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Emerging Technology
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
Team 1
Kevin Gravesande,
Steve Kim,
Rasal Mowla,
Al Resptrepo,
Carlos Thomas, and
Scott Weaver
Web services can facilitate seamless
business-to-business integration
The business process execution language for
web services (BPEL) is a standard for
business process and integration protocols for
web services
The objective of these technologies is to
automate process execution across people
and systems
 The BPEL specification was written by Microsoft, IBM, and BEA
 BPEL processes consist of web services definition language
(WSDL) and BPEL files
 BPEL process can define a set of variables and pass those
variables as inputs\outputs to web services
 Processes can be bound to the input of a inbound activity,
output of a synchronous invoke & assigned a value with the
assign activity
Use Case ~ Travel Agency
Use Case ~ Financial Institution
Use Case ~ Financial Transaction
BEA's Weblogic stack
BEA's WebLogic Workshop
process design editor
The NetBeans BPEL editor.
How BPEL Works
 First, a recap of the Loan Scenario
 Traditional Method
 A client visits a loan officer at the loan office
 Loan officer gathers information
 Loan officer searches for best loan available
 Contacts client
 Intermediate Step
 Offer loan requests online
 Problem – only gathering of information is
How BPEL Works
 BPEL automates the whole process
Accepts the client request
Forms a request to financial institutions
Waits for responses
Picks the best offer
Crafts a reply to the client.
How BPEL Works
The Building-of Phase
 The design,
development, and
 Developers and
Business Analysts
Graphic tools (i.e. plug
in for Eclipse)
Full blown stand alone
environment such as
Oracle’s BPEL
Process Manager
How BPEL Works
The Building-of Phase
How BPEL Works
The Execution-of Phase
 Consists of a BPEL Server, contains
the business process definitions
a Web Services framework
the BPEL execution engine
 Clients access the system through the Client
 Other institutions access services through
Partner Services
Building a Business Process
BPEL uses Web services Definition Language
A BPEL process consists of defined steps;
each step is called an ”activity.”
BPEL supports primitive
 <invoke>, <receive>, <reply>, <assign>, <throw>
as well as structure activities
 <sequence>, <flow>, <switch>, <while>, <pick>
BPEL process also defines
 defines partner links, using <partnerLink>
 declares variables, using <variable>
BPEL Specification
BPEL4WS is layered on top of several XML
specifications: WSDL 1.1, XML Schema 1.0,
and XPath1.0.
BPEL4WS does the followings:
defines a model and a grammar for describing the
behavior of a business process
defines an interoperable integration model
introduces systematic mechanisms for dealing
with business exceptions and processing faults.