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Central Data Exchange
Environmental Information Exchange Network
Exchange Network Enhancements
By David Fladung
April 19, 2006
• CDX Overview
• Open Source Utilization
• Data Transformation (Mapper)
• Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
• Rich User Interface (RUI) client
• Geographic Data Interaction
CDX Overview
CDX Overview
Open Source Utilization
• CDX utilizes about 50 open source products/frameworks
• JBoss (Wind River Node application server)
• PostgreSQL (Wind River Node database)
• Struts (Model View Controller [MVC])
• Hibernate (Object Relational Mapping [ORM])
• Axis (WS engine and libraries)
• Maven (build and release management)
• AspectJ (quality of service)
• StAX (streaming parsing of large XML)
• Velocity (templating/mapping)
• Quartz (job scheduling)
• ActiveBPEL (business process management)
Open Source Utilization
Yellow – current open source implementation
Grey – potential for open source implementation
White – not applicable
Open Source Utilization
• Advantages
• Low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
• Rich user community
• Adequate documentation
• Proven performance
• Promotes rapid development
• Easy to integrate
• Disadvantages
• Potential that product may no longer be supported
• Advanced support may require cost
Data Transformation
• Convert from one data format to another
• Flat file (i.e. delimited)
• Database
• Handle large file sizes
• Use streaming approach rather than in memory
• Provide a robust and reusable interface
• Standard configuration files
• Standard APIs
• Reusable across multiple tiers
Data Transformation
• TRI OUT – flat file to XML
• NC Node – database to XML for Beaches and NEI data
• Puerto Rico Node – flat file to XML for AQS data
• Wind River Node – database to XML for AQS
• Geo Toolkit for Region 5 – XML to XML for Geo data
• EnviroFlash – flat file to unstructured email (text)
• TRIME (XML to database)
• Water Sentinel (database to XML, XML to database)
• GLNPO (database to Excel, database to XML)
Data Transformation
Yellow – current use of mapper implementation
White – not applicable
Data Transformation
• Architecture
• Mapping engine
• Run the transformation process
• Built on the Velocity open source project
• Configuration files
• Mapping instructions
• Location of the data sources and data targets
• Conditional logic, custom methods
• Custom Java methods - provides the custom transformation
such as data formatting.
• Pluggable readers
• Pluggable writers
Data Transformation
• Mapping steps
• Logical mapping
• The process of analyzing the data source and the data
target and creating the document that specifies the relations
between the source and target fields.
• If the data source is relational database, this process
includes developing the query to extract the data from the
• Physical mapping - the process of creating the configuration
files to implement the logical mapping specifications.
• Custom methods (if needed)
Data Transformation
• Database to XML (Puerto Rico Node)
## Database Query
#set ($sqlQuery = "select distinct TRANSACTION_TYPE, ACTION_CODE, STATE_CODE, COUNTY_CODE, SITE_ID from ${tableName}RA
## Set Reader properties
#set ($tmp = $MapperEngine.setMapReaderProperty('SQL_COMMAND', $sqlQuery ) )
#set ($tmp = $MapperEngine.setMapReaderProperty('ENCODING', 'XML_ENCODING') )
## Loop for each record in result set
#foreach($row in $MapperEngine.getIterator())
## Write XML
## Use value from record as a variable
<aqs:CountyCode>$PRFunctions.getNumberDigitStr($!row.COUNTY_CODE , 3)</aqs:CountyCode>
<aqs:SiteNumber>$PRFunctions.getNumberDigitStr($!row.SITE_ID , 4)</aqs:SiteNumber>
## Call subsequent execution
#set( $config = $MapperEngine.createMapperConfiguration() )
#set ($tmp = $!config.ContextConfig.put( 'SITE_ID', $!row.SITE_ID ))
#set ($tmp = $!config.ContextConfig.put( 'tableName', $tableName ))
#set ($tmp = $!config.ContextConfig.put( 'subs', 'PRMonitorDeleteRAMap' ))
$MapperEngine.subExecute('MapperServices/PR/PRDBReadConfig.vm', 'MapperServices/PR/PRMonitorDeleteRAMap.vm', $config)
Data Transformation
• Flat file to unstructured text through custom Java (EnviroFlash)
## Column names for delimited text file
## Delimiter
## Loop for all records in text file
#foreach($row in $MapperEngine.getIterator())
#if($templateCallback.isCitySubscribedTo($row.STATE, $row.CITY, $row.COUNTY))
