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Fairy Tales
A fairy tale is a story of marvels and
magic, often including stock characters
such as the fairy, the ogre, a Prince
Charming, a persecuted heroine, and the
abandoned baby. It is about the
adventures, fortunes, and misfortunes of
a hero or heroine who ends up living
happily ever after.
Literary Terms
• Archetype
• Allegory
• Imagery
• Theme
• Symbol
• Moral
• Motif
• The word archetype is commonly used
to describe an original pattern or model
from which all other things of the same
kind are made.
Common archetypes
• Child
• Messiah
• Healer
• Midas/Miser
• Hero
• Personal
Great archetype site
• A narrative technique in which
characters representing things or
abstract ideas are used to convey a
message or teach a lesson. Allegory is
typically used to teach moral, ethical,
or religious lessons but is sometimes
used for satiric or political purposes.
• The array of images in a literary work.
Also, figurative language.
• Image: A concrete representation of an
object or sensory experience. Typically,
such a representation helps evoke the
feelings associated with the object or
experience itself.
• The underlying meaning of the story, a
universal truth, a significant statement
the story is making about society,
human nature, or the human condition.
• Something that suggests or stands for
something else without losing its
original identity. In literature, symbols
combine their literal meaning with the
suggestion of an abstract concept.
• The lesson or principle contained in or
taught by a fable, a story, or an event.
• A theme, character type, image,
Metaphor, or other verbal element that
recurs throughout a single work of
literature or occurs in a number of
different works over a period of time.
Common Elements
• repetition of words, phrases, chants
• fortunes & misfortunes of a hero
adventures, often supernatural events
• "once upon a time" & "happily ever
• often set in rural and forest areas
• magic, charms, disguises, spells, tricks
Common Elements
numbers play important roles
stock characters, such as the witch
contains a lesson about life or a moral
• problems are overcome through
bravery, cleverness, and other virtues
Common Elements
• journeys and quests
• animals play important roles, such as
the wolf, the snake, and birds
• good & evil are clearly identified
• abused & persecuted people
• royalty and castles
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