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Protein-DNA Interactions
Blackburn & Gait, p. 400-415, 418-421
Neidle, chapter
Understand the basics behind HTH motif
• important AAs, how protein recognizes DNA,
dimerization, important contacts
• examples: CAP, cro repressor, etc.
Understand the basics behind Homeodomain motif
• important AAs, how protein recognizes DNA,
monomer, important contacts
• examples: Drosophila proteins, yeast MATa2
Understand the basics behind Zinc finger motif
• important AAs, how protein recognizes DNA,
3 types, important contacts
• examples: Zif268, glucocorticoid receptor, GAL4
Understand the basics behind leucine zipper motif
• important AAs, how protein recognizes DNA,
dimerization, important contacts
• examples: GCN4, jun, fos
Understand the basics behind TBP binding to DNA
• important AAs, how protein recognizes DNA,
saddle shaped structure, important contacts
Understand the basics behind RNP motif
• loops of protein bind RNA
• U1A protein binds toU1 snRNA
Understand the basics HIV TAR RNA binding by Tat
• important AAs, how protein recognizes DNA,
important contacts
Protein-DNA Interactions
For cell to function proteins must distinguish 1 nucleic acid
sequence from another very accurately
• tRNA synthetase must charge only its cognate tRNA
• transcriptional activators and repressors must turn on specific
We understand protein-nucleic acid interactions mostly from
crystal structure and NMR data
Protein-DNA Interactions
Helix-turn-helix (transcriptional regulators)
• no stable structure by itself, needs surrounding protein sequence
• first sequence-specific DNA binding protein structures solved
were from proks - E.Coli CAP (catabolite activator protein) & cro
repressor from phage l
• both have HTH - most common sequence-specific DNA binding
• Other examples: 434 cro, lambda repressor, 434 repressor, trp
• sometimes in euks - homeodomain motif (talk about later)
Protein-DNA Interactions
Helix-turn-helix (transcriptional regulators)
Structure well-established, ~20 amino acids
Pair of helices that stack to form a V-shape (60˚ angle)
Usually first helix positions the second (recognition helix) so that
it projects into MAJOR groove and recognizes specific sequence
Protein-DNA Interactions
Helix-turn-helix (transcriptional regulators)
Structure well-established, ~20 amino acids
6 AAs out of 20 in motif help maintain correct angle
Position -9 at turn between 2 helices usually Gly
Positions -4, -8, -10, -15 usually hydrophobic
Position -5 usually small (Ala or Gly)
Motif always occurs as part of a larger structure that differs from
protein to protein
Protein-DNA Interactions
Helix-turn-helix (transcriptional regulators)
Functions as dimer
DNA sequence has twofold symmetry
Recognition helix is a misnomer - both helices contact DNA
Each monomer recognizes half-site
Helix #2 is above MAJOR groove but its N-term is in contact
with phosphate backbone
Protein-DNA Interactions
Helix-turn-helix (transcriptional regulators)
Repressor forms H-bonds to 4 phosphates per monomer,
clamping helix #3 (recognition helix) in MAJOR groove
Repressor uses backbone amides and side chain groups
Protein-DNA Interactions
Helix-turn-helix (transcriptional regulators)
CAP - 90˚ bend in DNA, little change to protein
No pro bind
Phos sensitive
To DNase I
Protein-DNA Interactions
Helix-turn-helix (transcriptional regulators)
CAP - two kinks ~43˚ each
Bases roll and unstack base pair at TG
Protein-DNA Interactions
Helix-turn-helix (transcriptional regulators)
CAP - Glu181 critical to form kink
Electrostatics important - lots of Lys and Arg
Protein-DNA Interactions
Homeodomain - Eukaryotic motif
Similar to HTH? NO can fold by itself
Binds euk. asymmetric homeobox sequence as monomer
~60 AA module found in: Dros. Antennapedia, Dros. Engrailed,
yeast MATa2
Protein-DNA Interactions
Homeodomain - Eukaryotic motif
Bind DNA by inserting long 3rd helix (recognition helix) into
MAJOR groove and N-term arm into adjacent MINOR groove
Protein-DNA Interactions
Homeodomain - Eukaryotic motif
IMPORTANT - Asn51 makes two H bonds to A in MAJOR
Additional links to phosphate backbone
AA 47, 50 and 54 help discriminate one homeobox from another
Protein-DNA Interactions
Zinc finger - Eukaryotic motif
Most common euk. gene regulatory proteins have Zn fingers
Zinc coordinated to Cys or His of DNA binding domain
1st discovered was from Xenopus - TFIIIA
Three types:
GAL4 dinuclear cluster
All use a-helices in MAJOR groove
Structural data from crystallography and NMR
~30 AA domain binds Zn and folds properly
Protein-DNA Interactions
Zinc finger - Eukaryotic motif
3 tandemly repeated Zinc fingers
1 Zinc finger
Protein-DNA Interactions
Zinc finger - Eukaryotic motif
Zn staples a-helix & b-sheet together as well as forms a phobic core
Zif268 contacts to G-rich DNA strand by Arg/His
Protein-DNA Interactions
Zinc finger - Eukaryotic motif
Cys4 nuclear receptors
Two a-helix loop motifs bind as dimer to 2-fold symmetrical sequence
GRE (glucocorticoid response element) in DNA is bound by dimer of
glucocorticoid receptor
GRE is made of 2 half-sites
5’-AGAACA XXX TGTTCT-3’ (has to be a 3-nt spacer)
Protein-DNA Interactions
Zinc finger - Eukaryotic motif
Cys4 nuclear receptors
GRE (glucocorticoid response element) in DNA is bound by dimer of
glucocorticoid receptor
Protein-DNA Interactions
Zinc finger - Eukaryotic motif
• Has 3 subunits - Zn cluster, linker, dimerization region
• 2 Zn ions coordinated by 6 Cys
• Monomeric in solution but dimerizes upon binding 17 bp
symmetrical DNA sequence with specific CCG triplets at ends
Protein-DNA Interactions
Leucine Zipper (bZIP) - Eukaryotic motif
• Found in certain euk regulatory DNA-binding proteins
• Ex: yeast transcriptional regulatory protein GCN4 & AP1
(oncoproteins jun and fos)
• Leucine zipper does not bind DNA but dimerizes proteins so they can
bind DNA
• Leu zipper is an amphipathic a-helix where phobics (Leu) face one
side and charged AAs the other
• bZIP <100 AAs, three domains (N-term regulatory, dimerization
leucine zipper, basic DNA binding)
• Leucine zipper - a-helix with Leu every 7 AAs, since a-helix has 3.6
AA/turn of helix all Leucines on the same face
Protein-DNA Interactions
Leucine Zipper (bZIP) - Eukaryotic motif
• Leucine zipper - a-helix with Leu every 7 AAs, since a-helix has 3.6
AA/turn of helix all Leucines on the same face
• two basic ends form a-helices and sit in MAJOR groove
• Dimerization allows protein to bind DNA in scissors-grip fashion
• 2-fold symmetry
Protein-DNA Interactions
Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Zipper (bHLHZ) - Eukaryotic motif
Protein-DNA Interactions
TATA Box binding protein - Eukaryotic motif
To initiate transcription all three RNA polymerases require TATA box
binding protein (TBP) which binds to MINOR groove of DNA and
recognizes TATA sequence
TBP  5-stranded all antiparallel b-sheet & domains connected by
7-AA linker
Saddle-shaped structure
Regulation of iron metabolism (eukaryotes)
The level of free iron is highly regulated in eukaryotes
Two opposing protein activities are that of the
transferrin receptor which transports iron into cells, and
ferritin which stores iron
The expression of each of these proteins is oppositely
regulated at the translational level by the same ironsensitive factor
The iron-response
element (IRE) is an
RNA sequence
specifically recognized
and bound by the
IRE-binding protein
IRE-BP binding to
iron or the IRE is
mutually exclusive
IRE-BP binding to
ferritin mRNA
inhibits translation
while IRE-BP binding
to the transferrin
receptor mRNA
stabilizes the mRNA
and promotes
The iron response element
ferritin mRNA
transferrin receptor mRNA
Protein-DNA Interactions
RNA binding proteins
RNP motif/domain ~90 AA sequence
Example: U1A protein binds to U1 snRNA
Tat-TAR in HIV
Activity of Tat
Bulge loop in nascent HIV transcript is recognized by
regulatory protein
Protein is Tat, trans-activator protein
Binding site is TAR, trans-activation response element
Tat-TAR interaction is required for HIV transcription
Tat stimulates full
length viral RNA
Without Tat,
transcripts are short
With Tat,
transcripts are full
Tat Binding Site
Tat protein binds to trinucleotide bulge
Arginine rich basic region of Tat binds
Causes a complete rearrangement in
TAR conformation
Tat Protein
Protein-DNA Interactions
RNA binding proteins
HIV TAR - Tat interaction
Tat - Trans-activating protein (86 AA)
TAR - Trans-activating RNA
Protein-DNA Interactions
RNA binding proteins
HIV TAR - Tat interaction
TAR Structures
Without Tat
With Tat
Bulge closes upon binding
Other factors also bind
Changes the processivity of RNA pol
Induced fit binding
Activity of Tat-TAR
Tat binding recruits CyclinT-cdk9 to TAR
Also recruits TFIIH to TAR
Both phosphorylate the CTD of RNA pol II
Improves the elongation efficiency of pol II
Protein-DNA Interactions
RNA binding proteins
HIV TAR - Tat interaction