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JE #10: Unit Two Objectives
I can……
organize matter from atom to
define macromolecule and explain
its significance to cell structure.
identify the structure and function
of a carbohydrate, lipid, protein,
and nucleic acid.
state the Cell Theory and
understand the history of cell
differentiate between prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells.
6) identify the structure and
function of cell organelles.
7) explain the importance of
surface area vs. volume ratio
of cells and how it relates to
their function.
8) differentiate between acids
and bases and explain how pH
is important to cell
9) explain how enzyme activity is
important to cell homeostasis.
10) identify chemical
characteristics of water and
explain how they are related to
cell homeostasis.
Unit One Notes, pt. I:
*Organization of Matter:
Atom  Element  Compound
*Identification of 50+ Biological
Carbohydrates, Lipids,
Proteins, and Nucleic Acids.
Organization of Matter
Atom—the smallest particle of an element
that has all the properties of the
element. The atom is the basic building
block of all elements.
• Atoms are made up of smaller particles
called subatomic particles:
Protons—positively charged, located
in the nucleus; identifies the
atom/element (same as the atomic
Neutrons—neutral (no charge),
located in the nucleus; determines
the isotope(form) of the element
Electrons—negatively charged,
located outside of the nucleus;
involved in chemical bonding
(determines whether the atom will
undergo a chemical reaction with
another atom).
Draw the Shape of an Atom
What is the Atomic Number
What is Atomic Mass
Element—a pure substance
that cannot be separated into
simpler substances by
ordinary chemical means.
*An element is made of only
one type of atom making it a
pure substance.
Atom vs. Element
Single Atom vs.
Carbon Atom
Carbon Element
Compounds—pure substances
composed of 2 or more
elements that are chemically
combined (react together to
form a new substance)
Hydrogen + Oxygen = Water
Compounds can be broken
down only by chemical changes.
*Compounds take on different
characteristics than the
elements that make them.
Sodium + Chlorine = Sodium chloride
*Sodium reacts violently in water
*Chlorine is a poisonous gas
Sodium chloride is table salt
Compounds in
Proteins, Water,
Carbon dioxide
Mixtures—combination of 2
or more substances that are
not chemically combined.
Each substance in a mixture keeps
its chemical makeup (identity)
because no chemical change
occurred. Mixtures can be
physically separated.
Atom vs Ion
• an ion is an electrically
charged particle produced
by either removing
electrons from a neutral
atom to give a positive ion
or adding electrons to a
neutral atom to give a
negative ion. When an ion is
formed, the number of
protons does not change.
• Na+ Cl- H+ OH- SO4-2
Organic Compounds
• Contains carbon atoms
covalently bonded to other
carbon atoms OR to other
• Examples-butane, methane
ether, vitamins
The key to recognizing an
organic molecule is…look
for a “C”
What’s the big deal
about CARBON?
• Carbon easily forms strong
nonpolar covalent bonds with
other atoms, including other
carbon atoms.
• Each carbon creates four bonds
to other atoms (some of which
may be other carbon atoms),
giving carbon structures
diversity, flexibility, and
• Carbons bonded together form
long chains that can branch
and form more complex
• The properties of carbon
allow its compounds to
store large amounts of
chemical bond energy.
• Carbon is the basis for
living organisms on earth.
• Covalent-sharing of
electrons, between Non
• Ionic- Transfer of electrons,
between a metal and a non
Chemical Equations
Chemical Reactions
Left side must equal the right
6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2
*Cells are made up of four basic
nucleic acids
*Each of these ingredients are a
type of macromolecule.
Macromolecule – a large, organic
compounds needed by living
things in large amounts.
Characteristics of Macromolecules
1) All macromolecules have carbon
(C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen
(O) in common.
2) All macromolecules are types of
organic compounds.
Organic Compound – any type of
compound that is made/used by
living things and contains the
element carbon.
