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Note: Abscissa in months. 4 Seasonal polio epidemics, US 1948 and1949 5 Google; polio epi Time course of individual measles-virus disease in days: Short latency, virus-specific disease, terminated by immunity QuickT ime™ and a TI FF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. From: Viral Pathogenesis and Immunology, Mims & White, 1984 Note, time in days 6 1882, Koch proves germ theory The seasonal epidemics of plagues and Flus and polios were long suspected to be caused by germs, alias ТcontagionУ,but were unexplainab le and unpreventable until in 1882. In 1882 Koch proved that a specific bacterium, which he had ТclonedУfrom tuber culosis patients, caused tube rculosis in guinea pigs . The key to his discovery was the isolation of the bacterium from a plethora of mostly harmle ss huma n microbes (term includes bacteria, viruses and fungi), by cloning them from single mi crobial cells on agar gels. Slide: Cloning bacteria on agar gels. With the discovery of the Tuberculosis-bacterium Koch had started the golden age of the germ theory. 7 Koch 1880s: Isolation of pathogenic microbes (TB & Anthrax) by cloning on agar gels. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Bact erial an d Fungal Colonies. This pla te was inocula te d w ith a cot to n swab t hat was wiped over a shower drai n. Fungi usua lly produc e l arg e, 8 "f uzzy" colonies (mark ed F). Koch’s postulates The postulates define, whether a microbe or a virus causes a disease. 1. The s ame micr oorganism mu st be pre sen t in ever y cas e of t he disea se. 2. The mi cr oorg anism must be isolat ed, a lias cloned, f r om all oth er m icr obe s o f t he host and gr own in pur e cult ure . 3. The mi cr oorg anism fr om pure c ult ure must cause t he dise as e wh en in oculat ed in to a h eal t hy, suscep t ible labora to r y host *. 4. The mi cr oorg anism must be isolat ed in p ure cul t ure f rom a n exper iment al ly i nf ect ed host . * The incubat ion per iod fr om infec ti on t o dise as e i s de t ermined b y t he gr owt h ra te of t he micr obe . Years of research have been spent on organisms never proven to cause particular diseases. One should always seek to find out if Koch's Postulates were performed. The microbe could be a passenger instead of a cause. Examples are: leprosy / helicobacter / HIV 9 / Cervical ca virus. Triumphs of the germ theory 1) The identifi cat ion of th e ba ct erial c aus es of c hildbed feve r, syphilis, choler a, pneumonia, salmonell a and th e vir al causes of inf lu enza - pneumonia, measles, mumps , herp es, polio, yellow feve r, et c. 2) Discover y of th e l a ws o f mic rob ia l a nd vira l re pli c a t io n (violat ed by HI V- AI DS). 3) Cur es of ba ct er ial diseases w ith ant ibioti cs th at kill th e ba ct eria w ith out hurtin g th e host. Pr eve nti on of viral epidemics w ith vaccines. In th e light of th e germ, th e mort alit y fr om al l inf ec ti ous dis eases combined had dropped fr om over 50% in th e day s of Koch t o about 1% in th e 197 0s in th e “we st ern wo rld” (Cairns , 197 8). Accordin g t o ‘RA- acti vist ’ Gord on St e wart , th e germ th eory had thus beco me “th e most powe rful single f orce in th e deve lopment of medicine in th e past ce ntur y” (Lance t , 1968 ). 10 So what are the laws of the germ theory? The germ theory explains the once mysterious microbial epidemics and diseases as wars between attacking bacteria or viruses and the defending immune system. Like in all wars speed is critical. The microbes must be fast enough to replicate in sufficient numbers to survive. They do this by infecting and killing millions of host cells before the hostХsimmune system strikes back. The immune system must be able to overtake the microbes in order to save the host. The following laws govern these wars: The generation times and multiplication rates of pathogenic bacteria or viruses. The rapid recruitment and clonal expansion of numerous anti-microbial immune cells. 11 Generation time and multiplication rates of bacteria 1) Bacteria. Under optimal conditions one bacterium doubles (= multiplication rate) in 30 min (= generation time). Accordingly, 1 bacterium goes from 1 Π> 2 in 30 min, from 1Π> 2^2 (=4) in 60 min, from 1 Π>2^3 (=8) in 90 min, etc. The clinical threshold of bacterial disease is about 10^8-10 bacteria depending on the site. Thus a single bacterium can cause disease after only 15 hrs, or 30 bacterial doublings: 10^10 bacteria = 1 x 2 ^ 15 hrs/0.5 hr (generation time) = 2^30. This is the formula for diarrhea by a conventional Salmonella infection. 