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Chapter #10
What is Tillage?
the practice of keeping the soil mellow
(soft) and free from weeds mechanically
 can be seedbed preparation or
postemergence cultivation
What are the purposes of
1) develop soil tilth (physical condition
of the soil)
 2) kill weeds
 3) manage crop residue
What is a seedbed?
place where seeds germinate & nourish
young plants
 must be firm to allow seed to come in
contact with soil particles to absorb
 must be pourous to allow air to move,
root development, water movement
 water will not easily penetrate hard soil
to get to roots
Seedbed Characteristics
if soil is too loose, rain will wash away
young plants
 some soils have excess water
 oxygen is needed by roots
 air and water conduct heat more rapidly
than soil, looser soils warm up sooner
 plant residue on surface insulates,
warms up slower, also provides buffer
against wind
What is Soil Tilth?
The physical condition of the soil
 fitness for cultivation
How is good soil tilth
till at proper time to maintain proper
 too wet during tillage makes soil lumpy,
too dry during tillage makes soil too fine
and likely to blow
 over tillage will destroy soil structure
and lead to soil compaction
What is the definition of a
a plant that grows out of place
 -tillage can cut roots or bury weeds
Is crop residue a benefit or
definitely a benefit
 helps control erosion, retain water,
improve tilth
What is primary tillage?
the first tillage operation of a season
 loosen soil to permit air and water to
 dark soils absorb light, warm up quicker
 residue insulates, warms slower
 in wet areas soil is plowed
 in dry areas leave residue
What are the types of tillage
• Moldboard Plow: inverts soil, turns
residue under soil surface
Disk Plow
rolling disks, similar to moldboard plow,
better in sticky soils
One-Way Disk Plow
for dry soils, leaves more residue on soil
surface than moldboard and disk plow
What is summerfallow?
tilling uncropped land in summer
 primary tillage is deepest, rest shallower
 leave residue
Chisel Plow
does not invert soil, uses chisels or
sweeps that shatter the soil
 leaves residue on surface
What is Hardpan?
compacted soil layer below the soil
 created by continuous tillage at the
same depth
How can hardpan be
use a subsoiler
Disk Harrow
similar to disk plow except smaller
discs, tandem. cuts residue, but leaves
on surface
What is secondary tillage?
all tillage operations after primary
 till at shallower depth
Spike-Tooth Harrow
steel spikes that break soil crust, uproot
small weeds
Rod Weeder
rod turns as it is pulled beneath the soil
 rod turns opposite direction as wheels,
lifts weeds and coarse material to
 packs seedbed
Rotary Hoe
hoe wheels on long shaft dig into soil
 usually mounted on tractor for row crops
What is minimum tillage?
delay primary tillage until seeding
What are the benefits of
minimum tillage?
1) soil surface is left covered residue
(conserve moisture)
2) redidue protects soil from erosion
3) reduced costs (fewer operations)
4) soil tilth improved (less compaction)
 -Weeds are controlled with chemicals
What is stripcropping?
alternating summerfallow and cropped
What is contour tillage?
strip cropping so that fields are all at the
same elevation (along hills)
 slows water runoff
What is Terracing?
earth structure built across the slope to
hold water