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Enzymes What You Should Know, GI
Function, and Autism
Autism One Conference
Chicago, IL
May 23, 2009
Education and research
PhD - University of South Alabama College of Medicine
Academic research: UVa, St. Louis College of Medicine
Cell signalling of various receptors: adenosine,
neurobiology, diabetes
Private research in Enzyme Manufacturing
Developed first enzyme product targeted to autism community
Found DPP IV as undocumented side activity in enzyme blends
Consultant and currently owner of Houston Enzymes
What are enzymes?
Specialized proteins that catalyze chemical reactions
Not changed or destroyed during the reaction
Specific for a single function
Many thousands of different enzymes
Metabolic - inside cells, difficult to affect
Digestive - Breakdown proteins, carbohydrates, fats
Pancreatic (animal)
Plant-based (Fruits, fungi, bacterial)
Digestive enzymes
Necessary to break down whole foods into absorbable form
Found in saliva, stomach, pancreas and intestine
Produced by probiotic bacteria in colon
Both pancreatic and plant-based enzymes available in oral form
Plant-derived enzymes offer advantages over pancreatic enzymes
Autism may affect the gut
Developmental delay
Food allergies and other immune system problems
Some foods not tolerated in autism
Wheat (gluten protein)
Dairy (casein protein and/or lactose sugar)
Soy protein
Certain carbohydrates
Polyphenolic compounds, oxalates, lectins
Restoring gut health
Provide healthy environment for probiotic bacteria
Reduce inflammation as well as the cause
Eliminate potential future allergen production
Restrictive diets often helpful
Gluten-free Casein-free diet (GFCF)
Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)
Low Oxalate Diet (LOD)
Body Ecology Diet (BED)
Gut and Psychology Diet (GAPS)
Oral enzymes complement diets
Many diets now incorporate oral enzyme supplements
Enzymes often used as alternative to some diets
Enzymes can often achieve same goals as diets
• More specific
• Faster
• Less costly, more convenient
Diets may also be difficult
Nutritional Insufficiency?
Family lifestyles
Cost and availability
Observed effects of enzymes
Speech starts or improves dramatically
Better eye focus and contact
Less stimming
Improvements often noted by unknowing third parties
Bowel movements improved
Positive benefits often increased for those on diets
Benefits are dependent upon many factors
How do enzymes help?
Break down proteins differently, more thoroughly
Prevent production of exorphin peptides
Requires optimal blend of protease and peptidase enzymes
Function in stomach, no peptide absorption occurs
Modify polyphenolic compounds
Break down carbohydrates
Modify effect of stomach/pancreatic enzymes
May mimic enzymes produced by probiotics?
Example: DPP IV peptidase
Only known enzyme to degrade exorphin casomorphin
Produced by cells in GI tract
Found in commercially available protease blends
(Houston, 1999)
DPP IV effect on casomorphin
tyr-pro -phe-pro -glu-pro-ile
Casein amino acid sequence affected by DPP IV
x-x-x-x- tyr-pro- phe-pro- glu-pro- il -x-x-x-x
In Stomach
No casomorphin formed!
Blocked peptide formation by multiple proteases
x-x-x-x-tyr-pro-phe- pro- pro-ile-x-x-x-x
gluProtease 4.5 Protease 6.0
(2) Elastase
Enzymes may help other foods
Some indications of help with oxalates and lectins
More obvious help for foods high in polyphenolics
Apparent function is through modificaton of polyphenols,
not degradation
Polyphenolic compounds
Very abundant in diet, several hundred identified in foods
Chief interest is due to antioxidant potential
Modulate the activity of wide range of enzymes/receptors
Research areas mainly focus on role in oxidative stress
“Phenols” are different from polyphenolics
Polyphenolics contain phenol structure
Phenol itself is a toxic compound
Phenols can be produced by protein fermentation in the gut
Sulfation pathways are the primary means of inactivating phenol
Phenol sulfotransferases, found in mucosa of gut, are necessary
for phenol removal
Phenols and salicylates are similar compounds
Polyphenolics are complex and diverse compounds
Bioavailability of polyphenols
Metabolism of polyphenols occurs via a common pathway
Aglycones can be absorbed from the small intestine, however, most
polyphenols are present in food in the form of esters, glycosides, or
polymers that cannot be absorbed in their native form
These substances must be hydrolyzed by intestinal enzymes or
colonic flora before they can be absorbed
Only then can polyphenols be conjugated through methylation,
sulfation, and glucoronidation in the intestine and liver. This is a
detoxification process that limits toxic effects and facilitates
elimination through bile or urine
Intestinal absorption and metabolism
In foods, all flavonoids except flavanols are found in glycosylated
form, which prevents them from being absorbed
Only aglycones and some glucosides can be absorbed in the small
intestine, whereas polyphenols linked to a rhamnose, arabinose, or
xylose sugar must reach the colon and be hydrolyzed by enzymes
produced by the microflora before being absorbed
Proanthocyanidins are very large polymers and are poorly absorbed;
they may produce their effects locally in the gut
Hydroxycinnamic acids are naturally esterified in plants, and humans
do not have the esterase enzymes needed to allow these compounds
to be absorbed. Only the colonic flora can produce the enzymes
Once absorbed, polyphenols are metabolized by the same pathways
as drugs, hormones, and neurotransmitters
Enzyme dosing
• Experimentation encouraged, no toxicity, safe dosing
• Try taking enzymes at beginning of meal
• Base dosing on size of meal, not body weight or age
• May be taken with most medications or other supplements
• Effective with first dose for digestive results
Reasons to try enzymes
Results often seen faster than with diet
No special medical attention or testing required
May be a better fit to a family’s lifestyle, less stress
Devin Houston, PhD
[email protected]