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Sexually Transmitted
What are they?
How can you avoid
contracting one of these?
HPV—Human Papillomavirus
What is it ?
A virus that can
cause genital
Tiny white, or flesh
colored warts
Appears in or
around genitals,
anus, or throat
Can be treated but
NOT cured
How is HPV transmitted?---highly
Spreads from mother to baby
Transmitted--- genital to genital
contact---have to burn them off
Vaginal or anal intercourse and
through oral sex
A person will give the infection to
another without having any
symptoms at all
Can cause cervical cancer
Herpes Simplex Virus
What is it ?
Virus that
causes small,
painful blisters.
Type 1—oral—
cold sores on the
Type 2---genital--blisters in or
around the
genital region
How is Herpes transmitted?
Genital to genital contact with blister
Through vaginal and anal intercourse
as well as oral sex
Can be spread from mother to baby
during birth
Symptoms include: Itching or burning
right before blister appears
Can be treated, but NOT cured
What is it ?
An infection
caused by
Can be called
the Clap, drip, or
Can be cured
with an antibiotic
Both partners
must be treated
How is Gonorrhea transmitted?
Vaginal and anal intercourse as well
as oral sex
Can be transmitted from mother to
Male symptoms include: yellow
discharge from genitals and painful
Female symptoms include: painful
cramps and heavier periods
Can cause PID or sterility
What is it and
what are some
ways to transmit
it ?
Infection caused by
a bacteria
Chlamydia can be
treated and cured
with antibiotics
Both partners must
be treated
types of sex & from
mother to baby
What are some symptoms?
The most common STI in the
Woman—painful urination,
bleeding between periods, pain in
the abdomen, discharge from the
Men---painful urination, watery
drip from the penis, or pain in the
Hepatitis B
What is it ?
Infection of the
Caused by a
Found in the 5
fluids that
contain blood
NO cure
How is Hepatitis B transmitted?
3 types of sex
Sharing needles
Can be passed from mother to baby
Symptoms include: Vomiting and
Pain in abdomen or other joints
Dark urine---(orange/brown)
Jaundice----(yellowing of skin or eyes)
What is it ?
Caused by a
Can spread to
organs and
cause serious
Can be cured
with an antibiotic
How is Syphilis transmitted?
3 types of sex
Mother to baby
Can also transmit by open sores
or rashes
Symptoms include: Small,
painless sores called Chancres
Can be found on genitalia, anus,
throat, breasts or fingers
What is the ONLY way to avoid
Abstain from the following
Vaginal intercourse
Anal intercourse
Oral sex
Skin to skin contact of an infected