12 Generation time and multiplication rates of viruses 2) Viruses. Animal viruses, including HIV, replicate in susceptible cells in 8-24 hrs (generation time), and each infected cell produces at least 100 new viruses (multiplication rate). Thus HIV is a fast lentivirusΣ! The clinical threshold of viral disease is about 10^9-12 infected cells, depending on the infected tissue. Accordingly, a single blood-borne virus, like HIV or mononucleosis virus, can cause disease by infecting about 10^12 blood cells (1/5 of the total) in only 6 days. 10^12 infected cells = 1 (infected cell) x 10 ^2 x 6 (= 6 days). Thus mononucleosis virus (EBV) and HIV should cause diseases within a week after infection: Indeed, EBV does Πbut HIV does not, perhaps later? The asymptomatic 6-day-period prior to clinical disease is called latent periodΣ. It is typically 5-10 days for viru ses. [Slide 9 viruses] 13 Latent periods of nine different human viruses QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. 14 Google:microbiolbytes How does the immune system catch up with viruses and microbes? 3) Antimicrobial immunity. During a microbial infection, numerous immune-cells (i) with distinct anti-viral or bacterial antibodies (namely i1, i2, i3, Ι) are recruited over time. These cells expand clonally, much like bacteria, with generation times of about 12 hrs, or 2 generations per day, as follows: I@n (immune cells at n days) = (i1 + i2 + i3 +ix Ι) x 2^n days/12 hrs + many antibodies per cell. Within weeks, the multiplicity of distinct immune cells, and their ability to make numerous antibodies (= anti-viral bullets) per cell make up for their initial disadvantage of lower than microbial growth rates. rown-upsΣ the immune cells are the only ones (besides cancer cells!) with the potential to grow exponentially on demand! 15 Summing up the laws of the germ theory The ger m th eory e xplain s th e ex ponentia l r is es and f alls of micr obia l diseases w ithin wee ks, and epidemics w ithin month s – as blitz kriegs bet wee n micr obes and blitz - def enses of th e immu ne syst em. Initia ll y th e atta cker s ha ve th e ad vantag e f or seve ra l day s o r wee ks. Within seve ra l wee ks, however , th e host ’s immu ne ce lls ty picall y over come th e invading micr obes by c lona l ex pan sions of numer ous micr obe- spec if ic immu ne ce lls, making hundr eds of micr obe- spec if ic antib odies. I f thi s ha ppens bef or e th e micr obes r each c lini cal thr esholds, th e inf ec ti ons ar e asymp t omati c (only 1 in 1000 poli o inf ec ti ons ar e sympt omati c.). Sti ll, th e host beco mes immun e (“antib ody- positi ve”). I f th er e is no immu ne def ense as in “n ude” ( immu nodef icient ) mice or in human s with inherit ed or acquir ed immu ne- def iciency, th e host is kill ed within we eks af t er inf ec ti on. The ba lan ce bet wee n th e micr obes and th e immu ne syst em is a class ical Dar winian syst em: By s elec ting f or immu nity th e micr obes e nsur e th e per sist ence of th eir host s. (Only HI V is said t o kill eve ryb ody.) 16 The iron age of the germ theory By the time the polio epidemi cs were ended with the vaccines of Salk and Sabin in the 1960s, the germ theory had explaine d and brought unde r control virtually all majo r infectious diseases. There was no more microbial terra incognita left for the microbe hunt ers to discover and to make careers with. Therefore, the microbe hunters postulated new Тslow virusesУthat cause slow diseases, which were previously thought to be non-microbial Р namely cancer, leukemia, neurological dise ases, and acquired immuno -deficiency. 17 Viruses of slow, not self-limiting diseases are incompatible with the germ theory The viruses found in slow, not-self-limiting dis eases have the following ex otic properties in common: 1) Anti-viral immuni ty does not limit or cure the slow diseases. 2) The viruses of slow diseases are neutralize d by antibody, latent or defective, only fragme nts of viral nucleic acids are detected. 3) The same latent and defective viruses, are also found in numer ous normal controls. All of these properties are inconsistent with the germ theory. 18 Since there are no inconsistencies in nature, the slow-virus-theory must me flawed The classical test of a theory is the merit of its predictions. According to the HIV-AIDS germ theory, the AIDS-virologists have predicted, right after the discovery of the AIDS virus in 1984, that Americans and Europeans would soon be decimated by epidemics of sexually transmitted AIDS virus. Only their vaccine could help. Since this did not happen in 25 years, they “moved forward” to Africa, where epidemics are easier to pass and harder verify than in the US and Europe. 