Download 20130904_Project Work-in-Progress

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Enock Rukundo
Project Stretch goal
Kigali Health Institute (KHI)
Kigali, Rwanda
Project Background…short story!
My Dad and 6
Purpose driven goal…)
My poor Dad received 6 different medical transfers
From the HC
To the District Hospital
Then Provincial Hospital
To the Military Hospital
The Referral Hospital
To the High-level Private Hospital (Rich..)
And finally to the Military Hospital again (Mutual de Santé support laboratory exams).
Problem Statement...
Under Construction…..
Referrer data
Rwandan Government Priorities
Anticipated Solution
Critical steps:
Sender submits an sms with patient case details; structured format: ID patient no,
The filter application makes verification actions i.e format rules
The intermediary filter application re-shapes text sms’s into readable web based or
emails formats and sent to the operator/moderator.
Moderator reads case details and decides the final decision or which specialist(s) most
appropriate to the case in question
An automatic email sent to the specialist or sender
Specialists logs in the server, reads the case history and provides a response to the
moderator and the sender
Referrer reads response from the operator/moderator
The referrer reports action being taken (transfer details)
Blue Binder
Checklist &
Critical Control Factors:
Field workers trained
Professional buy-in
Efficient moderator/playing a vital role/important factor
Organizational set-up
Create specific interests for the cause
Impact measurements for the patient and health facilities (hospitals)
/demonstration of specific community interests
Blue Binder
Checklist &
First and foremost this referral system is a network of people who trust each other and
want to collaborate, capacity building and social engineering are thus very important.
Improve access to health care;
Enhance the quality of service delivery;
Improve the effectiveness of public health and primary care interventions;
Improve the global shortage of health professionals through collaboration and training