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Ethical Issues
Business Valuations
- CA Avineesh Matta
“Whether men understand it or not, they are
impelled by that power behind to become
unselfish. That is the foundation of morality. It
is quintessence of all ethics, preached in any
language or any religion, or by any prophet in
the world. “Be thou unselfish”, “Not “I”, but
“Thou” – that is the background of ethical
- Swami Vivekananda
Crucially important that our thoughts and actions be
governed by ethical values and habits.
Basis of ethics is to become more and more self
Knowledge of the importance of virtue does not deter
people from moving to the evil side of things. This is
the inscrutable illusion covering the consciousness
of man, says the Vedanta.
Ethics and Success
Value centered perfection, and not ‘material success’
as the ultimate goal of every human being.
Unnatural use of one’s capacities in pursuit of wealth
for its own sake.
Success achieved without minding the prohibitions of
moral law brings grief in the wake of achievement.
– Saint Tiruvalluvar
Try not to become a man of success but rather
try to become a man of value.
Albert Einstein 1879-1955
Ethics in businesses and professions
Productive enterprises have an implied
contract with society
Stockholders to stakeholders
Gandhi on Entrepreneurial Ethics
Truthfulness in conduct of business is reflective of
image of the Nation.
Seven Social Sins:
Politics without Principles
Wealth without Work
Commerce without Morality
Knowledge without Character
Pleasure without Conscience
Science without Humanity
Worship without Sacrifice
Wealth without Work and Commerce
without Morality
Inspired by Ruskin’s on idea of bread-labour.
Concept of Trusteeship in Business
Everything finally belongs to the Society
Trusteeship provides a means of
transforming the present capitalist order of
society into an egalitarian one
Need for Ethics
Social Contract
Guidance to operate business, professions
Business Ethics is the set of principles or
reasons to govern the conduct of business –
at individual or collective level by the
application of ‘ethical reasoning’ to specific
business situations and activities
Being Ethical
Awareness of
Need to comply with rules, laws of the land,
customs and expectations of the society, the
principles of morality, policies of organization or
institution, general concerns for others and
How the products and services of an organization
or institution and the actions of its members, can
affect its employees, the community and society
as a whole, either positively or negatively.
Morals and Ethics
Ethics derived from Greek ‘Ethos’, means
Root word for Moral is Latin ‘mos’, meaning
Character as to individual v. customs as to
group over time
People have character; Societies have
Ethical Dilemmas
Many issues seems straight forward and
easy to resolve but are not always true
Making choices amongst alternatives
Questions between right and wrong
Conflict between right and right
Benefits of Ethics
Improved society
Maintain moral course in turbulent times
Cultivate strong team work and productivity
Supports employee growth
Ensuring policies are legal
Avoiding criminal acts of omission and lowering fines
Managing values of quality, strategic planning and
Strong public image
Business Valuation - Stakeholders
Third party Users placing reliance
Society at large
Appraisal Practice
ASA defines the term as it applies to the following
four operations, singly or in combination
Determination of the value of property
Forecasting the earning power of property
Estimation of Cost of Production of a new property,
Replacement of existing property by purchase or production
of equivalent property, Reproduction of an existing property
Determination of non-monetary benefits or characteristics
that contribute to value
Ethics in Business Valuation
Judgmental Call
Public confidence
Fiduciary relationship – Appraiser and those
rely on his findings
Ethics - Canadian Institute of Business Valuators
Preamble –
Assumption of highest level of responsibility for
maintaining the regards for profession, other
professionals and public
Commitment to a high standard of behaviour,
honesty, prudence, competence, truthfulness and
Institute and the public will refer to the Code of
Ethics as a benchmark in the measurement of a
member’s Professional Behaviour
Ethics - Institute of Business Appraisers
Member assumes an obligation beyond any imposed by law
Member shall be responsible for all analysis tools used
including software
Data non disclosure and confidentiality
Fee, false or misleading advertising
Not to commit an act discreditable to the profession
Plagiarism an unethical practice, acknowledge source
American Society of Appraisers
Principles of Appraisal Practice
Primary duties, responsibilities and Obligations
Code of Ethics
Ethics – American Society of Appraisers
Appraisers Primary Duty, Obligations and
Determine and describe the Apposite kind of Value or
Estimated Cost in terms of engagement
Determine Numerical Results with high degree of Accuracy
in terms of appraisal objectives
Avoid giving false numerical figures
Attain Competency and to practice ethically
Professional Character of Appraisal Practice
Responsibility to third parties
Appraiser’s Obligations to His Client
Reach to accurate conclusions without clients wishes
Confidential Character of an Appraisal Engagement
Give Competent Service
Relating to Giving Testimony – not to suppress or over
To Document the Appraisal Testimony
Serving more than one Client in the same matter
Agreements and Contracts for Appraisal Services
Appraiser’s obligations to other Appraisers
and to the Society
Protection of Professional Reputation of other
Relative to the Society's Disciplinary Actions
Obligation to report any violation of byelaws, code, etc.
by any other member to the Society
Cooperate with Society and its Officers in proceedings
Appraisal Methods and Practices
Various kinds of Value
Selection of Appraisal Method
Fractional Appraisals
Contingent and Limiting conditions affecting an Appraisal
Hypothetical Appraisals – only for legitimate purpose
Denial of pertinent Data
Range of Value
Value or Estimated Costs under varied Hypotheses
Inspection, Investigation, Analysis of Subject Property
Collaboration and Use of other professional’s services
Unethical and Unprofessional Appraisal Practices
Contingent Fee
Percentage Fee
Disinterested Appraisals
Responsibility connected with Signatures on Report
Unconsidered Opinions and Preliminary Reports
Advertising and Solicitation
Misuse of Membership Designation
Disciplinary Action - causes
Appraisal Reports
Description of subject property
Statement of Objectives of Appraisal Work
Statement to Contingent and Limiting Conditions
Explanation of Appraisal Method Used
Statement of Appraiser's Disinterestedness
Communicate each Analysis, Opinion and Conclusion – not
Recertification Statement
Signatures and Dissenting Opinions
Ethics – Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India
Similar basic premise
Fundamental Principles
Quality of Services
Professional Competence and Due Care
Professional Behaviour
Technical Standards
Need to take view in harmony with current regulatory framework of
conduct as a member
Ethics – What to do?
Comply with Indian Valuation Standards
when in place, in transition rely on
International Standards
Subrogate in user’s shoe
Listen to conscience
Be a man Superior
The mind of the superior man is conversant
with righteousness; the mind of the mean
man is conversant with gain.
- Confucius 551 B.C. - 479 B.C.
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