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Architecture, Deployment
Diagrams, Web Modeling
Elizabeth Bigelow
October 6, 2000
New schedule
Project next steps
Architecture in the object oriented
Deployment diagrams
Event systems
Please note that schedule for
presentations and mentoring sessions
has been updated on the web
Teams D, E, F present Wednesday
Mentoring sessions on Friday
Two lectures on Monday
Some thoughts
Why do a particular diagram…
UML diagrams allow you to look at a
problem from different perspectives
Keeping the details straight on a big
project is a major problem
Big advantage in entering data once (if
Diagrams are not totally orthagonal, but at
least parts that are can be tracked
Payoff on modeling
analysis & cross-checking
Bicycle for the mind
Combination of modeling and human
analysis can yield much more than
narrow area of model
Trick is to know when to stop
Project Next Steps and
First presentations were in general very
The primary goal was to convey to the
class what the project was about
Most teams participated evenly
Event systems requested were not
Next steps
Refine class association diagrams to show all
attributes and methods
Create behavioral diagrams for key areas
(particularly those that can change state on
the site, as opposed to sheer display)
Create deployment and web models
Analyze diagrams individually and together to
see what has to be changed for
Teams D, E, F should give presentations
much like the previous ones, but show
their diagrams at a greater level of
development (particularly behavioral)
All teams should create deployment and
web diagrams for mentoring session
and be prepared to show results of
cross diagram analysis
Consistency checking (create forms for
yourself to document your checks. Some
people find it helpful to use copies of
Support for major queries and processes
Document potential run time problems
Determine whether implementation object
model should change
Will your code track exactly to the model? Why or
why not
Architecture and UML
In UML, there are five views
Structural view (Class Diagrams, Object
Implementation View (Component
Environment View (Deployment Diagrams)
Behavioral View (Sequence Diagrams,
Collaboration Diagrams, Statechart
Diagrams, Activity Diagrams)
Component Diagrams
Show relationships and dependencies
among sets of code without respect to
actual physical placement of code
Use only when there is a design issue
Deployment Diagrams
Called “environment” diagram
Shows actual physical organization of
computation units and connectors
Appropriate to do at this stage--when user
requirements are fairly well articulated
May surface practical problems
Should use for “what if’s” (volume, network
failures, etc.)
Deployment Diagrams
The Web
To date, we’ve looked at application
Now, we need to look at objects and
components in terms of building web
Object oriented?
Fundamental component is the page
Web servers distribute pages of information
to browsers
Browser acts as generalized user interface
container (specifics defined by each page’s
Pages may be a combination of static HTML
and dynamic scripted pages (ASP)
Scripted Pages
Scripted pages contain code executed
by web server (scripting engine or page
filter) ultimately building an HTML
formatted page
Page is sent back to browser that
requests it
Web Client Server
Connection exists only during a page request
(connection is broken once the request is
Business logic on the server is only activated
by the execution of scripts inside the pages
requested by the browser
Ultimate result is to update the business state
of the server and prepare an HTML formatted
page to the requesting browser
Business objects are not always
accessible when handling individual
Client Scripting
As opposed to server side (procedural),
are event driven
Have no access to server resources
Necessary to collect information
Each form associated with an action
Web server finds page and executes the
page’s code
Server -- there may be an intermediate
tier with business logic
Client may have components for
execution on clients machine.
In order model these effectively, UML
extensions have to be used
Special types of classes and relationships for
special, well defined purposes
Use only when necessary
_Really_ necessary for effective web