*Examples of Organic Compounds:
C6H12O6 = blood sugar (glucose)
CH4 = methane gas
*Examples of Inorganic
H2O = water
NaCl = table salt
3) All macromolecules are
classified as polymers,
made up of repeating
subunits called monomers.
Polymer – a generic term for
any large compound made
up of many smaller
subunits, called
Monomer – a generic term for
any small subunit that
links together to form a
larger compound, called a
Monomer vs. Polymer
*Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins,
and nucleic acids are all
POLYMERS made up of smaller
units called monomers – small
subunits that make up larger
Brick = Monomer Brick Wall = Polymer
More Examples....
• Monomer....
• Polymer....
*Each of the four main
macromolecules are
organized based on the
following: (be able to
compare and contrast each
one in these categories!!!)
Chemical Ingredients
Overall shape
Description: sugars and starches
Function: quick energy for cells
Chemical Ingredients:
*carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen;
C, H, O will always be in a 1:2:1
ratio (ex: C6H12O6 = blood
Monomer: Monosaccharide
*single sugar subunit consisting
of 6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen
atoms, and 6 oxygen atoms
(1:2:1 ratio).
*Shape: shape is either
straight or ring-shaped,
depending on the # of
(monomer) are hooked
Example of a
Example of two
(ring form)
1) Monosaccharides:
- simplest sugar
- C6H12O6
- also the monomer of
a carbohydrate.
- ex: glucose
2) Disaccharides
- two monosaccharides
chemically linked together.
- C12H22O11 (not a perfect
1:2:1 ratio because one
molecule of water is lost for
every monosaccharide that
hooks together)
- ex: sucrose (table sugar)
3) Polysaccharides:
- multiple (many)
monosaccharides linked
together (most complex
- ex: starches, glycogen,
Starch – carbohydrate produced
by plants as an energy source
(potatoes, pasta, bread).
Cellulose – fibrous material found
in plant cell walls that give
cells shape and rigidity.
Glycogen – a chemical found in
the liver of animals made up
of multiple links of glucose
molecules; produced when
extra glucose molecules in the
blood are not needed.
Why Are Carbohydrates
Important To Know....
• Glucose is the only
carbohydrate that is usable by
living organisms because it is
one of the main ingredients
used during cellular respiration;
any other carbohydrate MUST be
broken down by the body.
• Glucose is broken down during
cellular respiration to extract
energy needed for cells to
• Glucose is a monosaccharide
and is the simplest sugar
possible...therefore, it is not
necessary for an organism to
break it down any further.
• The more your body has to work
to break the carbohydrate down
into glucose, the more calories
you burn!!
• If you eat meals full of fructose
and sucrose (disacccharides),
your body doesn’t have to work
as hard to break it down;
• Since polysaccharides are made
up of many subunits, they need
a lot of energy to be broken
down and thus, you burn
• Fiber is the “toughest”
polysaccharide to break down;
in some cases, you actually burn
more calories just by digesting
the food than what is actually in
the food!!
• Sugar-free products usually
use more trans-fat (artificial
fat) which raises cholesterol
levels OR sometimes
disguises its “sugar-free”
claim with other scientific
names for sugar.
Moral of story....please read
your food labels!! Check
out fiber content!!! If a
product has 0 fiber, you are
consuming TOO MUCH
sugar and it will go straight
to FAT!!
Description: fats, oils, and waxes
Function: long-term energy
storage, makes up cell
membrane and hormones,
Chemical Ingredients:
*large #s of carbon and
hydrogen, but low #s oxygen;
(low # of oxygen makes fats
insoluable in water).
Monomer: Fatty Acid
- molecule that consist of long
hydrocarbon tails (made up of C
and H only) and a “head” made
up of a compound called
Fatty Acid Structure
• *The head is hydrophilic,
meaning that it borders any
type of water (water-loving).
• *The hydrocarbon tail is
hydrophobic, meaning that it
always points inward, away from
water (water-hating).
- there are two types of lipid
Saturated Fatty Acids:
*comes from animals.
