Download 5th Grade Keyboarding - Mrs. Schlaffman's Computer Class

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5th Grade Keyboarding
Mrs. Schlaffman
Class Expectations
Class Expectations
Be on time. –
You must be sitting quietly and
working on the bell assignment when the bell rings.
Work quietly and listen for instructions.
Stay on task.
Be polite & Considerate - Keep hands to
yourself. No name calling. Say please and thank
you. Don’t interrupt.
Be respectful to classmates, materials,
and teacher.
1. Verbal warning.
2. 15-30 minute detention.
3. Office
 Depending
on the situation you might skip
step 1 and/or 2.
 Also, you will receive a lowered daily
Class Procedure
1. Complete Bell Assignment
Check white board for assignment.
Pick up necessary tools.
Sit down immediately.
Open necessary programs.
Read through the handout or book pages.
Quietly listen to directions.
Quietly complete the assignment.
Sit until you are dismissed from class.
Push in your chair.
Raise your hand for help. Be patient!
Stay quiet and busy if you finish early.
Not allowed to rush through an assignment.
It is your responsibility to find out if you are
missing any work.
You can not change any computer settings.
If your computer looks different, tell me!
Any work you want saved, must be saved into
the 5th grade folder.
This folder is found inside the My Documents
Click on File – Save As. Choose My
Documents. Double click on the 5th grade
folder to open it. Title the assignment
Title it with your first name and then the name
of the assignment.
Example – Fred Lesson1
Each assignment is worth 10 points.
You are graded on effort and behavior.
1 point is lost for every time I ask you to stop a
poor behavior and possible detention.
Quizzes may be given if you are not listening
to instructions.
1 point is deducted for every tardy.
Any daily work not made up is worth 0 points.
Daily Points
10 points – A+
9.5 points – A9 points – B
8.5 points – C+
8 points – C7.5 points – D
7-0 points - F
When There is a Substitute
Must do as the substitute asks—no
Any behavior trouble—receive a 0.
Any detentions given—will be doubled.
Must turn in an Internet User Agreement
Form ASAP.
Only can be in sites I have approved of.
No surfing, unless it is for a project.
All sites opened are logged into history
and the server.
Any violations result in loss of Internet.
Web Site List
All web sites used in this class are found
This site is marked in your Internet favorites.
***You can not type in Internet addresses.
***Do not use Google image—use Ask Jeeves
Image instead
Course Outline
Last 1 year. (1 day a week)
You will learn how:
To type correctly.
To use proofreading marks.
Use correct grammar.
Use Internet.
Work with graphics.
My web site: