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Automated analysis of viral integration sites in gene therapy
research using the SeqMap web resource
Jessica Dantzer
Mooney Lab
Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Indiana University School of Medicine
[email protected]
Sean D. Mooney
Xiaoman Li
Brandon Peters
Herman B Wells Center for Pediatric Research
Sara Dirscherl
Mary C. Dinauer
Department of Medical & Molecular Genetics
Scott Cross
Kenneth Cornetta
Robert Getty
Susan Jean Johns
Giselle Knudsen
Funding provided by:
P01HL53586 (PI: Dinauer)
K22LM009135 (PI: Mooney)
The Indiana University Vector Production Facility
The Indiana University Vector Production Facility is a
NIH designated National Gene Vector Laboratory
(U42RR11148, PI: Cornetta).
The Indiana Genomics Initiative (INGEN) is funded in
part by a grant from the Lilly Endowment.
What is gene therapy?
• Cells affected by diseases caused by “broken” genes can be aided
by the addition of “working” genes
• Working genes are carried by a vector, in most cases an altered
virus, into an individual’s cells
• Working genes which are incorporated into the cell then produce
their protein products, correcting the cell’s malfunction
• So cells will continue to create copies of inserted DNA, new gene
needs to integrate into cell’s DNA
– Altered retroviruses (disease-causing genetic material removed)
integrate their genetic material into the host organism’s
• Insertional mutagenesis-- Insertion disrupts DNA sequence and
causes changes in nearby gene expression
SeqMap Workflow
SeqMap: an automated tool
SeqMap: genome mapping
• Genes within 300kbp of
the integration site are
found using BLAT
(BLAST-like alignment
tool) on local copies of
UCSC and Ensembl
• Functional analysis is
provided by noting
genes found in the
Retroviral Tagged
Cancer Gene Database
(RTCGD) and
associated Gene
Ontology (GO) terms
• Collect publicly available gene therapy
data and incorporate into site
– Working with Indiana University Vector
Production Facility to collect data
• Future additions to the SeqMap tool also
– analysis of functional annotations