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eLearning Solutions
Advanced Moderator
The business of education is learning.
eLearning Solutions
Session Objectives
• Know how to effectively share an application
• Learn how to browse the web
• Know how to use video
• Learn how to use Over the Shoulder (OTS)
• Discover the moderator policy options
eLearning Solutions
Application Sharing
• The Moderator can share with the class any
of the applications running on his/her desktop
• Participants can view the shared application even if
they do not have the application installed on their
• Participants can maximize the Participant application to
see the entire application
• Moderator can pass control of the application to one
participant at a time
eLearning Solutions
Using Application Sharing - Steps
Initialize Sharing
Conduct Presentation
Transfer Control
End Sharing
eLearning Solutions
Before the session starts:
1. Define Application Sharing Options
2. Open the application to be shared or demonstrated
3. Close all applications, except Interwise and those to be shared
Before initiating Application Sharing:
1. Inform the participants that there might be some silence while
sharing initializes
2. Activate VOX
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Define Application Sharing Options
Tools > Options….
eLearning Solutions
Define Application Sharing Options
Select the option most
suitable to the Participants’
Click in the End sharing
/ Viewer Hot Key fields
to specify the Hot key
Make sure the Display
Dashboard option is selected
The participant in conversation
automatically gains control
over the shared application
eLearning Solutions
Preparation – Activating VOX
• The Moderator can choose between two methods of
talking with the Participants:
Vox off – Moderator must
press CTRL to be heard
Vox on – Hands-free, Moderator
just talks to be heard
Always activate VOX when using application sharing!
eLearning Solutions
Preparation – Activating VOX
• For the Moderator to be heard, the green bar must cross the
red line on the sound level bar!
• Higher percentages signify that the Moderator must speak
louder to transmit sound
If the green bar crosses
red line…
If the green bar does not
cross red line…
Click the arrows to raise and lower the
microphone's sensitivity
eLearning Solutions
Application Sharing - Initializing Sharing
Menu Path
Follow the menu path: Tools > Application
Sharing > Select Application…
Toolbar Button
Click Share
eLearning Solutions
Application Sharing
Select the application
to be shared
If the application is not
listed, share your
Sharing the Moderator’s Desktop requires the most bandwidth
eLearning Solutions
Application Sharing Dashboard
Enables the Moderator to manage the event while simultaneously
work on the shared application
Only the Moderator can view the Dashboard
Volume level
Speak button
Number of
incoming notes
Number of raised
Click to return to
the Moderator
eLearning Solutions
Transferring Control During Application
When NOT selected
Transfer Control
Has Conversation
Resume Control
Has control of the
eLearning Solutions
Application Sharing - Tips
Explain your actions as
you navigate through
the shared application
eLearning Solutions
Application Sharing - Tips
Avoid touching the
mouse when a
participant is working on
the shared application
eLearning Solutions
Application Sharing - Ending
Menu Path
Follow the menu path: Tools >
Application Sharing > End
End Sharing Hot Key
Click the End
Sharing Hot Key
The Web Tour
Whiteboard can
be used for
browsing the
eLearning Solutions
eLearning Solutions
Loading a Web Site
Toolbar button
Click the Load URL button
Event Materials
Load a link from the
Event Materials pane
eLearning Solutions
When would you use each option?
When the web browsing is
pre-planned as part of the session
When the session material requires
additional unplanned explanations
that are found in a web site
eLearning Solutions
Loading a URL
Enter the URL to be
loaded then click Apply
Once you click Apply, the URL is loaded on the
whiteboard of the Moderator and the Participants
The http:// information is not necessary,
Interwise adds this automatically
eLearning Solutions
Browsing the Web
• The Moderator can maneuver between active (browser
enabled) and inactive page:
HTML Full Mode
Moderator and Participants can
navigate through hyperlinks
HTML Draw / Point Mode
Moderator can point, draw
and write on the whiteboard
eLearning Solutions
Browsing the Pages
• When in Full HTML mode the arrows are used for back
and forward
eLearning Solutions
Over the Shoulder
• The Moderator can initiate a viewing of an application
open on a Participant’s desktop
• There are two ways a Participant’s application can be
1. Between a Participant and Moderator:
Allows the Moderator to view a Participant’s work and provide
assistance during a hands-on exercise
2. Between a Participant and the entire class:
Allows a Participant the ability to share his/her work with others
eLearning Solutions
Initiate Over the Shoulder
1. Right click a Participant’s icon
2. Select Start Over the Shoulder
eLearning Solutions
Initiate Over the Shoulder to All
1. Right click a Participant’s icon
2. Select Start Over the Shoulder to All
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Requesting Permission
Moderator’s View:
Over the Shoulder is
Participant’s View:
Requesting Over the
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Select an Application
3. Select the application to be shared then click OK
A Private Conversation is
automatically initiated with the
Participant when Start Over the
Shoulder is selected
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What the Moderator Sees
The moderator can control the Participant’s application,
but cannot transfer control to another Participant
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End Over the Shoulder
Right click a Participant’s icon and select Stop Over the
End sharing with
the moderator
If Over the Shoulder to All was active, Stop Over
the Shoulder to All would be the active option
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Moderator Policy Options
Policy options can be changed
during the live event
eLearning Solutions
Session Summary
• Know how to effectively share an application
• Learned how to browse the web
• Learned How to send a tests & surveys
• Know how to use video
• Learned how to use Over the Shoulder (OTS)
• Discovered the moderator policy options
eLearning Solutions
The business of education is learning.
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