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A tree root is growing into rocks on the
side of a hill. What do you think is
happening and how will it affect the
Earth’s Changing Surface
 Weathering,
erosion and deposition act
together in a cycle that wears down
and builds up Earth’s surface.
What is weathering?
The process where rocks are broken into
smaller rocks.
What is mechanical weathering?
Occurs when rocks are broken into smaller
pieces by physical processes.
…by plant activity
Roots grow in cracks
of rock
– As roots grow, so does
the crack
…by animal activity
Burrowing animals
(worms, rabbits, etc.)
create holes
– Exposes more rock
This picture shows prairie dogs burrowing into
the soil. Note the small rocks that are now
…by grinding of rocks (abrasion)
Caused by wind, running water, waves, and
Rocks pushed together, causing pieces to
chip away
See how the wind has weathered this rock?
Another example of abrasion – running water
How can ice wedging break
Water expands when it freezes. Liquid
water seeps into rock cracks and freezes.
…by ice wedging
Water gets into cracks
and freezes
– Remember, water
EXPANDS when it
– Causes cracks to get
Another picture of ice
Chemical Weathering
What is chemical weathering?
breakdown of rock through changes in its
chemical makeup.
– breaks down or weakens the rock
– More rapid in warm, wet climates
…by carbonation
Carbon dioxide + water =
carbonic acid
– Carbonic acid reacts with
minerals (like calcite)
Rocks (like limestone) can
be entirely dissolved, leaving
extensive caverns
– Can cause massive damage
to structures above ground
(ex: creating sinkholes)
…by oxidation
Oxygen + iron = iron
Iron oxide + water =
If you compare a rusty
nail to a regular nail,
the unweathered nail is
much stronger.
…by acids
From plants (when it
Acid rain
– Normal rain is pH 6.2
– Sometimes rain can be
at a pH of 4 due to
pollution, factories,
and coal burning plants
True or False
Ice wedging occurs because of animals.
True or False
Weathering is the process where rock is
broken down.
True or False
Mechanical weathering creates rocks with
new chemicals.
True or False
Animals that dig tunnels do not help to
break down rocks.
True or False
Abrasion is the grinding of rocks against
other rocks.