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Glycolysis is believed to be one of the most
ancient of metabolic processes. Which
statement below LEAST supports this idea?
a. If run in reverse, glycolysis will build
glucose molecules.
b. Glycolysis neither uses nor needs oxygen.
c. Glycolysis is found in all eukaryotic cells.
d. The enzymes of glycolysis are found in the
cytosol rather than in a membrane
enclosed organelle.
e. Bacteria, the most primitive of cells, make
extensive use of glycolysis.
Answer: a
The direct energy source that drives ATP synthesis
during respiratory oxidative phosphorylation is
a. oxidation of glucose to carbon dioxide and
b. the thermodynamically favorable flow of
electrons from NADH to the mitochondrial
electron transport carriers.
c. the final transfer of electrons to oxygen
d. the difference in H+ concentration on
opposite sides of the mitochondrial membrane
e. thermodynamically favorable transfer of
phosphate from glycolysis and Krebs cycle
intermediate molecules of ADP
Answer: d
Pyruvate is the last product of glycolysis.
Which statement below is TRUE?
a. There is more energy in 6 molecules of
carbon dioxide than in 2 molecules of pyruvate.
b. There is more energy in pyruvate than lactate.
c. There is less energy in 2 molecules of
pyruvate than in 1 molecule of glucose.
d. Pyruvate is in a more oxidized state than
carbon dioxide.
e. Pyruvate is in a more reduced state than
Answer: c
A major function of the mitochondrial membrane
is the conversion of energy from electrons to
the stored energy of the phosphate bond in
ATP. To accomplish this function, this membrane
must have all of the following features EXCEPT
a. proteins to accept electrons from NADH.
b. integral, transverse ATP synthase.
c. proton pumps embedded in the membrane.
d. the electron transport chain of proteins.
e. high permeability to protons.
Answer: e
If citric acid has 6 carbon
atoms, how many carbon
atoms does succinic acid
a. 1
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
e. 12
Answer: b
Starting with one acetyl
CoA molecule, what is
the maximum number
of ATP molecules that
could be made through
a. 1
b. 2
c. 11
d. 12
e. more than 20
Answer: a
All of the following substances are produced in
a muscle cell under anaerobic conditions
a. ATP
b. pyruvate
c. lactate
d. acetyl CoA
Answer: d
Refer to the list below for this question .
A. Stage 1: glycolysis
B. Stage 2: oxidation of pyruvate to acteyl CoA
C. Stage 3: Krebs cycle
D. Stage 4: oxidative phophorylation (chemiosmosis)
Carbon dioxide is released during which stage(s)?
a. stage 3 only
b. stages 2 and 3
c. stages 3 and 4
d. stages 1, 2, and 3
e. stages 2, 3, and 4
Answer: b
Suppose a yeast cell uses 10 moles of glucose
for energy production. No oxygen is available.
What will be the maximum net yield of ATP
in moles?
a. 12
b. 15
c. 20
d. 30
e. 36
Answer: c
Catabolism of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates
can result in a 2-carbon molecule that enters
the Krebs cycle. What is the molecule?
a. glucose
b. acetic acid or acetyl CoA
c. a fatty acid
d. an amino acid
e. pyruvate
Answer: b
You have a friend who lost 15 pounds of fat
on a diet. Where did the fat go (how was it
a. It was lost as CO2 and H2O.
b. Chemical energy was converted to heat and
then released.
c. It was converted to ATP, which weighs less
than fat.
d. It was broken down to amino acids and
eliminated from the body.
e. It was converted to urine and eliminated
from the body.
Answer: a
If both the inner and outer mitochondrial
membranes were punctured, which of the
following processes would be least affected?
a. glycolysis
b. oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA
c. Krebs cycle
d. chemiosmosis
Answer: a
A sprig of elodea is placed in a bromthymol
blue solution. After a few hour in the dark, the
solution turns yellow. The purpose of this
experiment is to show that
a. oxygen is given off during photosyntheis.
b. carbon dioxide is used during photosynthesis.
c. oxygen is used during respiration.
d. carbon dioxide is given off during respiration.
e. oxygen is given off during respiration.
Answer: d
Which of the following is NOT true concerning
the cellular compartmentalization of the steps
of respiration or fermentation?
a. Acetyl CoA is produced only in the mitochondria
b. lactate is produced only in the cytosol
c. NADH is produced only in the mitochondria
d. FADH2 is produced only in the mitochondria
e. ATP is produced in the cytosol and the
Answer: c
In the mesophyll cell of a leaf, the synthesis
of ATP occurs in which of the following?
I. Ribosomes
II. Mitochondria
III. Chloroplasts
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. II and III only
e. I, II, and III
Answer: d
This diagram depicts
chemiosmosis in a
chloroplast. What is
occurring at “Q”?
Answer: e
a. Energy is consumed.
b. Water is cleaved.
c. NADP+ is reduced.
d. ADP is phosphorylated
to ATP
e. Electrons are transported
down the electron
transport chain.
A study of the metabolic rate in a terrestrial
community shows that the energy captured
in photosynthesis exceeds the energy released
by respiration. Which of the following
situations is occurring?
a. Community biomass is increasing.
b. Community biomass is decreasing.
c. A climax community has been reached.
d. The first law of thermodynamics is not
in effect.
e. The second law of thermodynamics
is not in effect.