*hardens at room
*disease-causing; clogs
*has a straight tail, meaning
all carbons and hydrogens
are single-bonded to each
other, leaving no more
room for further bonding
(hence... “saturated”).
Unsaturated Fatty Acid:
- comes from plants
- stays liquid at room temp.
- better alternative for your
health; doesn’t clog
- hydrocarbon tail is kinked
since some of the bonds
between carbon and
hydrogen are double bonds
(meaning that more carbon
and hydrogen could be
added to it later.....
“unsaturated” means not
Saturated vs.
Unsaturated Fatty Acids
*Shape: shape of fat (lipid)
depends on...
1) whether it is saturated
or unsaturated.
2) the number of
hydrocarbon tails present.
1) Triglycerides – fat found in
diet; three tails.
2) Steroids – hormones; tails
are ring-shaped instead of
3) Phospholipids – make up
cell membrane; two
hydrocarbon tails.
Description: makes up skin, nails,
bone, muscle, etc.; enzymes;
antibodies; chemical
Function: provides structure; cell
homeostasis and regulation
(control messaging, chemical
reactions, etc.)
Chemical Ingredients: C, H, N, O,
(no particular ratio)
Monomer: Amino Acid
• *there are twenty different types of
amino acids that can hook together
to forma protein.
*Protein size can range from
two amino acids (dipeptide)
to thousands of amino acids
*Proteins are diverse because
these 20 amino acids can
arrange themselves in any
number and order to make
each protein unique.
Shape: mostly globular, some
helical and others pleated.
Subgroups of
1) Structural Proteins – make up
hair, skin, muscle, nails, etc.;
such as collagen, keratin,
2) Enzymes – special proteins
that help speed up chemical
reactions; many enzymes help
to speed up digestion.
ex: Lactase = enzyme needed
to break down lactose (milk
3) Antibodies – proteins that
are apart of our immune
system; helps to fight off
4) Receptor Proteins –
chemical messengers that
help cells communicate
with each other.
Nucleic Acids
*Description: organic molecules
that store the information
necessary to conduct life.
*Function: contain the genetic
code to produce proteins
(proteins determine the
structure and function of living
*Chemical Ingredients: C, H, N, O,
and P.
*Monomer: basic unit of a nucleic
acid is called a nucleotide:
*Each nucleotide contains three
1) sugar group
2) phosphate group
3) nitrogen group – 4 types
*Since there are four different
nitrogen groups (aka “nitrogen
bases”), there are four different
kinds of nucleotides.
*These four nucleotides are
arranged randomly in a unique
number and order to make each
living thing genetically unique.
*Shape: either a double-helix or a
1) DNA: “deoxyribonucleic acid”
*type of double helix-shaped nucleic
acid that is found in the nucleus
(the “brain”) of the cell.
*DNA has the genetic code to produce
*each living organism has a unique
DNA structure (no two organisms
are alike).
*DNA cannot leave the nucleus, so it
must make a “helper” to send the
genetic code to the ribosome
(organelle that makes proteins).
2) RNA – “ribonucleic acid”.
*A type of nucleic acid
produced from DNA; DNA’s
*Single-stranded helix.
*RNA carries DNA’s
genetic code outside the
nucleus to the ribosomes so
that protiens can be
JE #13: Identification of
50+ Biological Elements
He =
Fe =
Li =
Co =
Be =
Cu =
Ag =
Ne =
Au =
Rn =
Na =
Mg =
Mn =
Al =
Ni =
Si =
Zn =
Cl =
Sn =
Ar =
Hg =
Ca =
Pb =
Cr =
Kr =
Xe =
Cd =
Ba =
Pt =
Ti =
As =
Se =
Br =
Zr =
Sr =
Cs =
Fr =
Mo =
Rb =
Tl =
Bi =
Po =
At =
• 1. What does insoluable
mean in a lipid?
• 2.How will the basic
definition of a lipid be
illustrated in this
Lipid Lab