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Overview of the cell structure
Eucaryotic cell Organelles
Readings and Objectives
• Reading
– Cooper: Chapter 1, 9, 10 (p.408), 11(p.464)
• Objectives
– Basic properties of eucaryotic cells
– Eucaryotic organelles
ER and Golgi
Lysosomes and peroxisomes
Note: Cell membrane, endosomes, mitochondria, and cytoskeleton are separate lectures
Eucaryotic Organelles
The Nucleus
• 5-10 µm diameter: largest organelle; contains the linear DNA
• nucleus separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear membrane.
• nuclear pores : import and export of RNA and proteins
• Nucleolus: sites of rRNA synthesis and ribosomal subunits
Nucleus and Ribosomes
• Nucleus contains chromatin
within a semifluid
• Chromatin: composed of
DNA, protein, and some
RNA, is usually a network of
fine strands.
• condense during cell
division to form visible
Nuclear Envelope
• Nuclear envelope separates nuclear
content from the cytoplasm
• selective traffic of proteins and RNAs
• critical in regulating eukaryotic gene
• Consists: two membranes,
underlying nuclear lamina, and
nuclear pore complexes
• outer membrane- continuous with
the endoplasmic reticulum, has
membrane proteins that bind the
• inner membrane has proteins that
bind the nuclear lamina
• Each nuclear membrane is a
phospholipid bilayer permeable only
to small nonpolar molecules.
Nuclear Lamina
• Nuclear lamina- fibrous mesh
that provides structural support.
• fibrous proteins called lamins
• Mammalian cells have three
lamin genes, (A, B, and C)
• Two lamins interact to form a
dimer in which the α-helical
regions of two polypeptide
chains wind around each other to
form a coiled coil
• The lamin dimers associate with
each other to form the nuclear
Nuclear Pore complex
• Nuclear pore- sole channels for
small polar molecules, ions,
proteins, and RNA to pass
through the nuclear envelope
• Nuclear pore complexescomposed of ~30 different pore
proteins (nucleoporins).
• Two mechanisms:
– Passive transport- small
molecules pass freely in
either direction
– Active transportMacromolecules (proteins
and RNAs), energydependent
Nuclear Pore complex
• pore complex consists of
eight spokes connected to
rings at the nuclear and
cytoplasmic surfaces.
• The spoke-ring assembly
surrounds a central channel.
• Protein filaments extend
from the rings, forming a
basketlike structure on the
nuclear side.
• Proteins that must enter the
nucleus have amino acid
sequences called nuclear
localization signals.
• These are recognized by
nuclear transport
receptors (importins)
Nuclear importation
• importin binds to the NLS
of cargo protein
• complex binds to the
cytoplasmic filaments of
the pore complex
• Transport proceeds
through pore complex by
binding to nucleoporins
• cargo/importin complex is
disrupted by binding of
• conformation change in
the importin, releases the
cargo into the nucleus
Nuclear importation
• importin-Ran/GTP
complex exported back to
the cytoplasm where the
GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP
• The importin is released
and can participate in
another round of
• Ran/GDP is transported
back to the nucleus by its
own import receptor
(NTF2), where Ran/GTP is
Ran/GTP Gradient
• Activity of importins
regulated by Ran, a GTPbinding protein.
• Ran GAP: a GTP hydrolysis
to GDP are on the
cytoplasmic side of the
nuclear envelope
• enzymes for exchange of
GDP for GTP are on the
nuclear side.
• This leads to higher
concentration of Ran/GTP
in the nucleus, and
determines the
directionality of transport.
Nuclear Export
• Proteins are targeted for export from
the nucleus by specific amino acid
sequences, called nuclear export
• These signals are recognized by
receptors in the nucleus (exportins),
which direct protein transport to the
• Ran is required for nuclear export as
well as import.
• Ran/GTP promotes binding of
exportins and their cargo proteins,
but dissociates complexes between
importins and their cargos.
