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Basic Principles of Electricity
Jennifer L. Doherty-Restrepo, MS, LAT, ATC
FIU Entry-Level ATEP
PET 4995: Therapeutic Modalities
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electrical Stimulating Currents
Commercial Radio and Television
Shortwave Diathermy
Microwave Diathermy
Visible Light
Ionizing Radiation
 Particles of matter possessing a ________
charge and a small ________
 Net movement of electrons is an ________
 Electrons will move from ________ to
________ energy levels
• Establishes an electrical ________
Electrical Potential Difference
 Difference in ________ of electrons
between two points
 Electrons will not move unless a ________
difference exists
 Unit of measure which indicates _____ at
which electrons flow
• 1 _____ = movement of 1 coulomb or 6.25x1018
electrons /sec
 Current flow is typically described as:
• ________ (1/1000 of an amp), or
• ________ (1/1,000,000 or an amp)
 Creates the electrical potential ________
 The __________ ________ which must
be applied to create flow of electrons
 Commercial current (wall outlets) is either
________ or ________
 Materials that permit ______ movement of
 Composed of large numbers of ________
 Offer ________ resistance to current flow
 Good conductors:
• Metals (copper, gold, silver, aluminum)
• Electrolyte solutions
 Materials that ______ the flow of electrons
 Contain ________ free electrons
 Insulator materials:
• Air,
• Wood, and
• Glass
Resistance = Electrical Impedance
 ________ to flow of electrical current
 Measured in ________
• Unit of measure indicating resistance to
current flow
 Ohm’s law: current flow is ________
proportional to ________ and ________
proportional to ________
• Current flow =
 Measure of electrical ________
 Electrical ______ is the product of ______
(electromotive force) and the amount of
current flowing
• Watts = volts X amps
 Indicates the ________ at which electrical
power is being used
Electrotherapeutic Currents
 3 types of currents capable of producing
specific physiological effects
• ________
• ________
• ________
 Therapeutic effects of will be discussed in
Chapter 8
Direct Current (DC)
Uniterrupted, uniderectional flow of electrons in
the ________ direction
 Also called ________ currents
 Sometimes called ________ currents
Alternating Current (AC)
Continuous flow of electrons changes direction
• Always flows from ________ to ________ pole until
polarity is reversed
Also called ________ currents
Pulsitile (Polyphasic) Currents
________ electrical current that contains __ or
more grouped phases in a single pulse
 Also called ________ and ________ currents
Electrical Generators
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators
• Stimulates ________ ________
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulator (NMES) =
Electrical Muscle Stimulator (EMS)
• Stimulates ________
Microcurrent Electrical Nerve Stimulators (MENS) =
Low Intensity Stimulators (LIS)
• Assists the ________ ________
All Are Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulators!
Electrotherapeutic Currents
 No relationship between type of current
used to power the generator and the type of
current transmitted to patient
 Generators may be powered by AC or DC
• Batteries = DC between 1.5 - 9 V
• Wall outlet = AC at 120 or 220V at 60 Hz
Waveform or Pulse
Pulse = ________
 Phases (duration)
 Interpulse interval
 Direction (polarity)
 Amplitude
 Rate of ________
 Rate of ________
• Accommodation
Symmetrical Waveforms
 Square
 Triangular
 Spiked
____ and _____
of each phase is
Symmetrical Waveforms
Twin peaked
triangular waveform
• Found on most high
volt generators
Asymmetric Waveforms
• No longer used
• Effects were similar
to DC pulsed wave
• Sawtooth
• Used to stimulate
denervated muscle
Current Modulation
(A) Continuous
 (B) Interrupted
 (C) Burst
• Packets (envelopes)
• Pulse trains
• Beats
(D) Ramped (Surge)
Pulse Amplitude
Amplitude = current intensity = voltage
 ______ ______ = amount of current flowing per
unit time
• Determined by interpulse interval or current duration
Measured in ________ or ________
Pulse Duration
 Length of ________ current is flowing
 Monophasic current:
• ______ ______ = ______ ______
 Biphasic current:
• Pulse duration is determined by the combined
______ durations
 Polyphasic current:
• The combined pulse duration and interpulse
interval is the ______ ______
Pulse Frequency
 Number of ______ or ______ per second
• Measured as pulses per second (PPS)
 Individual pulse = rise and fall in amplitude
 As frequency ___________, amplitude
________ and ________ more rapidly
Pulse Frequency
Effects the type of muscle contraction
• Pulse rate of less than ___ pps = muscle twitch
• Pulse rate equal to or greater than ___ pps = tetany
Effects the mechanism of pain modulation
Electrical Circuits
Path of current from power source through
various components back to generating source
• ______ ______ : electrons are flowing
• ______ ______ : current flow ceases
Components of electrical circuits
• ______ ______: capable of producing voltage
• _________ _________: along which current travels
• _________ _________: providing resistance to
electrical flow
Series Circuit
Only ______ path for current to take
 Component resistors placed ______ to ______
 Total resistance = sum of resistances
 Total voltage = sum of voltage decreases
Parallel Circuit
Component resistors placed ___ to ___ and the
___ are connected
 Current chooses path with least _________
Series Circuit vs. Parallel Circuit
 Component resistors in a series circuit
have a ____ resistance and _____ current
 Component resistors in a parallel circuit
have a _____ resistance and a _____
current flow
Current Flow Through Biologic
Combination of both series and parallel circuits
 Tissue highest in water and ion content are the
best conductors
• Bood, nerve, muscle, tendon, skin, fat, bone
Physiologic Responses to Electrical
• All electrical currents cause a ____ in tissue
• Electrical currents used to stimulate nerve and muscle
produce _______ thermal effects
• At ______ pole, negatively charged particles cause an
______ reaction
– Protein coagulation and hardening of tissues
• At ______ pole, positively charged particles cause an
______ reaction
– Liquefying protein and softening of tissues
Safety In Using Electrical
Ground Fault Interrupters (GFI)
Constantly compare
amount of electricity
flowing from wall
outlet to whirlpool
turbine with the
amount returning
 GFI will interrupt
current flow in as
little as 1/40 of a
 Terminology
 Ohm’s Law
• Relationship between voltage and resistance
 Different types of current are capable of
producing specific physiologic changes
• Thermal or chemical
 Current modulation