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Ch 37.1 Guide
Breathing:Mechanical intake gas
Diaphram muscle expands & contracts the chest cavity
Lung, trachea, bronchi & alveoli
Alveoli: Tiny air sacs
 Increase
Surface area
for gas
 Rich in
 Over 700
million !
B. Comparing terms:
 Breathing:
Mechanical intake
and exhalation of gases (lungs)
 Respiration: the exchange of
gases by diffusion at the alveoli
 Cellular Respiration: Use of
oxygen by the mitochondria to
make ATP energy
Air enters the Mouth And Nasal Passages
where it is warmed & filtered
Breathing:Mechanical intake gas
Diaphram muscle expands & contracts the chest cavity
The brain stem controls
breathing by CO2 concentration
Alveoli air sacs
Respiration or Gas
exchange at capillaries
 By the law of diffusion
 Blue blood low in
oxygen coming into the
 Red blood high in
oxygen leaves the
Cellular Respiration
 Breakdown
in Mitochondria
 Plants & Animals
 Produces ATP
 Cell energy
 CO2 gas waste
Tuberculosis: Bacterial infection
Smoker’s Lung with tar deposits
Cancerous Lung
For teacher’s use:
This dissection of human lung tissue shows light-colored
cancerous tissue in the center of the photograph. At bottom
center lies the heart. While normal lung tissue is light pink
in color, the tissue surrounding the cancer is black and
airless, the result of a tarlike residue left by cigarette
smoke. Most lung cancer begins in the cells lining the main
air passages, or bronchi. In their cancerous state, these
cells lack the cilia that normally catch and eliminate foreign
particles inhaled into the lung. Mucous ordinarily cleared by
bronchial cilia becomes trapped, blocking air passages.
Lung cancer accounts for the largest percentage of cancer
deaths in the United States, and cigarette smoking is
directly responsible for the majority of these cases.
Martin Rotker/Phototake NYC
"Cancerous Human Lung," Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 2000.
© 1993-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Whales have lungs……