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Section 6
Dendrology: The Scientific
Study of Trees
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Chapter 19
Classification and
Anatomy of Trees
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Chapter Highlights
 List North American tree groups by leaf
 Distinction between anatomy and physiology
 Basic structures of plant cell
 Description of tissue systems of tree
 External parts of tree leaf
 Significance of xylem tissue
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Chapter Highlights (Continued)
 Angiosperm versus gymnosperm seed
 Importance of meristem tissue
 Basic structure of tree root
 Basic parts of flower
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 The scientific study of trees is known as
 Anatomy: study that examines structure of an
 Arrangement and relationship of organs/parts to other
 Physiology: the branch of biology that deals with
the life functions and processes of living
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Tissue Systems of Tree
 Tissue systems perform specialized functions
 Ground tissue system: much of material in plant
leaves, roots, stems, fruit
 Vascular tissue system: moves nutrients
 Dermal tissue system: protects against loss of
 Meristem tissue: rapidly dividing, causes plants to
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Tissue Systems of Tree
 Organ: several tissues that function as single
 Vegetative organs
 Reproductive organs
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Ground Tissue
 The ground tissue system makes up much of
the material in plant leaves, roots, stems, and
 Ground tissue consists of specialized cells:
 Parenchyma: thin loosely packed cells form
spongy tissues with air spaces in-between the cells
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Ground Tissue (Continued)
 Collenchyma: Thick cell walls that add strength to
plant stems and stalks
 Sclerenchyma: strengthens tissues by adding
fibers; some barks, nuts and seed shells are
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Vascular Tissue
 Xylem: water-conducting woody tissue
carrying nutrients from roots to stems to leaves
 Important components of xylem:
 Tracheids and vessel elements, once dead and
 End-to-end vessels: more efficient than tracheids
 Vessel element: A hollow tube where nutrients pass
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Vascular Tissue (Continued)
 Phloem: vascular tissue consisting of sieve
elements and tubes
 Sugars flow from high concentration to low
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Plant Tissues
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Dermal Tissue System
 Dermal tissues protect plants from loss of
fluids and keep harmful microorganisms out of
the cells
 Epidermis: protective outer layer of cells of leaves,
stems, flowers, seeds, and roots
 Cuticle: The waxy material covering plants
 Cork: Specialized cells in woody stems and roots
contain a waxy substance that prevent water loss
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Dermal Tissue (Continued)
 Meristem: rapidly dividing mass of cells that
causes plants to grow
 Apical meristems: at ends of branches, twigs, roots
 Cambium layer: between phloem and xylem layers
of roots and stems
 Cell division increases diameter of stem or root
 Forms vascular rays that transport materials across
woody section of stem
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External Parts of Tree Leaf
 Petiole: point of attachment to tree
 Vascular tissues for transporting nutrients to leaf
 Blade
Midrib: gives shape, distributes nutrients
Spines: function like midrib
Veins: distribute material to and from leaf cells
Margin: useful for tree identification
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Taproots and Fibrous Roots
 Trees have either a taproot system or a fibrous
root system
 A taproot system has a primary root that grows
much larger and deeper than the other roots
 A fibrous root system does not have a large
dominant root
 Primary root branches out just below the soil
surface and the main roots are near the same size
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Taproots and Fibrous Roots
 Many trees have taproots during the seedling
stage, but in some species, the taproot gives
way to a fibrous root system as the tree
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Root Systems
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Anatomy of Tree Root
 Plant roots: specialized organs that anchor
trees in soil and transport nutrients and water
into plant
 Root cap: specialized cells at root tip that
protect root tissue
 Region of elongation: new cells deposited,
accounts for primary lengthwise growth
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Anatomy of Tree Root
 Mature root cells develop primary specialized
 Mycorrhizae fungi that attach to a plant’s
roots, dissolve nutrients making it available to
the plant
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Primary Root Tissues
 Epidermis: protects root, absorbs water and
nutrients, includes root hairs
 Cortex: loosely arranged parenchyma cells in
interior of root in which sugars and starches
are stored
 Vascular cylinder: outer layer, pericycle,
extends primary root tissue
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Secondary Root Tissues
 Secondary tissues develop from meristem
tissue, or vascular cambium, and provide
secondary growth
 Secondary xylem and secondary phloem add
 Cork tissue, produced from cork cambium,
replaces sloughed epidermis
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Basic Parts of Flower
 Female flower parts constitute pistil
 Stigma: pollen receptor
 Ovary: produces egg cell; seed forms in ovule
 Style: connects stigma to ovary
 Male flower parts compose stamen
 Anther: pollen grains develop here
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Basic Parts of Flower
 Filament: connects anther to receptacle or base of
 Petals: color attracts pollinators
 Sepals: leaflike, protects flower
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Anatomy of a Flower
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Tree Types
 Gymnosperms bear seeds in cones
 Pines, spruces, cedars
 Slow movement of dissolved plant materials
through tracheid cells
 Angiosperms produce seeds inside ovary, or
 Plant materials transported rapidly through
tracheid and vessel elements
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Leaf-Structure Tree Identification
 Scale-leaf
 Leaves like
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Leaf-Structure Tree Identification
 Untoothed
simple leaves
 Single blade,
smooth margin
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Leaf-Structure Tree Identification
 Needle-leaf
 Leaves narrow
and long
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Leaf-Structure Tree Identification
 Toothed Simple
 Single lobe with a
serrated leaf
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Lobed Simple
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Compound Leaves
 A compound leaf has two or more leaf blades
coming from a common point of attachment on
the branch or twig
 There are three varieties of compound leaves
 Pinnately
 Bipinnately
 Palmately
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