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Prostate Cancer Education
What is the Prostate?
A male sex gland
The size of a walnut below the
bladder and in front of the rectum
Produces the fluid that is
part of semen
Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
Age – Found mainly in men over age 55.
Average age of diagnosis is 70
Family History – Men’s risk is higher if
father or brother is diagnosed before the age
of 60
Risk Factors continued
Race – Prostate cancer is found more often
in African American men then White men. It
is less common in Asian and American Indian
Dietary factors – Evidence suggests that
a diet high in fat may increase the risk of
prostate cancer and diets high in fruits and
vegetables decrease the risk
Risk for Developing
Prostate Cancer
Death Rates For
Prostate Cancer
What Goes Wrong
Three main types of problems -- infection,
enlargement, and cancer -- can afflict the
prostate. Prostate infections, called
prostatitis, are fairly common in men from
the teen years on. These infections can be
brief or long-lasting, mild or severe, easy or
difficult to treat with antibiotics. Symptoms of
prostatitis can include frequent and/or
painful urination, other urinary difficulties, or
pain during sex
What Goes Wrong continued
Prostate enlargement, called benign prostatic
hyperplasia, or BPH for short, is an
unwanted but non-cancerous enlargement of
the prostate. Although men in their twenties
can suffer from BPH, it usually surfaces later
in life. It's estimated that half of all men have
BPH by the age of 60, and 90% will suffer
from it by age 85
What Goes Wrong continued
Prostate cancer: Cells normally divide when
new cells are needed. But sometimes cells
divide for no reason, creating a mass of tissue
called a tumor. Prostate cancer is a malignant
tumor that usually begins in the outer part of
the prostate. In most men, the cancer grows
very slowly.
Recommendations for Screening
The prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
blood test and the digital rectal exam
(DRE) should begin at the age of 50
African Americans and men who have
first degree relatives diagnosed before
the age of 60 should start at 45 years old
Screening for Prostate Cancer
Prostate-Specific Antigen Blood Test (PSA) –
Measures substance made by the prostate gland
Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) – Physical exam of the
Prostate Gland
Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS) –
Uses sound waves to make an image
of the prostate on a video screen
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
Frequent urination
Inability to urinate
Trouble starting and stopping urination
Blood in the urine or semen
Painful ejaculation
Painful or burning urination
Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
Confirmed only by an biopsy taken from part
of the prostate
Pathologists then grade the biopsy to give
likely hood of cancerous tissue
Then pathologists can tell what stage the
cancer is in, 4 stages in all
Procedures for Prostate Cancer
Laparoscopic Prostatectomy – Removal of entire
prostate gland and nerves using a minimally invasive
Radical Prostatectomy – Removal of entire
prostate gland and nerves
Radiation Therapy – High-energy rays to kill or
shrink cancer cells
Expectant Therapy – Regularly scheduled
Procedures continued
Cryosurgery – freezes abnormal cells of the
prostate with a metal probe
Hormone Therapy – Decreases the
androgen (testosterone) levels in the body
Chemotherapy – Anticancer drugs injected
into a vein or taken by mouth
Procedures continued
Transurethral Resection of the Prostate –
Partial removal of tissue from the prostate
Brachytherapy – confined dosage of radioactive
seeds inserted directly into the prostate while
minimizing healthy tissue damage
Side Effects of Treatments
Impotence – Could last for 3 months or
Incontinence – Loss of bladder control or
Bowel problems - Burning and rectal pain
and/or diarrhea
What’s the Outlook
While the number of men diagnosed
with prostate cancer remains high,
survival rates are also improving.
Almost 89% of men diagnosed with the
disease will survive at least five years,
while 63% will survive 10 years or
longer. The increased number of
treatment options make this possible
Test Results
PSA levels under 4vng/ml are considered
normal, Just to be safe, if your level is 3
ng/mlor higher, or the level increases from
one test to the other you should discuss the
results with your physician.
After a DRE your doctor will discuss the test
results with you. If they detect a suspicious
lump or area during the exam, an ultrasound
or biopsy may be recommended.
Test Results continued
If any results come back abnormal, or you do
not understand them contact your health care
provider for further information.
PSA Testing
IF you are covered under a Purdue
Insurance plan you can receive a FREE
PSA screening. Ask your doctor to write
a prescription for a PSA blood test, take
the Rx to any Arnett laboratory, the cost
is FREE and your results are sent to
your doctor.
Our Gift to You
Continued educational programming
regarding detection and prevention
Additional resources
Additional Resources
UsToo! International
National Prostate Cancer Coalition
American Cancer Society
National Cancer Institute
Oncology Care International
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention