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Drug Abuse Education Course
Master Sgt. Doug Oswald
Assistant Drug Demand Reduction Administrator
The facts about marijuana
• Cannabis Sativa is the plant known as
marijuana, hemp, weed, pot, etc.
• The most widely used illicit drug in the U.S,
about 6% of Americans, 14.6 million, are
• Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the
main psychoactive ingredient.
• Made illegal in 1937, it was popularized as a
recreational drug in the 60s.
• Marijuana is psychologically addictive.
Who Uses marijuana?
• Age 12-17: 6.8%
• Age 18-25: 16.6%
• Age 26 & up: 4.1%
• Males: 7.5%
• Females: 6.2%
• Employed full-time: 6.2%
• Employed part-time: 8.5%
• Unemployed: 14.5%
High School Drop-out: 6.6%
High School Graduate: 6.0%
Some College: 7.1%
College Graduate: 4.1%
How Many Uses marijuana?
• 13.3% are daily users.
• 34.8% are using five times a week.
• 74.2% of illicit drug users are using marijuana.
– 54.5% use only marijuana.
– 19.6% use marijuana and another illicit drug.
The facts about marijuana
• Today’s ‘pot’ is stronger than 60s era
• 60s & 70s era marijuana averaged about 1%
THC compared to 6% today.
• Some THC levels today range from 13% to
The facts about marijuana
• The marijuana plant contains 421 chemicals
including THC and the same poisons and
tars found in tobacco smoke.
• The drug marijuana is a dead plant and it
contains bacteria and fungus molds.
• It can also contain contaminants like
herbicide and be laced with other drugs like
The facts about marijuana
• Marijuana smoke contains 50-70% more
carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco
• Smoking one joint equals 3 to 5 times the
carbon monoxide and tar as one cigarette.
• Smoking five joints per week equals the
carcinogens in smoking one pack of
cigarettes per day.
The facts about marijuana
• The effects are felt within minutes of
smoking, peak within 20 minutes, and last
for two or three hours.
• THC is stored in fatty tissue like the brain,
liver and reproductive organs.
• 2-3 days after use, 50% of the original dose
is still present in those tissues.
The facts about marijuana
• It effects the parts of the brain involved in
attention, learning, memory, motivation and
• Users have more suicidal thoughts and are
more likely to report symptoms of
depression than those who never used.
• Marijuana intoxication impairs driving and
contributes to poor performance in school.
Medical Marijuana
• No medically prescribed drug is smoked
because of the adverse health effects
associated with smoking.
• Marinol, a synthetic form of THC, is legally
used to treat the nausea and vomiting
associated with chemotherapy.
• Safer and more effective medications
already exist to treat pain, nausea and
Mixed Messages
Marijuana Effects
• Short Term:
Lack of coordination
Loss of balance
Increased heart rate
Reddening of eyes
Dilated pupils
Droopy Eyelids
Slurred speech
Hunger “munchies”
Dry mouth
• Long Term:
– Damages the pituitary gland
– Damages the respiratory
– Weakens the immune system
– Destroys brain cells
– Destroys serotonin
– Birth defects
– Psychological and emotional
problems: retarded social skills,
lack of motivation, reduced energy
and poor work performance