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2.4 Biomes
Assessment Statements
 2.4.1 Define the term biome
 2.4.2 Explain the distribution, structure, and relative
productivity of tropical rainforests, deserts, tundra,
and any other biome
2.4.1 Define the term biome
 A collection of
ecosystems sharing
similar climatic
2.4.2 Explain the distribution, structure, and relative productivity
of tropical rainforests, deserts, tundra, and any other biome
 Tropical Rainforest
 Temperature: 26 C
 Rainfall: Over 2500 mm/yr
 Insolation (Light Level):
 Distribution: Between the
tropics of cancer and
 Structure: Highly stratified
(Emergent, Canopy,
Understory, Immature,
and Herb layers)
 Productivity: High
2.4.2 Explain the distribution, structure, and relative productivity
of tropical rainforests, deserts, tundra, and any other biome
 Desert
 Temperature: 45 C
 Rainfall: Under 250 mm/yr
 Insolation (Light Level):
 Distribution: 30 o N and S
 Structure: Little
vegetation, organisms
highly adapted to low
water and fluctuating
 Productivity: Very low
2.4.2 Explain the distribution, structure, and relative productivity
of tropical rainforests, deserts, tundra, and any other biome
 Tundra
 Temperature: Low down to
-50 C
Rainfall: Low
Insolation (Light Level): Low
Distribution: High Latitudes
Structure: Plants with
leathery leaves or
underground storage organs,
larger animals with fur
Productivity: Low
2.4.2 Explain the distribution, structure, and relative productivity
of tropical rainforests, deserts, tundra, and any other biome
 Temperate forest
 Temperature: cold winters,
hot summers
Rainfall: 500-1500 mm/yr
Insolation (Light Level):
varies through year
Distribution: 40 to 60 o N
Structure: Dominated by one
species of tree (evergreen or
deciduous) bigger shrub layer
due to less dense canopy
Productivity: Relatively high
2.4.2 Explain the distribution, structure, and relative productivity
of tropical rainforests, deserts, tundra, and any other biome
 Grasslands
 Temperature: cold winters, hot
summers, fluctuate wildly if
removed from the sea
Rainfall: 250-500 mm/yr
Insolation (Light Level): varies
through year
Distribution: Almost every
continent 16% of the earth’s
Structure: Diverse grasses, with
a mat of slowly decomposing
Productivity: Relatively low