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Is Carmela Soprano a Feminist
By: Roberto Lozano and Gabriel
Justice and care in moral reasoning
The male voice
The femminine voice
It is said that men and boys use masculine voice in there
moral deliberations because men or the masculine sex
has always been the authoritive one.
¨justice tradition¨ moral means of objectively settling
disputes between individuals when their rights are in
A conception of morality it has been the dominant one.
Justice as a moral reasoning, means to apply abstract
moral rules and arguments to settle moral conflicts
imparcially and universally.
-Women often feel torn between the
responsabilities they have to love
once and to themselves
-When moral conflicts arise, some
women hesitate to solve those
conflicts by (universalizing maxims)
-Kant believed that preserving
¨inalienable human rights¨
-Locke believed that women often
reason that they have the
responsability to respong to there
loved ones.
-people whos love in there moral
reasoning approach morality has
particular and contextual.
Carmela on marriage and morality
Carmela Soprano is a care thinker whos moral reasoning starts very inmature and later on
evolves to become completely mature.
-Carmela useas care ethical reasoning in her moral deliberations, even though she is no feminist
role model.
Carmela on season one and two looked or was guided by the catholic church.
Carmela was misguided by the church because separation is unacceptable.
Carmela’s moral reasoning here mixes justice reasoning with incipient care ethics.
Care ethics means responding to the people about whom one cares(in this case her children).
Carmela understands caring for others as maintaining the marriage even at the cost of once own
Later on her care ethics will soon evolve beyond self sacrifice.
Carmela versus Dr. Krakower, care versus Justice
On the contrary Dr. Krakower is more of a Justice thinker.
• Based on season 3
 Dr. Krakower advices Carmela that leaving Tony is the
best option otherwise she will continue to suffer.
Dr Krakower shows or uses Justice. No matter how cold it
is he never vacillates in taking tough decisions. He is a
justice thinker.
Carmela is a careful person but still is not
mature enough to balance her responsibilities to
care for others with caring for herself.
We see that Carmela contradicts herself by
insisting that her husband is a good man while
she knows that Tony is a bad man so she is
being hypocrite on herself.
Deep in her heart Carmela feels hurt and has a
lot of anger. She knows Tony cheats on her, but
she does not think or has any idea of all the
people he has killed.
 This puts Carmela into a lot of pressure making
her torture herself.
When Carmela moves from resenting Tony's
infidelity to planning to escape him or leaving him
she achieves moral reasoning according to care
Care thinking is more of you give something than I will
give in return while justice is coolly rational by completely
taking the rational decision by not vacillating no matter how
cold it is.
Carmela wants a solution that would respond to the needs
of her loved ones.
Carmela and Feminism: Perfect Together
Carmela uses feminist care reasoning in her moral
Women have developed care ethics in their moral
reasoning under oppressive conditions of being forced
to care for others.
Care ethics is not a good way for a women's liberation
from oppression.
Feminist values are separable from care ethics as a
form of moral reasoning.
Carmela uses care ethics in moral reasoning but not in
a mature way so it is not very useful for her.
Carmela's use of care thinking is a big step forward for
her to become feminist and retain moral reasoning.
Feminist philosophers sometimes worry that care ethics
is not so good because it repeats and codifies existing
Women have developed care ethics in their moral
reasoning under oppressive conditions of being forced
to care for others, so care ethics may not contribute to
women's liberation from patriarchal oppression.
Carmela's Mature care Ethics
• Season 4
On this season Carmela's reason becomes more sophisticated. It is as if she is
completely a different person.
She obtains the courage to balance her responsibilities to others with self-assertion.
At this point Carmela does not rely much in the church as she did before. She is
probably sick of religion because it was not much successful.
Carmela before devoted her life to her children now Carmela is ready to turn attention
towards herself.
Life is short so Carmela wants those changes now.
Carmela has learned to stand up for herself.
The confrontation with Tony begins when Carmela explodes.
Carmela explodes when Tony‘ infidelity reached or invades the boundary of her home.
A boundary that had shielded the family from Tony's other life.
Carmela acknowledges the pain of a marital separation will cause the children, but
also accepts that this pain can no longer be postponed by shouldering all of the hurt
She is finally able to balance her responsibilities to her family without sacrificing her
own needs.
 Carmela is maintaining the integrity of the family by splitting it apart.
Carmela succeed in using mature care ethics to balance reason through her moral