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Matt Schechter
•What Paradox?
•Homosexuals, by definition, don’t reproduce
•Natural Selection selects for reproductive
•How, if natural selection operates on humans,
does homosexuality persist?
•Homosexuality is heritable
•Prevalence and history of
homosexuality is constant
•Homosexuals have
decreased reproductive
output (fitness)
•The Nature of the Answers
Male Bias
•Two Categories of Explanation
•Direct benefit hypothesis
•Indirect benefit hypothesis
•Indirect Benefit Hypothesis
•Homosexuality is a byproduct of a trait that has
fitness benefits
•Does this ever happen?
•Selection acts on biology, so what have we
discovered about the causes of homosexuality?
•The Science of Homosexuality
•The Difficulties
•Nature vs Nurture?
•Genes vs Environment
•The two in consort
•A blend of male and female
•Female characteristics
•Gender-atypical childhood behavior
•Male characteristics
•Promiscuity in male homosexuals
•Male gender identification
•Is there a biological basis for these
•Female brain characteristics present in male
•LH Response
•SCN Nucleus
•Cause of these characteristics
•Brain development occurs in utero
•Gender is defined in utero during sexual
•Eve principle
•Eve Principle
Either XX or XY Fetus
Female Gender
Male Gender
•Male Differentiation
XY Fetus – Heterosexual Development
Female Gender
Male Gender
•Male Differentiation
XY Fetus – Homosexual Development
Female Gender
Male Gender
•Homosexuality and birth order
•Homosexuals tend have older male siblings
•More older brothers means higher
chances of homosexuality in younger
•Females are unaffected
•The Mechanism
•Maternal immune response provoked by
H-Y antigens
•One of the H-Y antigens is MIH
•Why does this happen?
•Maternal immune response to MIH is greater
with each male child born
•More femaleness left in brain)
(defeminization is decreased) with each male
•Variations in sexual personality among male
siblings are advantageous for survival
•Don’t kill each other during childhood
•Don’t compete for similar females
•Homosexuality is this advantageous process
gone too far
•Wait just a minute…
•But why does this process go too far?
•And, if this physiological cause of
homosexuality increases with the amount of
sons born, why aren’t all males who have a
given number of older brothers gay?
•By the same token, why are some only-children
•An individual’s genes may determine the
degree of susceptibility to these effects
•A “gay gene”
•Maternal heritability
•33 of 40 gay brothers shared the same
gene in the same region on the Xchromosome
•The X chromosome
•Males get it only from their mothers
•All X-linked traits are found twice as often in
females, so the the selection of these traits
depends more on their effect on females than
on males
•The Effect on Females
•What might Xq28 or similar x-linked genes do to
•The maternally related females of gay men
have larger families than paternally related
•Ex. My mom’s sister has more kids than
my dad’s sister
•Ex. The daughters of my mom’s sister
have bigger families than my do the
daughters of my dad’s sister
•This is clearly advantageous
•Homosexual male brains are more feminine than
heterosexual male brains
•The defeminization of developing male brains
varies by birth order and is advantageous
•This variation has a genetic component that may
be due to a group of genes
•There is at least one gene, located on the xchromosome that influences homosexuality
•An X-linked gene that is related to homosexuality
also has a beneficial effect on the fertility of
females related to homosexuals
•A Possible Answer to the Paradox
•In homosexual males, the same trait that
increases fecundity in females causes too much
susceptibility to the normally-advantageous
defeminization-limiting immune response
•The increase in the fertility of females with this
trait is more than enough to keep the x-linked
trait in the gene pool
•It is likely that a group of genes control this trait,
and different combinations produces more/less
severe effects
•Problems With the Answer
•What about lesbians?
•What about bisexuality?
•What about first-born gay sons with straight
younger brothers?
•There’s no evidence for genes that increase
female fecundity
•There’s no evidence for genes other than Xq28
that affect homosexuality
•Beyond The Science
•Ethics of understanding the mechansim
•Genetic/hormonal surgery
•Prenatal screening
•Implications of understand the evolutionary
•Homosexuality as a product of success?
•Choice in behavior?
•Political implications
•Don’t expect revolution