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Molecular Biology and
Biological Chemistry
The Fundamentals of Bioinformatics
Chapter 1
The Scale Spectrum
The Genetic Material
Gene Structure and Information Content
Protein Structure and Function
The Nature of Chemical Bonds
Molecular Biology Tools
Genomic Information Content
The Scale Spectrum
• Nano
– Genes, proteins, genetic networks
• Micro
– Organ physiology, pharmacokinetics
• Macro
– Whole body, multi-organism
DNA structure.
DNA: Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
• 1868 Miescher – discovered nuclein
• 1944 Avery – experimental evidence that DNA is
constituent of genes.
• 1953 Watson&Crick – double helical nature of DNA.
“We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.). This
structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest.”
• 1980 X-ray structure of more than a full turn of DNA.
The Genetic Material
• Genes:
– the basis of inheritance
– A specific sequence of nucleotides.(nt)
• Nucleotide bases
– 4 types: Guanine(G), Adenine (A), Thymine
(T), & Cytosine (C)
– Only differ in their ‘Nitrogenous base’
– Alphabet of the ‘Language of Genes’
Five types of bases.
Base Pairings
• DNA is highly redundant
– Strands are complementary
– Permits replication
• Base pairings are stable and robust
– Only G-C or A-T combinations possible
Complementarity of nucleotide– bases
for double stranded helical structure.
Double helical structure of DNA.
Antiparallel Nature of DNA
• 5’end of one strand matches 3’ end of other
If one strand is
Then other is
Most processes go from 5’ to 3’, so write as:
• Strands are reverse complements
• 5’ is ‘upstream’, and 3’ is ‘downstream’
The Genome
• Full complement of Genes
• Set of chromasomes
– DNA chains
The Central Dogma
• DNA makes RNA makes Protein
– General not universal
• Enzymes
– Proteins that makes things happen, but are not
used up
– X_ase
The Central Dogma (2)
• Transcription
– RNA construction mediated by RNA-polymerase
– One-one correspondence with DNA
• G, C, A, and U (Uracil)
• Translation
– Conversion of nucleotides to amino acids
– Ribosomes - complex structure of RNA & protein
– Mediates protein synthesis
The Central Dogma (3)
Gene Structure and Information
• Information formatting and interpretation is
very important
– Alphabet and punctuation
• Same ‘language’ used for both:
– Prokaryotes (bacteria)
– Eukaryotes (more complex life forms)
Promoter Sequences
• Gene Expression
– Process of using information in DNA to make RNA
molecule then a corresponding protein
• Expressing right quantity of protein essential for
• Two crucial distinctions
– Which part of genome is start of a gene
– Which genes code for proteins needed at a particular
• Responsibility falls to RNA-polymerase
Promoter sequences (2)
• Can’t look for single nucleotide
– 1 in 4 chance of appearing at random
– General probability of a sequence = (1/4)n
• Prokaryotes: 13 nt promoter sequences
– 1 in 70 million chance of random appearance
– Genome a few million nts long
– Datum: 1nt, 6 that are 10 nts upstream & 6 that are 35
nts upstream
• Eukaryotes are several orders of magnitude bigger
Promoter Sequences (3)
• Two types of Genes:
1. Structural
Cell structure or metabolism
2. Regulatory
Production control
Positive regulation
Negative regulation
The Genetic Code
• Need way to robustly translate from DNA to
– 4 nt alphabet
– 20 amino acid (aa) alphabet
– Mismatch
• Codon (triplet code)
1&2 nts give < 20
Each aa coded by a codon
Degeneracy: more than 1 codon per aa = robustness
Stop codon: full stop
The Genetic Code
Open Reading Frames (ORFs)
• Start codon: AUG (and methinine)
• Reading frame
– Established by start codon
– Necessary for accurate translation
– Mistakes lead to wrong proteins (& premature stops)
• Open Reading Frame
Inordinately long reading frame with no stop codon
Proteins 100s of aa long
Random stop: 1 in 20
Distinguishing feature of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Introns and Exons
Messenger RNA - perfect copy of DNA
Introns: locally uninformative sequences in mRNA
Exons: locally informative sequences in mRNA
Splicing: removal of introns, rejoining exons
Spliceosomes: enzymes that do splicing
– GT-AG rule (potentially too common)
– Checks 6 extra nts
– Allows subtle nuances
Introns and Exons (2)
Protein Structure and Function
• Proteins are molecular machinery that
performs most work in cells
• Vast array of tasks
– Structure, catalysis, transportation, signalling
metabolism …
• Highly complex compounds
– Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary
Primary & Secondary Structure
• Primary structure = the linear sequence of amino
acids comprising a protein:
• Secondary structure
– Regular patterns of hydrogen bonding in proteins result
in two patterns that emerge in nearly every protein
structure known: the -helix and the
– The location of direction of these periodic, repeating
structures is known as the secondary structure of the
Planarity of the peptide bond
Psi () – the
angle of
rotation about
the C-C bond.
Phi () – the
angle of
rotation about
the N-C bond.
The planar bond angles and bond
lengths are fixed.
Phi and psi
•  =  = 180° is
•  : C to N–H
•  : C=O to C
The alpha helix
 60°
Properties of the alpha helix
•     60°
• Hydrogen bonds
between C=O of
residue n, and
NH of residue
• 3.6 residues/turn
• 1.5 Å/residue rise
• 100°/residue turn
The beta strand (& sheet)
   135°
  +135°
Properties of beta sheets
• Formed of stretches of 5-10 residues in
extended conformation
• Pleated – each C a bit
above or below the previous
• Parallel/aniparallel,
Parallel and anti-parallel -sheets
• Anti-parallel is slightly energetically favored
Molecular Biology Tools
Restriction enzyme digests
Gel electrophoresis
Blotting and hybridization
Polymerase chain reaction
DNA sequencing
Genomic Information Content
• C-value paradox
– No correlation between organism complexity
and DNA size
• Reassociation Kinetics
– Denaturing/renaturing
– Cot equation: t0.5
– Junk DNA
… & Finally
“There are only 10 types of people in the
world: those that understand binary and
those that do not”
Pete Smith (or Anon)