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EXPLINATION!!! • Home = cell or battery • School = the light bulb • The stick people = the electrons • Imagine that ‘home’ (the cell or battery) is the house of everybody who goes to school (the light bulb) . They leave for school (the lightbulb) then they come home (back to the battery or cell) again. This is how a series circuit works. EXPLINATION 2!!!! • In a series circuit there is still the same amount of voltage passing through the circuit but the bulbs are not as bright as more energy is being used to light both of them. The same amount is being used on each one though. • As many bulbs as you like can be placed in a parallel circuit but the more bulbs added the dimmer it will become!!! • Voltage is energy of each electron that is carried round the circuit!!! • The current is the flow of electricity going around the circuit! • Resistance is the force against the flow of the current