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Biomes of
Unit 1
EQ: What are the 6 major biomes on the Earth?
To understand a world biome, you need to know:
• What the climate of the region is like including temperature &
precipitation patterns.
• Where each biome is found and what its geography is like.
• The types of plants found in the biome.
• The types of animals found in the biome.
Biome Defined
• Biomes are regions in the world that share
similar plant structures, plant spacing, animals,
climate and weather.
• Biomes are classified as either terrestrial or
aquatic. Terrestrial comes from the Latin word,
terrestris, from terra the earth.
• little precipitation & very windy. Permafrost – frozen soil
• mostly northern hemisphere
• few trees, has mosses, grasses, shrubs
• extremely cold (winter = low as -50 °F, summer = high as 45 °F)
• caribou, Arctic hares, insect-eating birds, wolves, foxes, bears and
Confierous Forest
 Coniferous trees (cones & needles), firs, spruce, hemlock
 Very cold, lots of snow. Summers are rainy and warm enough to melt
the snow.
 Temps range from 11 °F in winter to 75 °F in summer
 Seed eating animals – squirrels, insects, birds (finches & chickadees)
 Herbivores – hares, moose, beavers
 Carnivores – wolves, bears, lynxes
 Temperature: cold nights and very hot days
 Less than 25 centimeters of rain per year
 Plants include: Cactus, Prickly Pears, and Brittle Bush
 Animals include: insects, arachnids, reptiles, and birds, and Horned
 tropical grasslands found in a wide band on either side of the equator
on the edges of tropical rainforests
 a very long dry season (winter), and a very wet season (summer)
 68° to 86° F
 120 centimeters of rain each year
 Herbivores - Elephant, bison, antelopes, zebras, rhinoceros, giraffes,
 Plants include shrubs and small trees, grasses
Tropical rainforest
Tropical rainforest
Tropical rainforest
 325 to 1650 centimeters (50 – 260 inches) of rain per year
 rarely gets higher than 93 °F or drops below 68 °F
 Almost all rain forests lie near the equator
 Bengal Bamboo, Bougainvillea, Curare, Coconut Tree, Durian, Jambu
 Africa Forest Elephant, Bengal Tiger, Chimpanzee, Common Palm Civet
or Musang, Dawn Bat, Golden Lion Tamarin, Harpy Eagle
 More than half of all the world's plant and animal species live in tropical
rain forests. Tropical rainforests produce 40% of Earth's oxygen
Temperate forest
Temperate forest
Deciduous (Temperate)
 Located in the northwestern coast of the United States
 Receives more than 300 centimeters of rain a year
 Huge trees including cedars, redwoods, and Douglas firs
 Animals include mule deer, bald eagle, fox, black bear
 Moderate temperatures – average 75 °F (24 °C)
 Found all around the world
 Altitude of about 10,000 feet or more
 Series of biomes as you go up.
Base = grasslands Midway = forest
Top = Tundra
 Summer temperature range between 10 °F to 50 °F
 Plants include: grasses, dwarf trees, small-leafed shrubs
 Animals include: mountain goats, sheep, elk, beetles, grasshoppers
 Winter low are cold, summers can get hot
 two seasons: growing season and dormant season
 25 to 75 centimeters of rain each year
 Buffalo Grass, Sunflower, Crazy Weed, Asters, Blazing Stars,
 Coyotes, Eagles, Bobcats, the Gray Wolf, Wild Turkey, Fly Catcher,
Canadian Geese, Crickets
Aquatic Biomes
of Earth
Unit 1
EQ: What are the 3 major aquatic biomes on the
 Streams & Rivers:
 Streams - Animals are adapted to strong currents (insects & small animals have hooks or suckers
to cling to rocks). Trout live here but few plants & algae so leaves and seeds provide food.
 Rivers – Cloudy with soil, Plants take root, frogs, fish.
 Ponds & Lakes:
 Standing or still fresh water. Lakes are larger & deeper than ponds.
 Ponds – plants can grow, catfish
 Lakes – plants & algae float, dragonflies, turtles, snails, frogs, fish
 Found where the fresh water of a river meets the salt water of the
ocean, calm waters
 Algae, marsh grasses
 Crabs, worms, clams, and fish
 Intertidal Zone - Neritic Zone - Open Ocean
 All marine ecosystems are based on saltwater
 Intertidal Zone: shoreline, animals (barnacles, sea stars, clams, & crabs)
 Neritic Zone: photosynthesis can occur. Rich in living things, large schools of
fish (sardines), algae, coral reefs
 Oceanic Zone: surface zone w/algae & Deep zone w/giant squids
 Benthic Zone: ocean floor, organisms include bacteria, works, sea urchins