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Homosexual Myths
Exposing the Lies of the
Radical Gay Agenda
Speak the Truth in Love
• Don’t compromise the Biblical standard
• Remember Jesus saves homosexuals and
died for them
• Truth comes from the Bible
• The Bible, not science is our source of
Science and the Bible
• Homosexuality is not an “inborn trait” or
genetically determined
• The handout – excellent Biblical foundation
regarding the passages on homosexuality
Homosexuality is Genetic/Inherited
“I Was Born This Way”
• “Show me the study”
• “People are born gay” – Ann Landers said it
and millions believed it
Homosexuality is Genetic/Inherited
“I Was Born This Way”
• Dr. Neil Whitehead and Briar Whitehead
state regarding various cultures: “If
homosexuality were significantly influenced
by genes, it would appear in every culture,
but in 29 of 79 cultures surveyed by Ford and
Beach homosexuality was rare or absent.”
-- My Genes Made Me Do It: A Scientific Look
at Sexual Orientation
Homosexuality is Genetic/Inherited
“I Was Born This Way”
• My Genes Made Me Do It: A Scientific Look at
Sexual Orientation
• Based on a 15-year review of more than
10,000 scientific papers and publications on
Homosexuality is Genetic/Inherited
“I Was Born This Way”
I will prove:
• There is no genetic proof that people are
born homosexuals
• Many of the studies that the media claimed
definitively proved that homosexuality is an
inborn trait were either rigged studies, or
even studies that proved nothing, but the
media spun the conclusions
Homosexuality is Genetic/Inherited
“I Was Born This Way”
• A handful of studies, none of them replicated
and all exposed as methodologically
unsound, have linked sexual orientation to
everything from differences in portions of
the brain, to genes, finger length, inner ear
differences, eye-blinking, and prenatal
hormonal influences, or “neuro-hormonal
Homosexuality is Genetic/Inherited
“I Was Born This Way”
• What does PFLAG say?
• From “Why Ask Why? Addressing the
Research on Homosexuality and Biology.”
• “To date, no researcher has claimed that
genes can determine sexual orientation. At
best, researchers believe that there may be a
genetic component…No human behavior, let
alone sexual behavior, has been connected
to genetic markers to date”
Homosexuality is Genetic/Inherited
“I Was Born This Way”
• J.O.N.A.H. - Jews Offering New Alternatives
to Homosexuality
• “No bodily correlates of homosexuality have
been demonstrated. Like with the monster of
Loch Ness, there are periodic claims that a
biologic factor has been spotted, but upon
closer inspection, the claims evaporate.”
Homosexuality is Genetic/Inherited
“I Was Born This Way”
Three main studies:
1.Brain study (hypothalamus) by Simon LeVay
2.A twin study by Michael Bailey and Richard
3.Genetic study by Dean Hammer having to do
with the X chromosome
• “All were announced with great fanfare; all
were greeted unskeptically in the popular
press; all are now in disrepute.” Charles
Mann, Science Magazine
Homosexuality is Genetic/Inherited
“I Was Born This Way”
• “There is no evidence at present to substantiate a
biologic theory… The appeal of current biologic
explanations for sexual orientation may derive
more from dissatisfaction with the present status of
psychosocial explanations than from a
substantiating body of experimental data.”
-- William Byne and Bruce Parsons, “Human Sexual
Orientation: The Biologic Theories Reappraised,”
Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 50, March 1993:
Homosexuality is Genetic/Inherited
“I Was Born This Way”
• American Psychiatric Association (APA)
issued a Fact Sheet, “Gay, Lesbian and
Bisexual Issues,” which includes this
• “Currently, there is a renewed interest in
searching for biological etiologies [causes] for
homosexuality. However, to date there are
no replicated scientific studies supporting
any specific biological etiology for
Homosexuality is Genetic: Dr. LeVay
• Dr. Simon LeVay, claimed that he found a difference
in homosexual’s hypothalamus compared with
heterosexual men
• An area called INAH3 that “proved” this caused
them to be “gay.”
