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CSE 190: Internet E-Commerce
Lecture 5
Exam Material
• Lectures 1-4 (Presentation Tier)
– 3-tier architecture
– Style sheets
– Javascript
– Web servers
Exam: 3-Tier Architecture
• What are the three tiers?
• Presentation: purpose of
Load balancing server
Web server
How to recover from failure?
• Application Tier
– How to recover from failure?
• Data Tier
– Why can’t this be combined with application tier?
Exam: HTML
Purpose; difference with other doc formats
Structure of an HTML document
General tag syntax
Familiar with tags: html, head, body, H#, A, UL,
OL, form, input, table, tr, td, br, img, center,
frame, script
• Components of URL
• URL encoding ( url?arg1=ab+cd&arg2=ef%20 )
• Difference between relative and absolute URL
Exam: Stylesheets
What is meant by cascading?
General CSS syntax
Applying style to:
– All tags of type X
– All elements of class X
• Specify an external stylesheet, internal
stylesheet, and inline style
Exam: Javascript
How to include in a page
Writing text to HTML page
Declaring variables
Declaring functions
Returning a value
Displaying an alert
When the script executes
Exam: HTTP
Status codes, classes of
Purpose of: GET, POST, HEAD
Syntax of: GET, POST
Request fields: Host, Content-Length
Response fields: Content-Type
Exam: Web Servers
• Purpose of
• Apache multi-client model
• Apache configuration: Purpose of
HTTP authentication
Virtual Hosts
Example Exam Questions
• (2 pts) Draw & explain the relationship between
a load balancer and a cluster of web servers.
• (3 pts) Show the URL that represents a GET
request for domain and document
/student/ski/home.asp with two arguments,
task with value open and the second
shibboleth with “ali baba” (no quotes).
• (3 pts) Explain two advantages of stylesheets
over plain HTML. Write an HTML file that applies
an internal style to all DIV tags such that the
attribute font-size is 18.
Example Exam (cot’d)
• (3 pts) Write an HTML page that contains a form
taking username and password and submits it to using HTTPS. Onlookers may
not view the password.
• (3 pts) Write HTML code that uses Javascript to
write “Hello World!” to the browser window.
• (2 pts) Write a Javascript function that takes two
numbers and returns their sum.
• (2 pts) Using Javascript to access the DOM,
access the second form on the page and assign
it to a variable.
Example Exam (cot’d)
• (3 pts) Show an HTTP/1.0 client send a request
for a document hello.gif from an HTTP 1.1
server. Show both request and response
headers. Indicate when the connection closes.
• (2 pts) What is the purpose of DocumentRoot in
Apache’s configuration file (httpd.conf)?
• (2 pts) What happens to your web server if a
hostile user crashes a child process? How does
the parent recover? Are pages still served?