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Ch. 4-1
States of Consciousness
 Consciousness
 Our awareness of processes like sleeping,
dreaming, concentrating, and making decisions
 Waking consciousness
 Mental state that encompasses the thoughts,
feelings, and perceptions when we are awake and
 Altered states of consciousness
 Mental states that differ noticeably from normal
waking consciousness
Conscious Experience
 If we interpret all senses at once, we
would go crazy
 Not everything happens in normal
 Recognizing a word
 Hearing a friend’s voice in the background
Daydreaming and Fantasy
 Daydreaming and Fantasy
 Apparently effortless shifts in attention
away from the here and now into a private
world of make-believe
 Usually when we want to be somewhere
 Fall into 4 categories
 Positive, negative, scattered, and purposeful
 To recharge batteries
 Can be like drug use without
 Sleep can help us create better
Circadian Cycles:The Biological
 Circadian rhythm
 Regular biological rhythm with a period of
approximately 24 hours
 We know when to sleep and wake in routine
 Can feel during daylight savings time
 Epinephrine
 Max in morning - body alert
 Melatonin
 Surges at night - promotes sleep
Sleep Stages
 1. Last a few moments
 2 and 3. Hard to awaken
 Does not respond to light and sound
 Heart rate, temperature, and blood pressure drop
 4. 15-20 minute segments
 Heart rate, temp, and blood pressure is as low as
it will get
 Rapid-eye movement
Stages Continued
 Almost paralyzed
 Dreaming may occur here
 Normal night:
90 minutes from Stage 1 - REM
4-5 sleep cycles
45-50% Stage 2
20-25% REM
Stage 3 and 4 disappear during the night