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Microbiology &
DNA Technology
Mrs. Daniels
Advanced Biology - Ch. 23 & 14
Modified April 2008
• Typically, microbiology encompasses all
life-like and living organisms that do not fit
into the categories of the macroscopic
“large-scale” world
• Includes prokaryotes (eubacteria and
archaebacteria), viruses, prions, and
• Also some unicellular fungi (yeast), plants
(algae), and animals (daphnia)
What is a virus?
Is it alive?
Capsid - protein coat
– Helical or a polyhedron (or a combination)
• Outer membranous envelope (on some)
• Nucleic acid - either DNA or RNA
– May be ss or ds
• Requires a host to reproduce
• Where did they come from?
• Some scientists believe that viruses originated
as “part” of certain cells and that they must
have “escaped” from those cells
• This explains the specificity that a virus has to
its host
• NOTE the list of animal infecting types of viruses in
your book.
Viruses that attack bacteria
Important in genetic research
Can be used clinically to kill pathogenic bacteria
Reminder: Pathogens are any agents that cause
Sometimes just called phages
Tail fibers
Mode of infection: insert their
nucleic acid (typically ds DNA)
In the time it
takes to eat
The LYTIC cycle
• 1. Attachment - phage attaches to bacterial
cell wall
• 2. Penetration or Entry - the DNA is
inserted into the bacterium
• 3. Replication - the virus parts are copied
• 4. Assembly - the virus parts are put
together to make new bacteriophages
• 5. Release - release of the new phages
Lysogenic Cycle
• Some bacteriophages don’t immediately lyse their
host cell
• They can insert their DNA into the host’s DNA.
• Now called a prophage
• When the lysogenic cell (host cell) begins to exhibit
the characteristics of the viral DNA (seen as new or
unusual properties) then “conversion” has occurred.
Lysogenic Cycle
• How does this affect us?
• The bacterium that cause certain diseases sometimes
only cause them when they themselves have been
infected by a virus (bacteriophage)
• Ex. Diphtheria
• Ex. Botulism
• Are these alive?
• Smaller, YES SMALLER than viruses!
• Contain no proteins nor genes to code for
Are these alive?
Prions are also smaller than viruses
Proteinaceous infectious particles
Made of protein and NO nucleic acid
Responsible for transmissible spongiform
• Mad cow disease (and Creutzfeldt-Jakob)
• Chronic wasting disease
Include Archaea and Eubacteria
Most are unicellular, but some form colonies or filaments
Are these alive?
Small cells
Shapes: coccus, bacillus, spirillus, or shapeless
Cell walls - to help them thrive in hypotonic media
If they have thick peptidoglycan walls, they stain purple
(Gram +)
• Thin peptidoglycan walls but thick outer layer of lipids and
carbohydrates, they lose the purple and retain pink (Gram -)
• Some have capsule, endospore, or pilus
• If they lack peptidoglycan completely in their cell
walls, they are probably Archaea
• Single circular, highly folded DNA molecule
• Plasmids
• Binary fission
• Heterotrophs: saprobes or symbiotic (diseasecausing parasites)
• Autotrophs: chemo- or photo-
• Most proks are aerobic
• Some are facultative anaerobes and some are
obligate anaerobes
• Exchange of DNA (not sexual reproduction) there are three ways
• Transformation - fragments taken up from a
damaged cell or from the environment
• Transduction - transferred by bacteriophage
• Conjugation - exchange through pilus
DNA Technology
 Bacteriophages laid the foundation for
recombinant DNA methods
 Restriction enzymes- molecular scissors
 Recognition sites - palindromic sequences
 AAGCTT and its complement TTCGAA
 “sticky ends”
 Joined with ligases
 Recombinant DNA is formed when DNA is
spliced into a vector
 Common vectors: bacteriophages, plasmids, of
BAC’s (bacterial artificial chromosomes)
 Temporarily houses the DNA
 The process of making the bacterial cell wall
permeable to the plasmid is called transformation
 Puncturing the cell wall
 Chemically altering
 Heat shock
 We’ll be conducting a bacterial transformation lab
where we splice two genes into E.coli
 How can you locate the gene of interest that you
want to splice?
 Genomic library - fragments of all the DNA in a
Put one of each human gene into a bacterial
 Chromosome library - all DNA fragments isolated
from individual chromosomes
Easier to use this to find your gene
 DNA fingerprinting & human genome project helped
us to locate many genes on each chromosome
Gene Splicing
 Choose the gene you’d like to splice and locate
 Cut it out with restriction enzymes
 Cut the vector using the same restriction
 Mix the two types of DNA (ligase joins them)
 Transform the bacterium
 Allow the bacterium to reproduce
 Test to determine effectiveness
 The other half of AP Lab 6 deals with DNA
fingerprinting or electrophoresis
 Agarose - seaweed
 Filters DNA according to fragment length
(molecular weight)
 Filters other molecules according to molecular
weight, (size and shape), and charge
 Use stain to see results OR use radioactive
DNA probe and UV light
 DNA with radioactive probe - Southern blot
 RNA - Northern blot
 Protein or polypeptide molecules - Western blot
 One well-known use is to detect antibodies, such
as antibodies to HIV
 Getting enough DNA to run in an electrophoresis
requires amplification
 Make a lot more of the DNA samples
 Polymerase Chain Reaction
 Heat the DNA - separate the strands
 Cool
 Add DNA polymerase (from Thermus
aquaticus) and primers
 repeat
 Another important purpose of electrophoresis is
 Chain Termination Method:
 Radioactively labeled primers
 DNA polymerase
 One of each of the four dideoxynucleotides
 These stop the addition of nucleotides to the
chain; therefore, they cause the chain to stop
when they are incorporated into a new strand
 This fragment (and all of the others) can then be
separated based on fragment length
 Automated:
 Much is now done by computers and machines
using fluorescent dyes instead of radioactive labels
 ~1.5 million bases decoded in 24 hours
 Human genome = 3 billion base pairs
 Genomes of over 100 organisms have been
sequenced (as of 2003)
 RFLPs (restriction fragment length polymorphisms)
- comparison and measure of genetic relationships
between genomes of different organisms
Applications of Genetic
 Identifying genetic mutations
 Gene therapy
 Engineered proteins (ex. Insulin, growth hormone,
clotting factor VIII, etc.)
 Transgenic animals and engineered proteins
 Determining the role of a particular gene
 Agricultural
 Environmental
 Criminal justice
 Research, cloning, medicine, etc.