## Use values from record as variable
#set( $config = $MapperEngine.createMapperConfiguration() )
#set ($tmp = $!config.ContextConfig.put( 'CITY', $row.CITY ) )
#set ($tmp = $!config.ContextConfig.put( 'COUNTY', $row.COUNTY ) )
#set ($tmp = $!config.ContextConfig.put( 'STATE', $row.STATE ) )
#set ($tmp = $!config.ContextConfig.put( 'UV_INDEX', $row.UV_INDEX ) )
#set ($tmp = $!config.ContextConfig.put( 'UV_ALERT', $row.UV_ALERT ) )
#set ($tmp = $!config.ContextConfig.put( 'subscriberURL', $subscriberURL ) )
#set ($tmp = $!config.ContextConfig.put( 'environmentName', $environmentName ) )
#set ($tmp = $MapperEngine.subExecute('gov/epa/cdx/enviroflash/uv/templates/writeUVMailConfig.vm',
'gov/epa/cdx/enviroflash/uv/templates/writeUVMailMap.vm', $config) )
#set ($outMail = $!MapperEngine.getObjectCacheMap().get('OUT_MAIL') )
#set ($tmp = $templateCallback.sendEmail($outMail, $row.STATE, $row.CITY, $row.COUNTY, $row.UV_ALERT) )
Data Transformation
• Advantages
• Provides an ability to concentrate mapping logic within the
configuration file and custom methods.
• Provides ability to handle several data source types.
• Provides an ability to decouple readers and writers.
• Provides streaming capabilities to handle large size files (tested
against 680 MB).
• Provides an ability to use custom Java methods.
• Does not require license fee.
• Requires minimum coding.
• Superior performance compared to commercial tools (XAware,
BEA Liquid Data) - 30 times faster on large data sets.
• Uses streaming approach for low memory overhead.
• BPEL is a standard for orchestrating Web Services.
• XML based description of a business process
• Contains references to supporting WSDL files
• Portable between BPEL engines
• BPEL allows for a formal specification of business processes.
• BPEL meshes well with Service Oriented Architectures (SOA).
• BPEL provides several useful constructs
• Transaction context management
• Synchronous and asynchronous web service invocation and
• Conditional branching
• Parallel flow activities
• Fault handling and exception invocation
• BPEL within CDX
• Motivations
• Can it simplify the design of existing dataflows?
• Can it reduce the cost of dataflow development?
• Can it speed up the process of integrating CDX Web and
Node applications?
• Can it provide better visibility into existing flows?
• Goals
• Identify a target platform.
• Demonstrate feasibility of deployment/integration.
• Demonstrate ability to reuse existing CDX services.
• Determine if BPEL allows for quick development of dataflow
• Prototype specifics
• Exposed generic CDX services (Java) as Web Services
• XML validation
• Retrieval of transaction/document metadata
• Created a CDX Services project to host the web services
• Model existing National Emissions Inventory (NEI) dataflow.
• Enhance CDX infrastructure to support use of BPEL
• Configure a production-like environment to host the services.
• Deploy ActiveBPEL engine (deployed within Tomcat)
• Set up persistence of processes (Oracle DMBS)
• Findings
• BPEL prototype demonstrates feasibility in the EPA
• Appears that cost savings could be realized for future flows as
the CDX service suite increases, however, it is not yet clear what
the savings are.
• Learning curve is not insignificant
• Tools have not yet reached full maturity.
RUI Client
• Guidelines
• Provide more features/capabilities than a web application is
capable of delivering.
• Provide flexible configuration for interaction with multiple
• Support all existing Exchange Network Web Services and
• Provide pluggable transformation/visualization for multiple
dataflows (Mapper, XML binding).
• Use NAAS for authentication/authorization.
RUI Client
RUI Client
RUI Client
RUI Client
RUI Client
• Current capabilities
• Supports submit, download, and transaction history search
• Supports configurable data transformation
• Supports NAAS authentication/authorization
• Future capabilities
• Support query and data visualization
• Add ability to sign/encrypt documents (CROMERR)
Geographic Data Interaction
• Some dataflows have geographic data (e.g. FRS)
• Provide the capability to visualize data
• Provide the capability to update the data
• API’s exist for addressing geographic data
• Google Maps
• ESRI products suite
• CDX approach
• Integrate Google Maps API into CDX web applications
• Provide end to end solution for querying and updating data