Answer: a
A biologist isolates numerous, tiny, green-pigmented
cells from a sample of lake water. The cells are
covered with a mucilaginous sheath. They contain
relatively large amounts of chlorophyll a and phycobilin
pigments and lack a compact, organized nucleus.
electron microscopy reveals that these cells also contain
which of the following pairs of subcellular structures?
a. ribosomes and chloroplasts
b. ribosomes and mitochondria
c. golgi bodies and a cell wall
d. thylakoids and a cell wall
e. chloroplasts and mitochondria
Answer: d
Assume a thylakoid is somehow punctured so
that the interior of the thylakoid is no longer
separated from the stroma. This damage will
have the most direct effect on which of the
following processes?
a. the splitting of water
b. the absorption of light energy by chlorophyll
c. The flow of electrons from PSII to PSI
d. The synthesis of ATP
e. The reduction of NADP+
Answer: d
The reactions of the Calvin cycle require all of
the following EXCEPT:
a. CO2
b. ATP
c. RuBP
d. glucose
Answer: d
All the events listed below occur in the
energy-capturing light reactions of
photosynthesis EXCEPT:
a. oxygen is produced
b. NADP+ is reduced to NADPH
c. carbon dioxide is incorporated into PGA
d. ADP is phosphorylated to yield ATP
e. light is absorbed and funneled to a
reaction center chlorophyll a
Answer: c
Which of the following is NOT true of
RuBP carboxylase?
a. It is a protein.
b. It speeds up a chemical reaction.
c. It lowers the energy of activation.
d. It catalyzes a phosphorylation reaction.
e. It has an affinity for both O2 and CO2.
Answer: d
Why is the absorption
spectrum different from
the action spectrum?
a. Green and yellow
wavelengths inhibit the
absorption of red and
blue wavelengths.
b. Bright sunlight destroys photosynthetic pigments.
c. The two lines are probably the result of inaccurate
d.Other pigments absorb light in addition to chlorophyll a
e. Anaerobic bacteria probably interfered with light
Answer: d
From the action spectrum
we can correctly conclude
a. Chlorophyll absorbs
more green light than
red light
b. Plants can use all
colors of visible light
for photosynthesis.
c. Every color of light is equally good for photosynthesis.
d. Light in the green range produces the most effective
e. There are two independent photosystems in leaves;
one for red light alone and one for blue light alone.
Answer: b
Where does the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis
take place?
a. stroma of the chloroplast
b. thylakoid membrane
c. cytoplasm surrounding the chloroplast
d. chlorophyll molecule
e. outer membrane of chloroplasts
Answer: a
CAM plants keep stomates closed in daytime,
thus reducing loss of water. They can do this
because they can:
a. fix CO2 into organic acids during the night.
b. fix CO2 into sugars in the bundle-sheath cells.
c. fix CO2 into pyruvic acid in the mesophyll cells.
d. use the enzyme phosphofructokinase, which
outcompetes rubisco for CO2.
e. use PS I and PS II at night.
Answer: a
In plant cells, ATP is made in response to light.
An electron transport chain is involved. This
electron transport chain is found in the
a. thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts.
b. stroma of chloroplasts.
c. inner membrane of mitochondria.
d. matrix of mitochondria.
e. cytoplasm.
Answer: a
If photosynthesizing green algae are provided
with CO2 synthesized with heavy oxygen (O-18),
later analysis will show that all but one of the
following compounds produced by the algae
contain the O-18 label. That one exception is:
a. PGA
c. glucose
d. RuBP
e. O2
Answer: e
The process of cyclic photophosphorylation
uses light energy to synthesize:
a. ADP and ATP
b. ATP only
c. ATP and NADPH
d. ADP and NADPH
e. PS I and PSII
Answer: b
The process of noncyclic
uses light energy to synthesize:
a. ADP and ATP
b. ATP only
c. ATP and NADPH
d. ADP and NADPH
e. PS I and PSII
Answer: c
In green plants, the primary function of the
Calvin cycle is to:
a. use ATP to release carbon dioxide.
b. use NADPH to release carbon dioxide.
c. split water and release oxygen.
d. transport RuBP out of the cytoplasm.
e. construct simple sugars from carbon
Answer: e
Which of the following statements best represents the
relationships between the light reactions and the
Calvin cycle?
a. The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the
Calvin cycle, and the cycle returns ADP, phosphate,
and NADP+ to the light reactions.
b. The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the
carbon fixation step of the Calvin cycle, and the cycle
provides water and electrons to the light reactions.
c. The light reactions supply the Calvin cycle with CO2
to produce sugars, and the Calvin cycle supplies the
light reaction with sugars to produce ATP.
d. The light reactions provide the Calvin cycle with oxygen
for electron flow, and the cycle provides the light reactions
with water to split.
e. None of the above
Answer: a
In the thylakoid membranes, what is the main
function of the antenna pigment molecules? split water and release oxygen to the
reaction center chlorophyll a
b. to harvest photons and transfer light energy
to the reaction center chlorophyll a
c. to synthesize ATP from ADP and phosphate
d. to pass electrons to ferredoxin and then
e. to concentrate photons inside the stroma
Answer: b
In mitochondria, chemiosmosis translocates
protons from the matrix into the intermembrane
space, whereas in chloroplasts, chemiosmosis
translocates protons from:
a. the stroma to the chlorophyll.
b. the matrix to the stroma.
c. the stroma to the thylakoid compartment.
d. the intermediate space to the matrix.
e. the light reactions to the Calvin cycle.
Answer: c
Each photosystem:
a. contains a mix of chlorophylls and carotenoids.
b. has a light gathering antenna complex.
c. has a special chlorophyll a molecule in the
reaction center.
d. All three are correct.
Answer: d
Molecule “A”
Which of the following is true of molecule “A”?
a. It is classified as a carotenoid.
b. It would move the furthest of all the plant
pigments in chromatography using a nonpolar
solvent such as petroleum ether.
c. It is found embedded in the thylakoid
membrane of the chloroplast.
Answer: c
d. It contains iron.
e. It is required for the contraction of muscles.