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VRLA Battery Maintenance
and Safety
UTC Region 3 Meeting
October 4, 2012
Battery Lifespan
The IEEE defines “end of useful life” for a UPS battery as being the
point when it can no longer supply 80 percent of its rated capacity in
ampere-hours. When the battery reaches 80 percent of its rated
capacity, the aging process accelerates and the battery should be
Expected life can vary greatly due to environmental conditions,
number and depth of discharge cycles, and adequate maintenance.
The risks of improperly maintained batteries are loss of capacity, fire,
property damage, and personal injury.
Factors that determine a battery’s life span are
Ambient Temperature
Battery Chemistry
Positive Plate Design and Thickness
Preventive Maintenance
Why do batteries fail?
Batteries can fail for a multitude of reasons,
but common reasons are:
High or uneven temperatures
Inaccurate float charge voltage
Loose inter-cell links or connections
Loss of electrolyte due to drying out or
damaged case
Lack of maintenance, aging
How do batteries fail?
Plate separation - Repeated cycling (charging and discharging),
damage during handling and shipping and overcharging
Grid corrosion - Normal aging, operating in an acidic environment
and high temperatures
Internal short circuit - Heat (plates expand causing shorts),
separator failure, handling and shipping, and grid corrosion
External short circuit - Human error (shorting terminals) and leaks
Sulfation of plates - Sitting discharged for an extended period, not
on charge or being undercharged
Excessive gassing - Often due to high temperatures or
Drying out - Excessive gassing, high temperatures or overcharging
What is thermal runaway?
Thermal runaway occurs when the heat generated in a lead-acid cell
exceeds its ability to dissipate that heat, which can lead to an
explosion, especially in sealed cells.
The heat generated in the cell may occur without any warning signs
and may be caused by:
 Overcharging
 Excessive charging
 Internal physical damage
 Internal short circuit
 Hot environment.
Battery temperature should be measured during PM checks.
Handling Batteries
A physical inspection of batteries should be made before handling:
Visible Damage
Metal watches or jewelry should not be worn while handling
Wear safety goggles or other eye protection.
Use of rubber gloves and apron is recommended.
All tools should be adequately insulated to minimize the possibility of
Keep sparks, flames, and smoking materials away from the battery
area and explosive gases.
In the event of contact with electrolyte, flush immediately and
thoroughly with water.
MSDS Sheets
Storing Batteries
Due to the self-discharge characteristics of lead-acid batteries, it is
imperative that they be charged periodically during storage.
To prolong shelf life without charging, store batteries at 10°C (50°F)
or less.
Store batteries in cool, dry, well-ventilated areas with impervious
surfaces and adequate containment in the event of spills.
Keep away from fire, sparks and heat.
Avoid stacking too high
Avoid excessive shock, impact, or dropping batteries
Spills or Leaks
Material safety data sheets (MSDS) should be available on site for
reference if needed.
You should always refer to the MSDS for specific precautionary
Stop the flow of materials, contain/absorb small spills with dry sand,
earth, or vermiculite. Do not use combustible materials.
If possible, carefully neutralize spilled electrolyte with soda ash,
sodium bicarbonate or lime.
Wear acid-resistant clothing, boots, gloves, and face shield.
Do not allow discharge of un-neutralized acid to sewer.
Spill containment systems may or may not be required for VRLA
batteries. (Review local requirements that may apply)
Transporting Batteries
VRLA batteries marked as “non-spillable” are safe and approved for
all transportation methods by DOT for transportation by truck, rail,
ocean and air transportation because they meet the requirements of
49 CFR 173.159 (d).
Per 49 CFR 173.159(e) When transported by highway or rail, electric
storage batteries containing electrolyte or corrosive battery fluid are
not subject to any other requirements of this subchapter, if all of the
following are met:
(1) No other hazardous materials may be transported in the same vehicle;
(2) The batteries must be loaded or braced so as to prevent damage and
short circuits in transit;
(3) Any other material loaded in the same vehicle must be blocked, braced,
or otherwise secured to prevent contact with or damage to the batteries;
(4) The transport vehicle may not carry material shipped by any person
other than the shipper of the batteries.
Disposal of Batteries
Batteries that are replaced can still contain a significant amount of
hazardous waste, including the electrolyte and lead.
You must comply with EPA guidelines for the disposal of all batteries.
Many states require lead-acid batteries be recycled
Large generators have more stringent requirements for battery
disposal guidelines and documentation.
Only approved recyclers should be used to avoid problems with
environmental concerns.
Benefits of preventive maintenance are:
 Increased lifespan
 Greater reliability
 Reduced possibility of failure
Handling of batteries require reasonable precaution
Transportation of batteries is safe if properly prepared.
Proper recycling or disposal of batteries is required.