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Growth, Composition
and Meat Quality
Quality versus Yield
Definition(s)- provide uniform standards
 Table
 Factors Affecting Quality Grades
Kind, Class and Grade
Maturity (Figure 12.2)
Marbling relationship to palatability
 Poultry
(Table 12.2)
 Yield/Cutability (Table 12.3)
Yield Grade Relationships
Fat, muscle and bone relationships
 Figure
Regression models versus short-cut
 Anatomical measurements for
compositional traits
 Ex. Pork percent muscle, Beef yield grade
Conversion of Muscle to Meat
Ante-mortem versus post-mortem
conditions of the animal
 Steps:
 Stunning
 Exsanguination
 Aerobic
to anaerobic condition
 Glycogenolysis
Conversion of Muscle to Meat
ATP to ADP , thus energy expended
 Pyruvate converted to Lactate and
ultimately lactic acid
 Progressive reduction in pH
 Deviations of normal post-mortem
 Dark
cutters, PSE, etc.
Meat Tenderness
Little can be gained by improvement of
animal growth if the resulting quality of the
endproduct is undesirable to the consumer
 Connective Tissue- collagen
 As
animals mature crosslinkages increase
resulting in more stability, yet tougher and
stronger collagen bonds thus decreases
solubility and reduces gelatinization
Meat Tenderness
Myofibrillar Protein Interactions
 Degree
of overlapping structures within
actinomyosin formation resulting in varying
sarcomere length
 Proteolytic activity
Calpain enzyme system are responsible for
destruction of myofibrils
Quality versus Quantity
Figure 12.23
Sex/gender variations within growth and
development-biological maturity
 Intact males have:
 Less fat as well as less firmness of fat
 Increased protein, myoglobin, red color, yields
 Increased off-odors due to increased steroid metabolism
synthesized by the gonads, stored in the salivary glands,
released by the saliva ingested and deposited in the fatty
 Skatole is a fat-soluble cmpd from tryptophan metabolism in
the hind gut esp. in swine and is correlated to the off-odor
Absence of Fat
Cold shortening possibility
 Age
 Negative
relationship with increased age
 Except with feedlot cattle
PSS in pork
Rendement Napole Gene
 Acid
 Responsible for glycolytic potential index
 AMPK- adenosine monophosphate-activated protein
kinase which is responsible for synthesizing glycogen
 If this ability is lost and glycogen is accumulated at a
higher rate this produces more lactate and ultimately
results in more acid meat upon rigor mortis
PSS pork
Halothane Gene
 Extremely lean pigs
 Incapable of handling stress
 Malignant hypothermia along
with cyanotic (blue),
lethargic, increased respiration, and increased core
body temp
 Characterized by a severe reaction when exposed to
halothane gas
 Positive pigs possess a mutated calcium release
channel located in the SR. This is known as
ryanodine receptor
PSS pork
Halothane cont.
 Increased
metabolism is a result of increased
ctyoplasmic calcium in early postmortem. This
stimulates increases in glycogen phosphorylase
which speeds up glycogen breakdown.
 This increased rate of metabolism then increases the
rate of pH decline when carcass temps are elevated
 This ultimately reduces the water holding capacity
Double Muscling
Muscular hypertrophy- increase fiber size
 Increase yield and gains
 Decreased quality and reprod effic.
 Less connective tissue
 Increased cold shortening effect
Delayed feedlot gains will decrease tenderness
Shorter periods of feeding high energy will
results in lower quality aspects
Connective Tissue concentration remains
constant with increased growth rates
 Due
to increased proteases
 Lacks excessive cross-linking
 More soluble collagen matrices
 Do not remove high energy too long before slaughter
this may result in Dark Cutters
Repartitioning Agents and
Hormone Implants
Table 12.7 and 12.8
Hormones- estrogen, progesterone,
Effects on tenderness Table 12.9
Effects on sensory perceptions Table 12.10