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Obesity and Diabetes
A National Health Crisis Project
Presented by :
Kamil Salamah, M.D. FACS
General Secretary
Saudi Diabetes & Endocrine Association
 A medical condition in which excess body fat has
accumulated to the extent that it may have an
adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life
expectancy and/or increased health problems.
 Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases,
particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive
sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and
Global Rankings of Obesity
 Saudi Arabia ranks #5 in the world for obesity : 35.6 %
of the population meet criteria to be declared obese.
 As of July, 2012 the Saudi population was 20,958,428
which means 7,461,200 people qualified as being
Global Rankings of Diabetes
( as of 2012: IDF/WHO)
 No. 6 Kuwait
23.9% prevalence
 No. 7 Saudi Arabia
23.4% prevalence
 No. 8 Qatar
23.3% prevalence
 No. 9 Bahrain
22.4% prevalence
 * Saudi Arabia ranks 2nd highest in the Middle East
Obesity by Age Group
Ages 15-24: 1.5 million are obese
Ages 25-54: 3.3 million are obese
Ages 55-64: 306,000 are obese
Ages 65 and up: 22,236 are obese
 Saudi Arabia has one of the youngest populations in
the world, and with a life expectancy of 74 years, will
have to deal with an ever growing obese population.
The end result will be a country with debilitating
Obesity and Diabetes?
 Of the people diagnosed with type II diabetes, about 80 to
90 percent are also diagnosed as obese. This fact
demonstrates the link between diabetes and obesity.
 Being overweight places extra stress on the body in a
variety of ways, including it’s ability to maintain proper
blood glucose levels. In fact, being overweight can cause
the body to become resistant to insulin. If you already have
diabetes, this means you will need to take even more
insulin to get sugar into your cells. And if you don’t have
diabetes, the prolonged effects of the insulin resistance
can eventually cause you to develop the disease.
What is the Cost?
 Type 2 diabetes: represents 90% of the diabetics in Saudi
Arabia and is found in 30% of the Saudi population age 20
and above.
 Type 2 DM for ages 10-18 is mainly due to obesity:
(percent of diabetes in this age group still to be
 The Kingdom spends approximately SR 30 billion/year on
the treatment of diabetes: SR 5000/pt./year( not including
Diabetes and Kidney Disease
 30% of diabetics have diabetic nephropathy
 65% of dialysis (kidney disease) patients are diabetic
 Dialysis sessions cost approximately 1500SR per
session (average 3 sessions per week per patient)
- 234,000 SR per patient per year
 2011 the Health Care Budget was 70 Billion SR (11% of
the total national budget) approximately 772,200,000
was spent on dialysis treatment= 1.1 % of the budget.
What Can We Do???
Public National Project
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Cultural and Information
Ministry of Health
Organization of Youth Welfare
Saudi Food and Drug Administration
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Education
Decision Makers
Community Leaders
Civil Societies
Ministry of Commerce
 Insure compliance with Healthy Food Standards of
the Saudi Food and Drug Administration
Ministry of Cultural and Information
 Refrain from advertisements of food and beverages
that are not compliant with SFDA (Saudi Food and
Drug Administration)
 Hold healthy lifestyle promotional campaigns
 Participate in coverage of social activities promoting
healthy lifestyles
 Sponsor sports activities for schools and colleges
 Hold campaigns to support charitable organizations
that help combat obesity and diabetes
 Stop commercials that support unhealthy foods and
drinks to children and teenagers.
Ministry of Health
 Establish a National Diabetic Registry (NDR)
 Require data submission by all healthcare providers
 Support standardized treatment ( best practice
standards) for diabetes and obesity
 Promote diabetic teaching programs for inpatient and
outpatient settings
 Promote dietary services for all healthcare facilities
 Provide educational materials that meet the standard
of care and best practice
Ministry of Health Continued..
 Provide CMEs (continuing medical education)
activities for healthcare providers (physicians, nurses,
educators, dieticians)
 Support activities nationwide to combat obesity and
 Work to establish a prevention program targeted at
children and teenagers in school
Organization of Youth Welfare
 Hold National Youth Camps to promote health and
fitness ( for both male and female youth)
 Provide reduced rates to enroll obese children in
sports facilities
 Establish sports and wellness centers for female
children and teens
 Provide walking events in public areas to promote
exercise and well being
Saudi Food and Drug Administration
 SDFA should be a FULLY empowered governmental agency
to enforce the intent/agenda of the National Health Plans.
 Provide regulations that support healthy lifestyles.
 Oversee the licensing of food and beverages industry
based on preset regulations.
 Approves relicensing according to the same criteria
 Passes laws prohibiting the manufacturing of unhealthy
 Oversees and gives final approval of permits to be issued
by the Ministry of Commerce of functions related to food
and beverages industries.
Ministry of Agriculture
 Ensure healthy food by prohibiting the use of
chemicals and hormones in food products
 Establish a system to reward those producers that
comply with regulations
School Aged Population Project
 Ensure the schools are compliant with the NDR
- Comply with data requirements established by the MOH
 Provide students with the “Students Rights” booklet
 Provide Health Education in the schools
 Ensure there is a Physical Activities Curriculum for all
 School canteens should comply with SFDA
regulations for school meals
 Teach healthy eating to students and families and
provide educational materials
Thank you
 Questions?