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Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (b 1849) - a physiologist most famous for his work on
the “conditioned reflex” for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1904…. His work
started originally as an examination of the regulation of digestive enzymes
and contributed greatly to our understanding of the digestive system.
Digestion of food items is quite varied by species:
Most organisms have ways to metabolize
Lipids & Fats
Nucleic Acids
However, some organisms have some specialized
materials that they can digest as well.
Waxes – indigestible in humans and most other organisms.
But in organisms that can digest waxes the caloric value is
similar to that of fats and oils.
The Wax Moth – which can feed on and consume waxes in
the environment, such as in a bee hive (honeycomb).
The Honey Guide (from the southern African continent) – a bird that has
the ability to digest wax due to symbiotic bacteria in its gut that will break
down the wax.
Wood as a food?
Wood occurs in a variety of different forms, and
as such it can be of caloric value to some
The major constituant of wood is CELLULOSE,
and it occurs in wood as well as in many other
structural elements in a variety of plants.
The common garden snail can digest cellulose from wood and other plant
matter. However, it does not appear to have its own digestive enzymes
capable of breaking down cellulose. Instead, it uses a variety of microorganisms to digest the celulose.
After further study, it now appears that virtually all organisms that can
digest cellulose, do so through the aid of bacteria. The only exception
appears to be the silverfish.
The silverfish – an insect that appears to be able to digest cellulose
WITHOUT the aid of micro-organisms to break down the material.
Ruminants – mammals that digest plant-based food by initially softening it
within the animal's first stomach, then regurgitating the semi-digested mass,
known as “cud”, and chewing it again.
The process of re-chewing the cud to further break down plant matter and
stimulate digestion is called "ruminating".
Ruminating mammals include cattle goats, sheep, giraffes, bison, yaks,
water buffalo, deer, camels, alpacas, llamas, wildebeest, and antelope.
Halocynthia – a tunicate…. commonly called the “red sea squirt”
The reason for the change in
optimum ezymatic
temperature appears to be
an effect only of the length
of the experiment.
Therefore, it is most likely
that the 50 hour mark is
showing a more accurate
representation of optimum
temperatures in this enzyme
in this species in nature.
Why would this be so???
The effects of changes
in diet on rats. The
major change is seen in
the actual caloric
content of the food. The
top graph shows food
that has lowered caloric
value per gram whereas
the top shows increased
caloric value per gram.
In the experimental
section, the dashed line
is showing the energy
content of the food
consumed per day
whereas the solid line is
showing weight of the
food consumed.
Can you make correlations to
human dietary choices?
Lafayette B. Mendel – biochemist who discovered numerous
properties of vitamins and proteins that has developed into our modern
concept of nutrition. His work was accomplished between
1910 and 1930.
The Food Pyramid
A two-headed calf born possibly from exposure to an endocrine
disrupting compound.