19 Fabricating an epidemic in Africa To minimize objections to the evidence for an African epidemic, those who question the slow AIDS virus theory and the African epidemics are intimidated as “mass murderers” (Discover magazine, 2008). If that is not enough to silence objections, even published papers advancing evidence to the contrary will be censored. I assume you think I am exaggerating now, having illusions about the holy inquisition. So, please watch the last three slides. 20 QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. 21 50 A 45 million 40 Population 35 30 25 50 B 45 40 % HIV Positive 35 30 25 20 % HIV Positive 15 10 5 C 0 22 Year Table 1, Vital statistics South Africa, 19802008 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Population x 10^-6 29.3 30.2 31.1 32.1 33.2 34.3 35.1 35.9 36.8 37.6 38.5 39.3 40.1 40.9 41.6 42.2 42.8 43.3 43.9 44.5 45.1 45.6 46.1 46.6 47.0 47.5 47.9 48.4 48.8 HIV+ % 0.7 1.7 2.2 4.0 7.6 10.4 14.4 17.0 22.8 22.4 24.5 24.8 26.5 27.9 29.5 30.2 29.1 28.0 Deaths x 10^-3 HIV-Deaths x 10^-3 317 365 381 415 453 500 554 572 591 607 * * 10 10.5 * * * 13 14.5 15 * not reported because HIV-deaths were below 10th rank. 23 To prove viral AIDS: 1) Explain, why anti-viral immunity does not protect against AIDS. 2) Find contagious AIDS in drug free subjects. 3) Show that in two matched groups of US soldiers only HIV-positives get AIDS. END 24 25 Sanger Institute, UK: No sequence homology between HIV and human genome Subject: RE: Sequence homology between HIV and human genome Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 13:02:39 -0000 Thread-Topic: Sequence homology between HIV and human genome From: "Paul Kellam" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Cc: "Don Powell" <[email protected]>, "Andrew King" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Oct 2009 13:02:41.0323 (UTC) Dear Peter Hopefully I can provide a form of an answer to your question; Is there "homology" between HIV and the human genome”? I am only interested in it, if it is high enough to interfere with HIV "viral load tests", using primers derived from conventional HIV sequences. The simplest answer to this comes from the fact that the use of the HIV viral load primers and RT-PCR on HIV negative individuals gives clear negative results strongly suggesting they are not ab le to amplify from any endogenous retroviruses in the human genome. Given the phylogenetic distance between HIV and HERV this is not surprising. However, your question is interesting in th at a colleague of mine Dr Robert Gifford has conducted work using computational probes to the most conserved parts of lentivirus genomes to search sequence trace archives, many such traces originating f orm the Sanger Institute. This work has resulted in the identifica tion of very ancient lentivirus genomes (I attach two papers) but not in humans. It should be emphasized though that these ancient lentiv iruses would be extremely unl ikely to cross react with HIV viral load PCR primers even if they were in the human genome, which to my knowledge they are not. In hope this is of some help Best wishes Paul Dr Paul Kellam Virus Genomics Team Leader Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 26 27 28 Viruses found in causing slow diseases – a new germ theory? The s earc h fo r slow vi r al disea ses bega n wit h NCI ’s Virus Cancer Program, which recr uit ed in the 1960s a young elit e o f vi r ologists t o find cance r an d leu kemia vir uses – one of t hem is s t ill t al king a bout t his r ight now, des pite ad vancin g mat ur it y. Othe r s were list ed up t o f ind vir uses causing slo w neurol ogical d iseas es l ike Kur u a nd Alzhei mer s. More recent ly a hug e effor t was made t o fin d ev idence for t he global id ea t hat a slo w viru s is causing AIDS. 29 Historic evidence for Germ theory Seasonal epidemics have decimated mankind from its very beginnings (Stewart, 1968). Examples are the plague-, the flu-, the polio-, the cholera-, the pox- and the syphili s epidemics. All these epidemics had the following in common: (1) They increase exponentially over several months and then declin e exponentially , forming the classical bell-shapedΣ curves (as desribed by FarrΥs law). [Slides: London plague 1694; Global Flus 1918; US Polio 1942.] (2) They spread randomly between the sexes. (3) Infected individuals develop these diseases only after short latent periods of several days, typically recover within weeks, and rarely die. [Slides: Measles] 30