* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Honors World History Course Description: World History is a course designed for 9th grade students. This is a required course you must pass in order to graduate. Students will study a variety of current issue topics that affect our everyday world and the society we live in. We will also study any other major issues or events that may face the world as the school year progresses. Course Topics: World Religions, Culture, Genocide, Poverty, Political Systems, Globalization, United Nations, Cold War, Holocaust, Geography, Middle East/Terrorism. Course Objectives: Gain knowledge and understanding of our world today and the people who call Earth home. Develop critical thinking skills that allow students to solve problems and communicate information effectively. Create student-centered research projects allowing students to express their individual strengths as they examine topics in depth. Understand and know how to be active participants within today’s society on a local, national, and world level. Classroom Assessment: Homework Tests/quizzes Presentations Group projects Individual projects Participation Grading Scale: 100 – 90 A 89 – 80 B 79 – 70 C 69 – 60 D 59 – 0 F CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS NO SNIVELING!!!!! Students are to respect each other, the classroom, and the teacher. Students are to report to class on time and be in your seat. Students are to report to class with pen or pencil, a notebook, and folder or a binder, and their pirate planner. Water and healthy food is encouraged in class. DISCIPLINE POLICY/PROCEDURES – Failure to comply with classroom expectations will result in the following consequences: Verbal warning Parent phone call and before school teacher detention After school 201 detention 201 referral These steps may be adjusted according to the severity of the conduct HOMEWORK POLICY/PROCEDURES Students are responsible for turning in their homework. They will turn in their homework in their class period’s appropriate basket. Students are to turn in their homework or project assignments in at the beginning of the class period. Any assignment turned in after the bell rings will be considered late. Any late work will result in a penalty of 10% each day, up to the 5th day. After the 5th school day that assignment becomes a zero. When students are absent, it is their responsibility to approach me about missing work. CONTACT INFORMATION PHONE NUMBER – 433-1323 EMAIL ADDRESS – [email protected] EXPECTATIONS ARE HIGH!! LET’S HAVE A GREAT YEAR!! Student signature - Parent signature -