• LeVay himself later admitted a number of serious
flaws in his research which you can read about in
“Born or Bred” by Concerned Women for America –
link on website.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The Brain and Dr. LeVay
• The media promoted LeVay’s findings but left
out LeVay’s conclusion:
• “The results do not allow one to decide if the
size of INAH3 in an individual is the cause or
the consequence of that individual’s sexual
• He later admitted that he wasn’t sure about
the sexual orientation of
all of his cadavers.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The Brain and Dr. LeVay
• “It’s important to stress what I didn’t find. I did not
prove that homosexuality is genetic, or find a genetic
cause for being gay. I didn’t show that gay men are
born that way, the most common mistake people make
in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in
the brain. …Since I looked at adult brains, we don’t
know if the differences I found were there at birth, or if
they appeared later.” --LeVay
-- David Nimmons, “Sex and the Brain,” Discover, Vol. 5, No. 3 (March 1994): 6471 and cited in A. Dean Byrd, Ph.D., Shirley E. Cox, Ph.D., and Jeffrey W.
Robinson, Ph.D., “The Innate-Immutable Argument Finds No Basis in Science,”
National Association of Research and Therapy for Homosexuality
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The Brain and Dr. LeVay
• Two later studies debunked LeVay’s research.
• William Byne in the Hormones and Behavior Journal
corrected LeVay’s conclusions.
• He concluded, “Sexual orientation cannot be
reliably predicted on the basis of INAH3 volume
• Another study, done by three Swedish scholars –
Savic, Berglund, and Lindstrom showed: “changes in
the hypothalamus at times are the result of sexual
behavior rather than the cause of it.”
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The Brain and Dr. LeVay
• “People who think gays and lesbians are born
that way are also more likely to support gay
rights.” -- LeVay
• LeVay is an open homosexual, and in various
interviews revealed he was trying to help the
• LeVay gave up on finding the gay gene after
years and then on research
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The Brain and Dr. LeVay
• Dr. Jeffrey Satinover: Fellow in Psychiatry
and Child Psychiatry at Yale University, a past
president of the C.G. Jung Foundation and
was a William James Lecturer in Psychology
and Religion at Harvard University.
• He holds degrees from MIT, the University of
Texas, and Harvard University. He is the
author of Homosexuality and the Politics of
Truth (Baker Books, 1996).
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The Brain and Dr. LeVay
• “We will see…the falsity of activists’
repeated assertions that homosexuality is
immutable. They seek to create the
impression that science has settled these
questions, but it most certainly has not.
Instead, the changes that have occurred in
both public and professional opinion have
resulted from politics, pressure, and public
relations” – Dr. Satinover
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The X Factor and Dr. Hamer
• In 1993, a group of medical researchers at
the National Cancer Institute (NCI) led by
Dr. Dean Hamer released a study of 40 pairs
of brothers that allegedly linked
homosexuality to the X chromosome.
• Science journal study reported that 33 of the
pairs of brothers had DNA markers in the
chromosome region known as Xq28 –
inherited from the mother to homosexual
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The X Factor and Dr. Hamer
• The study won an enormous amount of
media attention
• Hamer’s activities as a homosexual activist
within NCI were covered up because Hamer
offered interviews only when reporters
agreed not to identify him as a homosexual.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The X Factor and Dr. Hamer
• He says in his book Science of Desire: The Gay
Gene and the Biology of Behavior, “We knew
that the genes were only part of the answer.
We assumed the environment also played a
role in sexual orientation, as it does in most,
if not all behaviors.”
-- Dean Hamer, The Science of Desire (New
York, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994), p.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The X Factor and Dr. Hamer
• Hamer said in an interview, “Homosexuality is not
purely genetic…Environmental factors play a role.
There is not a single master gene that makes people
gay…I don’t think we will ever be able to predict
who will be gay.”
• Hamer also admitted that in his study, he found
that this supposed gene only plays a role in 5 to
30% of gay men.
• Are there more “gay genes” and a lesbian gene left
to find?
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The X Factor and Dr. Hamer
• Dr. Byne argues that in order to prove anything by
this study, Hamer would have had to examine the
Xq28 sequence of homosexual men’s heterosexual
• Hamer insisted that such an inclusion would have
confused his study.
