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Bio Trunking
Antimicrobial Trunking Solutions
Infection control – the challenges
•Reduction in the transfer of microorganisms
is a key objective for the NHS. Why?
– There are 300,000 hospital associated
infections (HCAIs) in the UK per year.
– There is a £270m investment in infection
control per year.
– HCAIs actually cost £1bn and 5,000 deaths per
Per person - 11 extra days in hospital and
3 times the cost!
Infection control – prevention
• Where hygiene is a priority:
– Providing a reduction in the
transfer of bacteria via
inanimate objects.
– Antimicrobial PVC-U trunking
supports other infection
control initiatives.
– It also helps to prevent
discolouration and odour
formation on the treated item.
Prevention is better than cure!
Infection control – why silver?
• Silver has been used for centuries to inhibit
the growth of bacteria.
• Silver ions:
– Provide controlled delivery
– Are thermally stable
– Inorganic
– Non-leachable
– Registration with the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA)
– Compliance with the European Products
Directive (BPD).
Silver – how it works
• Silver ions attack bacterial cells in contact
with a surface.
• Solutions integral within the PVC-U provide
consistent antibacterial performance.
• Controlled release over product life.
Bacterial Cells
Bio Trunking - testing MRSA
Tests made in conjunction with material suppliers
TEST RESULTS: Marshall-Tufflex Report #2422431
LABORATORY: Thornton Research Associates Inc., Ontario, Canada
TEST ORGANISM: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
Quantitative Assessment of Activity – ISO 22196:2007
Concentration of starting inoculum
Sample Description
Flat profile – Blue Tape, White PVC –
untreated control
Curved profile – Red Tape, White PVC –
Treated with Ultra-Fresh CA-16
4.94 x 105 CFU/mL
No. Bacteria
Log Value
% Survival
7.19 x 106
<2.00 x 101
The treated curved profile (Sample 2) showed excellent control of MRSA with a
greater than 99.9% reduction in bacteria compared to the untreated flat profile
(Sample 1).
Bio Trunking – testing K. pneumoniae
TEST RESULTS: Marshall-Tufflex Report #2422435
LABORATORY: Thornton Research Associates Inc., Ontario, Canada
TEST ORGANISM: Klebsiella Pneumoniae
Quantitative Assessment of Activity – ISO 22196:2007
K. pneumoniae
Concentration of starting inoculum
Sample Description
1.16 x 105 CFU/mL
Log Value
R = [log(B/C)]
% Survival
Flat profile – Blue Tape, White PVC
– untreated control
3.06 x
Curved profile – Red Tape, White
PVC – Treated with Ultra-Fresh CA16
4.01 x
The treated curved profile (Sample 2) showed excellent control of Klebsiella
Pneumoniae with a greater than 99.9% reduction in bacteria compared to the
untreated flat profile (Sample 1). The bacteria grew on the untreated sample.
Bio Trunking Solutions
Derriford Hospital,
• Odyssey Bio in 11
operating theatres.
“Odyssey Bio…is a product that
is likely to come to the fore in the
control of infection as Trusts up
and down the country tackle the
continuing threat of virulent
infectious diseases.”
Rob Ellis, Head of Electrical Estates,
Plymouth NHS Trust.
Bio Trunking Solutions
Heavitree Hospital
• Odyssey Bio for the
Dermatology &
Lymphoedema Unit
“Infection control was the over-
riding factor in the specification
of Odyssey Bio. It is a superb
product and we are very pleased
with it.”
Royal Devon & Exeter
NHS Trust
Marshall-Tufflex Bio Trunking Solutions
A range of trunking systems with integral
antimicrobial properties.
- Prevents 99.9% of harmful bacteria growth.
- No reduction in effectiveness if the trunking is damaged.
- Tests to ISO 22196:2007
Bio Trunking Solutions
a caring choice for the healthcare environment