Protein Import and Export through the Nuclear Pore Complex
16S rRNA
• Ribosome subunits, one large
and one small, are assembled
in the cytoplasm and used to
make proteins
23S rRNA
• found in both prokaryotes
and eukaryotes
– A nucleoprotein complex
– Assembled in two
– Eukaryotic: 80S (60S+40S
– Prokaryotic: 70S
Bacterial 70S ribosome
Components of Eucaryotic and Procaryotic Ribosomes
80S; 4 RNA + 83 proteins
(in 2 subunits)
70S; 4 RNA + 55
proteins (in 2 subunits)
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• In eukaryotic cells, ribosomes can be
found in different locations and forms.
• Single free-ribosomes in the cytoplasm
– Grouped into polyribosomes, make
cytosolic proteins
• Attached to the endoplasmic
reticulum, rough ER (RER), make
proteins targeted to membranes and
• mRNA, produced in the nucleus
• Transported to cytoplasm by
carrier proteins, pass through
nuclear pore
Ribosomes, ER and protein synthesis
Ribosomes are the protein synthesis machinary
Ribosomes, ER and protein synthesis
• Proteins translated on
• Post-translationally
modified in golgi eg.
• Targetted to other
• Cell membrane
• Vesicular
Endomembrane system: ER and Golgi
Endomembrane system
• ER: tubular membranes and
• Smooth ER-lipid and steroid
• RoughER- protein synthesis
• Together with Golgi
form the cellular
secretory machinary
Golgi Complex
• Flattened membranous sacs
• Chemically modifies proteins from rough ER, Sorts finished proteins to their destiny
• site of lipid synthesis, and (in plant cells) the site of synthesis of some
polysaccharides that compose the cell wall
movement of materials
cis face associated with ER
Golgi Complex
• Flattened membranous sacs
• Chemically modifies proteins from rough ER, Sorts finished proteins to their destiny
• site of lipid synthesis, and (in plant cells) the site of synthesis of some
polysaccharides that compose the cell wall
Vesicular compartments
Golgi derived membrane-bound vesicles (0.1-1.5 um)
found in most eucaryotes
involved in intracellular digestion and recycling of macromolecules
contain about 40 acid hydrolases
– proteases, nucleases, and phopholipases, amaylases
maintain an acidic environment by pumping protons into their interior
Digest worn out cellular molecules, engulfed bacteria and viruses
– Fuse with phagosomes (eg engulfed bacteria) to form phagolysosomes
Lysosomes also participate in apoptosis, or programmed cell death
Tay-Sachs disease: lysosomal disfunction, autosomal recessive
– Defective Hexosamidase A, a hydrolase involved in breakdown of phospholipids
– Accumulation of lipids in neurons, infantile death
Vesicular compartments
• single-membrane-enclosed microbodies
• Originate form ER, cytosolic proteins are imported to
peroxisomes (no golgi origin)
• contain enzymes involved in variety of oxidative
• peroxisomal proteins (peroxins) are metabolic
• lipids broken down by oxidative reactions H2O2
• Peroxisomes also contain catalase
• Involved in synthesis of amino acids
• Synthesis of cholesterol, bile acids
• Detoxification rxn, eg alcohol
Peroxisomes: assembly
• Peroxisome assembly begins on
the rough ER, where two
peroxins, Pex3 and Pex19,
initially localize.
• Their interaction causes
Pex3/Pex19-containing vesicles
to bud off the ER.
• The vesicles may then fuse with
preexisting peroxisomes or with
one another to form new
• peroxins synthesized on free ribosomes and imported
• Protein import and the addition of lipids from the rough ER
results in peroxisome growth, and division
• Enzyme content and metabolic activities of peroxisomes
changes as they mature
• Zellweger syndrome, named after Hans Zellweger (1964)
• Pex1,2,3,5,6,12,14 and 26 mutated (1:50,000)
• Inefficient peroxisomal protein import
• Long fatty acid chains accumulate in liver and neurons
• Neurological disorders, glaucoma, hepatic enlargement, mental
incapacity, seizure, loss of muscular tone, facial deformities
and Jaundice
• lethal within a few years
See website literature section for a review article
Proteosomes and protein degradation
• after release some
vesicles deliver their
contents to
lysosomes while
others deliver to cell
• Quality assurance
– Unfolded or
misfolded proteins
are secreted into
cytosol, targeted for
destruction by
– proteasomes destroy
targeted proteins
Proteosomes and protein degradation