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Study Guide for Section 1: Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs
Drug: something other than food that changes the way the mind and body
Binge drinking: drinking a lot of alcohol in a short period of time.
Crack: pebble that is smoked. It is 10 times stronger than cocaine. Cocaine is
a powder that is inhaled.
Stroke: blocked or broken blood vessel in the brain.
Black out: a period of time a person cannot remember.
Enabler: someone who knowingly or unknowingly supports the harmful behavior
of another person.
Drug abuse: intentionally using a drug the wrong way
Steroid: synthetic drug from the male hormone testosterone.
Hallucinogen: changes perceptions and interferes with your senses
Inhalants: abusing household chemicals and affects the brain.
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC): the amount of alcohol inside of the
Explain the following:
1. Short term effects of alcohol use
Nausea, dizziness, vomiting
2. 3 poisons found in cigarettes
Butane, tar, acetone
3. How long does it take to oxidize 1 ounce of alcohol
2 hours
4. Which drug contains THC
5. Why do boys oxidize alcohol faster than girls
They have less gastric ADH and muscle mass.
Section 2: Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Umbilical Cord: ropelike structure through which the baby and
mother exchange oxygen, nutrients, and waste
Genital Warts: soft red/pink or hard gray warts that appear several
weeks after infection
Pregnancy: Time period from conception to birth
Genital Herpes: small painful blisters that appear several weeks
after infection
Obstetrician: doctor that cares for the mother to be and the unborn
Pre-eclampsia: mother experiences high blood pressure, sudden
weight gain and swelling
Miscarriage: natural ending of a pregnancy before a baby is fully
developed enough to survive on its own
Uterus: muscular organ that supports the fertilized egg
Fetus: developing of cells from the 8th week of conception until birth
Abstinence: abstaining or refraining from sex until marriage
Labor: a series of 3 stages that result in the birth of a baby
Explain the following:
1. What are the 4 ways the HIV virus can enter the body
Blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk.
2. What occurs when the HIV virus enters the body
The virus searches for T-cells: finds them, destroys them and
creates new viruses.
3. What are 2 ways a person cannot contract HIV
Causal contact and swimming in a pool with an infected
4. What are 2 reasons why abstinence is best
Prevents pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
5. The HPV virus will cause which 2 illnesses
Genital warts and cervical cancer.
6. What are the stages of labor
1. Effacement: thinning/shortening of the cervix
2. Delivery of baby
3. Delivery of placenta
7. Name 1 STI that can be passed from mother to child