• In a journal article “The Biological Evidence
Challenged,” in Scientific American Journal (May
1994) Dr. Byne responds: “In other words, inclusion
of heterosexual brothers might have revealed that
something other than genes is responsible for
sexual orientation.”
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The X Factor and Dr. Hamer
• In 1999, Drs. George Rice, Neil Risch and George
Ebers published their findings in Science after
attempting to replicate Hamer’s Xq28 study.
• “We were not able to confirm evidence for an
Xq28-linked locus underlying male homosexuality.”
• “These results do not support an X-linked gene
underlying male homosexuality.”
-- Rice, George, Carol Anderson, Neil Risch, and
George Ebers (1999), “Male Homosexuality:
Absence of Linkage to Microsatellite Markers at
Xq28,” Science, 284:665-667, April 23.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The X Factor and Dr. Hamer
• Two other groups could not replicate
Hamer’s findings
Homosexuality is Genetic:
The X Factor and Dr. Hamer
• What happened to Dr. Hamer and his flawed
• The National Institutes of Health’s Office of
Research Integrity investigated Hamer over
allegations by a colleague that he
intentionally ignored evidence that conflicted
with his hypothesis.
• Hamer was under investigation for scientific
fraud and transferred to a different
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• In 1991, J. Michael Bailey and Richard C.
Pillard published a study that examined
identical and fraternal twin brothers and
adopted brothers in an effort to establish a
genetic link to homosexuality.
• Identical twins (monozygotic ) have an
identical genetic makeup, 100% the same
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• According to BAILEY AND PILLARD:
• 52% of male identical twins were both gay
• 22 percent of fraternal twins fell into the
same category
• Since identical twins have the same genetic
code why aren’t both twins homosexuals
100% of the time if homosexuality is
genetically determined?
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• Since 100% of identical twins were not both
gay, Bailey admitted, “there must be
something in the environment to yield the
disconcordant twins.”
• Bailey is an open homosexual, and an
outspoken proponent of the pro-gay agenda,
and his bias is apparent in his research.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• “This finding alone argues for the enormous
importance of nongenetic factors influencing
homosexuality because … in order for
something to be genetically determined, as
opposed to merely influenced, the genetic
heritability would need to approach 100
percent.” -- Dr. Satinover
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• Most didn’t report a finding in Bailey’s study:
that fraternal twins who share no more
genetic material than non-twin brothers
were twice as likely to both be homosexuals
than non-twins.
• Whatever the reasons, it can’t be genetics,
therefore choice and environment are
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• Three other studies were made and came to
different conclusions than Bailey and Pillards’.
• Bailey took samples by advertising in popular
homosexual media so it was not a random sample
of identical twins. The study also doesn’t prove that
52% of the time, both identical twins will be
homosexuals. It merely proves that
out of the small sample he studied,
that was the figure.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• Byne, who is for “gay rights” states:
• “Most of the links in the chain of reasoning
from biology to social policy [regarding
homosexuality], do not hold up under
-- T. Lidz, “A Reply to ‘A Genetic Study of
Male Sexual Orientation,’” Archives of
General Psychiatry 50 (1993): 240.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• Bailey: “Let’s try again!”
• He used the Australian Twin Registry, one of
the largest in the world with over 20,000
twins registered.
• March 2000 study in issue of the Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology showed
less possible genetic influence on
homosexuality than the first twins study.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• The study showed that 11% of the identical
twins were both homosexuals.
• Of the 16 fraternal male twins, none of the
pairs was both homosexual. Bailey found
similar results for lesbians.
-- Stanton L. Jones, “The Incredibly Shrinking
Gay Gene,” Christianity Today, 4 October
1999, p. 53.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• A better sampling showed that only 10% of
identical twins were both homosexuals.
• If homosexuality were genetic, than why
aren’t identical twins both homosexuals
100% of the time?
• 9 out of 10 times, one is gay and the other
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• Neil Risch and colleagues in the Science Journal
pointed out: “The biological brothers and adoptive
brothers showed approximately the same rates.
