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Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson
Chapter 22
Descent with Modification: A
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Darwinian View of Life
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Questions prepared by
Janet Lanza
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Michael Dini
Texas Tech University
© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Lamarck’s Hypothesis of Evolution
Which of the following statements about Lamarck
is/are accurate?
a) Lamarck thought evolution had occurred.
b) Lamarck’s proposal that individuals evolve by the
principle of use and disuse is well supported by
c) Lamarck was wholly wrong.
d) Lamarck published his ideas only after Darwin
published his.
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Darwin’s Knowledge
Which of the following statements about Darwin
following the voyage of HMS Beagle is incorrect?
a) Darwin thought individuals varied.
b) Darwin thought the Earth was a few thousand years
c) Darwin thought fossils in a given area were similar
to the animals that were still living there.
d) Darwin thought organisms produced many offspring.
e) Darwin thought few offspring of a pair survived.
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The Unity and Diversity of Life
Which of the following statements can be associated with
the concept of the “unity of life” and which can be
associated with the concept of the “diversity of life”?
The amino acid sequences of cytochrome c (an enzyme in
mitochondria) differ between humans and chimps by one amino
If the gene for human insulin is inserted into bacteria, the bacteria
can make human insulin.
Medium ground finches (Geospiza fortis) have beaks that are
similar in shape but smaller than large ground finches (Geospiza
The basic forelimb structure of horses and moles is similar.
Scientists interested in curing human cancer may study cell
division in yeasts.
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If an adaptation is defined as a trait that promotes
survival or reproduction, which of the following traits would
qualify as an adaptation?
a) Hemoglobin is one color (bright red) when oxygenated and
another color (purple-blue) when deoxygenated.
b) Humans have a “tailbone” (coccyx).
c) Many desert plants have leaves shaped like needles.
d) The presence of sickle-cell hemoglobin allele helps the
holder survive malaria.
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Descent with Modification
Which of the following conclusions could you
correctly draw after studying the figure on the next slide?
a) Barytherium is an ancestor of Platybelodon but not of the
manatees and relatives.
b) Loxodonta cylotis is more closely related to Loxodonta
africana than to Elephas maximus.
c) Mammut shares a more recent common ancestor with
Stegodon than with Elephas maximus.
d) Manatees are more closely related to the living elephant
species than hyraxes are.
e) Elephas maximus is an ancestor of both Loxodonta species.
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Action of Natural Selection
Imagine a species of bird in which females prefer to mate
with brightly colored males. However, males with bright
backs are more often preyed upon by hawks. Assuming
that a wide variety of genetic variation exists in the
species, which do you think is the most likely evolutionary
a) Males will be selected to be brightly colored.
b) Females will be selected to choose drab males.
c) Males will be selected to have bright chests and dull backs.
d) Females will not mate.
e) The species will go extinct because the hawks catch all the
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Evidence for Evolution
Which of the following statements could challenge the
evolutionary view of the history of life on Earth? Be
prepared to explain your answer.
New mammal fossils are discovered in the oldest rocks on Earth.
Coal deposits are found in Antarctica.
The mitochondrial DNA of the medium ground finch in the
Galápagos is identical to a bird species in Europe.
Both sugar gliders (Australia) and flying squirrels (North
America) use flaps of skin to help them glide from one tree to
Horse fossils occur in North America even though there were no
wild horses in North America in 1492.
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Homologies and “Tree Thinking”
Imagine that a phylogeny was developed for a group of
mammals based on bone structure. Which of the
following statements would be a reasonable prediction
about a phylogeny for the same group of species based
on similarities and differences in the structure of a
particular enzyme?
a) The same phylogeny would be predicted.
b) The same phylogeny would be unlikely.
c) No prediction could be made.
d) The amino acid sequence would be identical in all species.
e) The new phylogeny would be different.
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Homologies and “Tree Thinking”
Imagine two species that are thought to have a recent
common ancestor. If this idea is correct, these two
species most likely have
a) no morphological similarities.
b) few biochemical similarities.
c) some genes with identical amino acid sequences.
d) very different habits.
e) similar embryological development.
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Evolution of Adaptations
Imagine that you have discovered a new lizard that lives in a
foggy desert in southwestern South America. As fog rolls in,
this lizard stands on its head and lets water condense on its
back and roll in grooves to its mouth. Considering the
Namibian beetle in the figure below, this trait is an example
of which of the following?
a) convergent
b) inheritance of
c) homology
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