This latter observation suggests that there is no
genetic component, but rather an environmental
component shared in families”
-- Risch, Neil, Elizabeth Squires-Wheeler, and
Bronya J.B. Keats (1993), “Male Sexual Orientation
and Genetic Evidence,” Science, 262:2063-2064,
December 24.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• King and McDonald in The British Journal of
Psychiatry said the low odds of identical
twins being homosexuals “confirmed that
genetic factors are [an] insufficient
explanation for the development of sexual
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• Two other world-renowned genetics
researchers “While the authors interpreted
their findings as evidence for a genetic basis
for homosexuality, we think that the data in
fact provide strong evidence for the influence
of the environment.”
-- Billings, P. and Beckwith, J. Technology
Review, July, 1993. p. 60.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• Other studies trying to prove that
homosexuality is genetic examine prenatal
hormone exposure, finger lengths, eye blinks,
and other factors and every single one has
been proven to be utterly false.
• The “gay gene” has not been
found and will not be found
because there isn’t one.
Homosexuality is Genetic:
Identical Twins: Bailey and Pillard
• Researchers conclude, after reviewing literally
1000s of research papers that there is no evidence
that shows homosexuality is genetic and that none
of the plausible research even makes this claim. The
homosexual research has been debunked, and the
other research never makes the claim that
homosexuality is genetic (although the media spins
it that way). Dr. Satinover
Myth: Homosexuals Can’t Change
• Psychiatrist, Robert Spitzer, who first lobbied
the APA (American Psychological Association)
in 1973 to remove the listing of
homosexuality as a clinical disorder, has
affirmed that through psycho-therapeutic
efforts or through ex-gay ministries like
Exodus International, that homosexual men
and women have changed. (Archives of
Sexual Behavior).
Myth: Homosexuals Can’t Change
• In his in-depth study 66% of men and 44% of
women experienced a powerful change and
were happily functioning as heterosexuals.
• Another study, by Jones and Yarhouse,
concluded that about 38% changed
successfully and that the change did not
harm the person as secular psychologists
claim. – Homosexuality: Scientific Research
Myth: Homosexuals Can’t Change
• 1 Cor. 6 makes it clear that homosexuals did change
after being saved by Christ
• 1 Cor. 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will
not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived;
neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the
covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers,
will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 Such were some of
you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but
you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and in the Spirit of our God.
Myth: Homosexuals Can’t Change
• NARTH released a study last week, a
comprehensive overview of 125 years of
scientific literature on this topic.
• The evidence overwhelmingly refutes the
claims made by factions within the American
Psychological Association (APA) that change
is impossible.
What Causes Homosexuality?
• If it’s not genetic, what causes it?
• Males seeking affirmation from another male
because they either lacked affection and
affirmation from their father
• Sexual abuse
• Domineering mother
What Causes Homosexuality?
• In his book Male Homosexuality Dr. Richard
Friedman cites 13 independent studies from
1959 to 1981 on the early family lives of
• In 12 out of 13, they all concluded that the
parent-child interaction with the parent of
the same-sex was anywhere from a range of
distant to abusive for those in the
homosexual lifestyle.
Homosexuals Can’t Change
• All the passages in Scripture make it clear
that homosexuality is a sin and therefore a
choice just like any other sin.
• But there is hope and freedom in Jesus
• Various books give testimonies of people
who left the homosexual lifestyle
• Coming Out of Homosexuality by Bob Davies
and Lori Rentzel
• Various books by Joe Dallas
• Coming Out Straight by Richard Cohen
• You Don’t Have to Be Gay by Jeff Konrad
• Love Won Out, a ministry of Focus on the
Family is a successful conference that helps
homosexuals change
• Other Helpful Resources:
• Bringing Up Boys by James Dobson
• A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality by
Joseph Nicolosi
• Someone I Love Is Gay: How Family & Friends Can
Respond by Anita Worthen
• 101 Frequently Asked Questions About Homosexuality
by Mike Haley
• The Gay Gospel?: How Pro-Gay Advocates Misread the
Bible by Joe Dallas
• Restoring Sexual Identity: Hope for Women Who
Struggle with Same-Sex Attraction by Anne Paulk
• See our website for more resources